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automation engineer salary in germany

automation engineer salary in germany - win

Trying to understand salaries for US engineers compared to Europe.

I often read, throughout this sub, how well paid US engineers are - and how they would take "huge paycuts" if they had to work for the poor wages e.g. german engineers get.
The thing is - the engineers I know make significantly above average money in Germany and are financially well off. Not rich in a "throw money around" kind of way, but can easily afford housing, a family and still put something aside every month.
Are American engineers all incredible rich? Or is the comparison skewed as they have a higher cost of living?
I won't state my numbers, but will provide a general example:
3 to 5 yr experience, Master, mechanical or electrical engineer, e.g. in automation, automotive, chip development, project work, ...
Married, a few kids.
Makes 70 to 90k EUR a year. So maybe 6500/month. After tax, health insurance, pension, unemployment insurance approx 4000+ / month is left.
Sick leave and 30 days paid holiday leave included. Workload 35 to 39h/week, overtime usually paid for.
You get money from the government for each child, that usually covers childcare.
1500 go into a nice house in the suburbs. 500 easily feed the family. So there is 2000 eur left for whatever one wants to spend his/her money on. (For another 500 you have car, phones and other monthly expenses covered as well)
This is how an engineer can afford a single income family. Add another income and the family is what I would call "very well off".
So how is this different in the US? Do American engineers really have more money left at the end of the month? Is the difference between "after tax" salaries gone once you factor in all the additional expenses?
It would be great if both American and other European engineers could provide some info and discuss - so we can shine some light on the subject and figure out if there really is such a big difference.
Please focus the discussion on understanding the topic, not on "which system is better". Thanks!
submitted by sonstso to AskEngineers [link] [comments]

[EVENT] Technologische Revolution: the Economic System of Socialism (ESS)

Comrade Walter Ulbricht, head of the state council of the GDR and first secretary of the SED, is in a difficult position after the many transformations that the country has undergone in the last decade. Its NES policy (New Economic System), which led to the end of central planning and the implementation of technocratic and capitalist elements in the economy, did not give the desired results and was deemed a failure by the whole party. Ulbricht's power falters, and in the hope of saving it, at the first annual scientific conference of the SED, he launched a new policy: the ESS, the economic system of socialism. This new system reintroduces state planning in the key sectors established by the State planning commission: chemicals (petrochemicals and artificial fibers), engineering (machine tools and plant construction), and electronics (data processing equipment, automation technologies, computers, experimental technologies).
Ulbricht has not abandoned the intention of equaling West Germany, but since the attempt with the NES had failed, Ulbricht changed its strategy. The basis of the new economic policy is the motto "overtaking without catching up”, that is the belief that the economy of East Germany, unable to reach the West in its entirety, must focus on highly innovative sectors such as electronics and chemistry, in order to develop a technology superior to the capitalist counterpart.
In the ESS, central planning will be re-established for the pivotal sectors of the new economic program, namely the technology sectors, with extensive state intervention in industries and scientific institutions. The resolution on the ESS, approved by the Council of Ministers, provides for a 30% increase in investments in the sectors listed above, a 20% increase in salaries for engineers, technicians and scientists, and 10% for workers, and subsidies on prices and resources, but also requires an increase of 5.9% in productivity indices and innovation.
In order to initiate a technical-scientific revolution in the GDR, it is necessary that science pervades the whole of society. This is why the state has decided to favor the spread of scientific culture in every stratum of the population. In schools, universities, cultural centers, new emphasis will be given to science and technology, progress and rationality. For this purpose, the KB, alias the Kulturbund der DDR (National Cultural Association), the Gesellschaft zur Verbreitung wissenschaftlicher Kenntnisse (Society for the dissemination of scientific knowledge), and the Berlin Academy of Sciences will play an extremely important role, working under the control of the Fortschrittskommission (Commission for Progress). To these valuable institutions, a fourth will be added, the Auswahlzentrum (Selection Center), abbreviated to AZ, dedicated to the discovery, selection and enhancement of the most brilliant minds in the country. Once the right person has been identified, AZ will take charge of his further education, providing all kinds of assistance so that the promising individual, once proven deserving, can be integrated into scientific institutions and technological research companies.
The selection center will be divided into three divisions:
• Division A, Kindheitsteilung: will be responsible for conducting periodic research in elementary schools, to select the smartest and most promising children in the technical field and take care of their education using methods and tools more advanced than in school. It will therefore be a long-term investment.
• Division B, Medienabteilung: will take care of selecting adolescents and young people of an age group between 12 and 25 years.
• Division C, Blitzabteilung: will cover all subjects aged 26 and over.
The first secretary Ulbricht then announced that the German scientific revolution, in the context of the ESS, is only at the beginning, and that the state council is working, in concert with the economic planning bodies and analysts, on the new decrees to carry out the reform of the ESS.
submitted by Kirk_Blanchard to ColdWarPowers [link] [comments]

Slavery is a lot more complex than authors realize (Star Wars, Fallout New Vegas, Oregon Series)

Slavery is usually used as an easy way to designate a group as ‘evil’ because, well, it is. So, I’m not going to touch that here. What I’m going to do is a deep dive into why that treatment is incomplete and often counterproductive. The issue is that slavery is a system of labor, rather than just being a moral choice, and, consequently, can be analyzed as such. When an author creates a system that depends on slave labor to function, there are certain implicit arguments they are making for that system to be successful, or else it flat out reduces production.
In Star Wars, slavery is fairly common on the Outer Rim, with Anakin Skywalker being the most notable example. At the same time, there are inexpensive droids that function at a near human level, and can operate for extended periods without running low on power.
In Fallout New Vegas, Caesar’s Legion uses slaves extensively, both for medical treatment, as brute laborers, and for agriculture. This is common to the point that Caesar requests to buy a character named Arcade Gannon as his personal doctor from the Courier.
Clive Clussler’s Dark Watch is about a group of mercenaries trying to back track a slavery ring that is moving vast numbers of Chinese would-be illegal immigrants to a desolate coast in Northern Russia in order to force them to mine gold.
In economics, there’s an idea that boils down to “humans are not horses.”1 There is economic value to a human beyond the ability to pull a heavy load, and humans are pretty much endlessly adaptable. We participate in the economy, we make decisions, we can learn and be trained to do things that robots and computers can’t (and probably won’t for the near to medium term. And if they can, then human slavery becomes even more pointless). What this means is that by making someone a slave, you’re taking an individual who can produce, on average, in the US, $50,000 worth of output, and making them into a manual laborer that can produce a fraction of the amount a $5000 engine can. This is reflected in the jobs where slavery is an issue. We don’t see it in commercial copper mines, we see it in service based jobs that have negative connotations or illegal services (like massage parlors), in some farm jobs where machinery can’t easily handle the plant in question, in places that need a minimum level of skill or ability, but the risk of disaster isn’t that high and productive output is limited beyond simply the physical work. Because physical work is done much better by machines.
The risk of disaster is a major point, because ordering someone to do something or die tends to breed some negative feelings towards the boss. For example, Nazi Germany suffered from a huge number of dud shells as their slave labor force intentionally risked death to weaken their war effort.2 You can’t treat a slave as a slave when they’re in a job that is technically demanding, intellectually difficult, or requires skilled labor, because it takes someone else who is equally technical, intellectual, or skilled to check the work and ensure that there isn’t a timebomb waiting to go off. A slave in that position needs to be trusted, like any worker in a similar position, to at least not actively sabotage their job.
Which is where the use of slaves tends to break down.
The primary issue is that slavery basically depends on humans, or other sapient beings, being most valuable as a source of work, in the physics definition of the term. Basically, given the choice between an internal combustion engine, and a human, a slaver must explicitly choose the human. And give up many times their economic contribution as a slave in production.
Given that slavery is usually used, in media, in war-like societies that are trying to maximize production by working people to death, this is a very interesting decision. Is the 50 year old accountant going to be able to haul much iron ore? Probably not. Can they work through the numbers and find a military commander embezzling funds? Absolutely. Or, if foreigners aren’t trusted to do that, can you leverage a company to retool and produce consumer widgets, opening your own trusted factories to retool towards the military, co-opting your enemy’s strength? Definitely.
Anyone who views a larger labor force as a liability in war completely misunderstands the value of a human life and the output of the human mind and hand.
Fallout New Vegas allows the player character to sell Arcade Gannon into slavery as Caesar’s personal doctor. But Arcade Gannon is morally and ideologically opposed to Caesar, which makes that choice frankly insane.
There were well educated slaves in Rome, which this is probably a reference to, but slavery in that form was somewhat limited compared to how we view slavery today. Learned Greeks were extremely prized, to the point that they would sell themselves into slavery for the money and for the chance to become a Roman citizen once freed, and were given what were effectively wages for their work. The implicit protections on a well educated slave, and the cost of an educated slave, made them valuable and difficult to waste.3 The way that Arcade Gannon is sold to Caesar is much more in line with, well, slavery, or at least what we would consider slavery.
Forced labor at the hand of another without any real expectation of freedom or citizenry at the end. Moreover, due to his ideological commitments, Caesar was giving someone with ample reason to hate him the means to kill him. Caesar’s implicitly hoping to god that Arcade doesn’t know a slow poison or the existence of lead and a delivery mechanism, since the slow deterioration would make it hard to point to Arcade, as you’d need a medical expert on his level to be able to prove it was intentional. Which Caesar explicitly doesn’t have.
More generally, the slaves generally shown are used as pack mules, which makes sense from a resource perspective, if actual pack mules are that rare, but the attempt to expand the slavery system to cover doctors and other experts is unrealistic and would be extremely damaging to Caesar’s war effort. Attempting to use slaves in line with how they’re referenced in classical works isn’t feasible except when it’s voluntary. Which doesn’t really meet the modern definition and image of slavery.
Similarly, slavery only makes sense when human physical work output is the main limitation on production. This can be seen in Clive Clussler’s Gold Coast, where Chinese would-be illegal immigrants are forced to mine gold under slave labor conditions. Now, mining is one of the more common uses of slave labor in developing regions.4 The works is difficult, dirty, dangerous, and doesn’t always pay well, so slavery can be the only way to get people to work the mines. The issue is that those mines are small, poorly run, and their output is comparatively minuscule. Modern commercial mines produce massively more, due to the sheer quantity of rock they can move through machinery, even with environmental protections and regulations. Gold Coast attempts to combine the two, slave labor input with commercial mining output. Multiple small cruise ships are used to house the slaves, there are standing pools of mercury left over from the intentionally unsafe separation plants, and the slaves are worked to death to move the rock and run the separation plant. The problem is that human labor is slow, weak, and fragile, especially compared to today’s industrial scales. Even if the slave driver has thousands of slaves, a large dump truck will easily beat them on rock moved.
The value of human labor is in operating the machines, which Gold Coast touches on, by pointing to the on-site separation plants being the most expensive part of the operation, but the issue there is, once again, the misuse of slaves. Operating an industrial scale separation plant is involved, complex, difficult, and wouldn’t be left to an uneducated slave, which means that some training and trust is necessary. And the slave has every reason to try to destroy it, especially if they’re being forced to work with mercury on a continuous basis. They’re knowingly dead men walking, and threatening to kill someone if they don’t work is not as effective against someone condemned to die. The entire process is designed with an eye towards being as awful as possible, rather than being efficient, which tends to be the most common thread in depicting modern slavery, rather than accuracy.
This type of approach becomes even less reasonable as society becomes more advanced. Star Wars is somewhat notable here, since they explicitly have droids and robots that can work on a human level. They may be portrayed as relatively bumbling, but they’re able to make decisions and act independently, with a long lasting power source, and ownership is explicit and common. Why have slavery at all, when those exist? And slavery isn’t just for domestic servants, or for the Hutt or similar to show off how rich and powerful they are. A random junk trader can own two of them, despite any value derived being entirely dependent on a relatively high level of education. It takes months or years of training, trust that the slave will obey and not undermine their master, and there are much stronger, faster, better alternatives. Why even have slaves in that instance? Other than because of social norms that require living slaves, similar to the mid 19th century definition of middle class requiring human servants5 , slavery in the Star Wars universe is unnecessary to say the least.
So, which universes actually do slavery logically?
I think the most reasonable use is in the Codex Alera series, which has three major facets in favor.
  1. Low technology level, meaning that human muscle power is all that can really be used.
  2. Humans are massively boosted in that world, with significant strength gain from the in universe magic. They can be stronger, ignore pain, heal faster, and a multitude of things that render them effectively superhuman, though few have access to all of that.
  3. Effective, but not absolute, mind control. The Codex Aleria series has Discipline Collars, which cause their wearer to feel euphoria when serving their master, and extreme pain when they resist. Consequently, initiative and intelligence can be retained, when the master so wishes, while guaranteeing absolute loyalty.
Historically, slavery has been useful when muscle power was all that people had access to, which is pretty much everything prior to the industrial revolution, ignoring water and wind power. Be it in the fields or the mines, slavery has been at least as effective as the peasantry or serfs, though the three were relatively similar in most regards. However, by making humans more powerful, Jim Butcher made slavery more attractive. Why use a horse when a human can run as fast, further, pulling more?
The local maxima of utility was with human slaves, especially with the discipline collars, which forced loyalty and allowed trust. From an efficiency and productivity perspective, it could have worked well.
Of course, slavery being easily beyond the moral event horizon, and stealing free will even further, the antagonist who most played into this system was an evil egomaniac who wanted to conquer the world. And said antagonist, despite leading an army of enslaved supersoldiers, regarded slaves as nothing more than somewhat intelligent cattle, explicitly going out of his way to crush intelligent behavior and initiative.
Which reduces the utility of a slave in much the same way taking an accountant and forcing him to be a laborer would. He had a solution to the question of how to enforce loyalty and attain maximum production, and wasted it because of his ego and belief that his class was inherently superior. Which it sort of was, due to the magic system, but not so much that he couldn’t have benefited from allowing a little more initiative in his subordinates, especially when he used hostages and other hostile forms of control against people he couldn’t collar.
Moreover, continuing the theme of self-satisfaction and ignoring the populace, his nation suffered from ongoing exploitation and generational looting, as befits a ruler who views his subjects as nothing more than an inherently rebellious resource, even when their free will is crushed.
The way slavery is used in the Codex Alera series hits both on how effective it could have been, as the antagonist was able to threaten the entire rest of the kingdom through a total war economy, as well as why it is surprisingly ineffective in maintaining that war economy, due to the absolute crushing of initiative.
The result was a lopsided, ineffective nation, one that couldn’t react well to outside pressures, and lacked the internal stability to function once the head was removed. Even ignoring the antagonist’s dead man’s switch tied to a volcano.
Through the lens of “The issue is that slavery is a system of labor, rather than just being a moral choice, and, consequently, can be analyzed as such” slavery in the Codex Aleria world makes more sense than most, and could have worked relatively well, acting as a decentralized hivemind where everyone works for the greater glory of the head aristocrat, had said aristocrat not been cartoonishly evil.
So what?
With regards to doing slavery in a historically accurate manner, the issue is that slavery is inherently a loss to society. The world is taking a productive being and forcing them to work at vastly below their potential. Especially since concentration of wealth doesn’t usually produce self-driving wealth growth. It’s accumulation of wealth and resources for the few, rather than a system that encourages broad productivity growth, which is necessary for a state to fund a technologically superior military, and maintain the production necessary to engage in a long term war.6
That said, if someone wants to write about a nation that uses slavery realistically, there’s two options here.
  1. The limitation on production needs to be the amount of mechanical work that can be done. Rather than needing more workers to manage and run machines, the world needs to be at a low enough technological level that humans are the best option.
  2. The person running the slave society places an inordinate emphasis on slaves, for social or other inefficient (from a productivity perspective) reasons.
The former is largely seen in the modern world, in places like African conflict diamond mines, as well as jobs where robots cannot be used, such as certain agricultural positions. North Korea’s export of workers whose salaries go to the government can also be framed in this way. The cost of those slaves is less than the cost of the proper mechanical equipment so, even if production is limited and slow in comparison to a more mechanized system, it’s profitable enough for people to still want to use it.
That said, while it can work on a limited basis, attempting to use slavery as the underlying system to power a wartime economy is largely infeasible. Nazi Germany demonstrates that issue, with massive quality control problems and papering over cracks with free labor. Rather than slavery being a method of forcing maximum production, the Nazi war machine saw slavery encourage inefficiencies and reduce the long term production potential of their empire, by reducing the number of workers, and by allowing companies that should have failed due to poor management to survive by leaching off of the lives of slaves.
The latter can be seen in the Antebellum South, where a landowner’s wealth and power wasn’t measured in money, but in the number of slaves and size of his fields. The latter should imply the former, but that wasn’t necessarily true, and the latter was much more impressive to visitors, which meant that it was emphasized over the long term. Even if the actual value of the slaves dropped, social forces meant that slaves were still valued beyond their potential material gain.
The issue with that latter focus is that it detracts from actual utility to the system. Yeah, there’s some very rich people, but the overall society is relatively impoverished, as the true cost in both labor and opportunity is hidden in a population that society ignores.7
In short, if you want to create a story about an evil empire that enslaves everyone it meets, go right ahead, but it’s damn near impossible to make a good argument that those workers are being used to their maximum utility, and a hell of a lot of economists agree with that viewpoint.8,9
  2. I apologize for not having a more focused discussion, but this is one of those things where there are plenty of references towards the topic, but it’s surprisingly difficult to find exactly what I’m trying to talk about.
  5. And of course the Victorian British would define their society in such a way that at least half the nation is inherently poor.
    Employing a servant was a sign of respectability, but for the lower middle class, where money was tighter, they could only afford one servant - the maid of all work.
  6. This is the fundamental argument of the book, and honestly offers a very good lens for comparing military power and potential.
submitted by Draco_Ranger to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

Please help me organize and streamline my studying materials so that I can become hirable and run away to safety from my country.

Long story short:
I work in tech support. No CS or tech degree. Live with my wife in a shithole country with a dictator, minimum wage is 130 bucks, economy is shit, education is almost shit and filled with propaganda, medical industry is shit, crime is everywhere, corruption like a Kraken tightens its grip around all spheres and parts of this country. I am afraid when my wife has to go alone anywhere in the evening. TV is full of pseudo-patriotic propaganda. Opposition is prosecuted, beaten, sometimes killed, etc., etc. People are angry and bitter, hate gays and democratic freedoms. I want to learn programming, take my wife and cat and run the fuck away from here to safety, political freedom and better salaries. I want the best for them and for possible kids. My aim is Germany or Austria (my wife is a German language teacher, it will be easier for her). I understand that nobody gives a shit about my troubles and nobody needs a dev with no experience in those countries, so my aim is to study for a year or less get a junior job, work for a year - year and a half and try getting a job in any of those countries. Atm I am studying Math, German (every day) and programming (mostly Python, everyday). I am able to put into education from 22 to 36 hours every week having a full time job.
I have a list of courses and books here, I need help with putting them in order (maybe removing or adding some, figuring out which ones will give me an edge over junior competition). I will also need to have a portfolio to be hirable, so I will use these resources to create my portfolio. As far as what I want to do is concerned, I don't really know, but I fucking love when my program works and I not only want to be able to set a foot through the door, but I want to be a good developer (I won't be him in a year, but starting to get there).
  1. Books (to which I have access to or are free):
  1. Courses:
Any help greatly appreciated!
P.S.: I already finished:
1) Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) MichiganX - py4e101x (edx);
2) Python Data Structures (Getting Started with Python) MichiganX - py4e101x (edx);
And chapters in the book accordingly, I will finish the rest of the book before Christmas.
submitted by lordicode to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

Former process engineer looking to change career in Germany

TLDR: Currently jack of some trades for digitalization in a manufacturing company. Should I 1) stay at current job, 2) look for analyst role or 3) build skills + look for software engineer role. (See below for detailed options)
I will state my background and current situation, then list things I like about my current job and things which make me doubt my current job. I then list options I currently think I could choose between regarding my career. Can you give your thoughts about what I think my options are and what is smart/not smart to do now?
To answer a comment I would post under my thread: Yes, I know that being happy and fulfilled with your job is an exception and a privilege. But I still can try to get there, right?
I am 28 years old and living in Germany. I have a M.Sc. in mechanical engineering and started as a process engineer 3.5 years ago at a big company I am still working for. After my first year as a process engineer, I started studying data science as an extra-occupational master studies program. This will result in another M.Sc. in one year from now. I started this master studies because I was attracted by the whole data science hype and because I searched for a way out of the process engineer career. This helped me to get a new job with the same company, same location, but now as a digitalization engineer. My current job's description is very vague, but it is really a mix of project management (not pure software projects but rather automation projects in manufacturing), Excel VBA automation, data analysis and reporting and anything else that coworkers think of is somehow related to the big word "digitalization".
Things I enjoy at my current job:
The job conditions are fine. I get paid 65 kEUyear + bonuses (approx 3k/year), I don't have to work overtime, I can work from home if my current assignments allow it and my coworkers are mostly ok. I was told that I'll get a salary increase once I finish the data science studies. I believe this to be true since I was not lied to by human resources or management in the past 3.5 years when it came to salary expectations. I started with 53kEUyear at this company.
I have a manager which allows for enough time for me to learn new things if I can create value from it. I tought myself Power BI and DAX (it's not much, but I enjoy building data models and building reports), I was allowed to write very small modifications into the PLC programms of some production machines, I tought myself VBA-programming for MS Excel automation stuff.
The overall workplace is fine. Local management is okay, corporate management is ok.
What makes me doubt my current career path:
My manager has no technical background and no knowledge about how to do anything I am supposed to do. It is not her duty to know this stuff, I just wanted to state that I cannot learn from her when it comes to technical things.
The current work environment is overall not suitable to grow my technical skills. Everything I learned for my current job is self-taught, coworkers never saw Power BI before and although my Excel VBA skills are not very sophisticated, it seems to me that there are not many people who would be able/willing to write those little office automations. That's not to complain but to illustrate that there is nobody I can talk to about these things and who could show me what I could do better. And as soon as I have to implement something more sophisticated, it happens in SQL/SAP databases I'm not allowed to touch so I have to write tickets for the global IT department.
I have no vision of what my job will look like or where I can aim my career development in my current job. I want to learn/apply more technical stuff (for example improving reporting on SQL database level or build (web) applications which are used in the company). But currently I have to work on anything laying at my desk, from "Summarize these new tech developments in our company into a Powerpoint" to "Can you automate this? I don't want to copy-paste this every day" to "Get an external machine programmer to improve this. Define the objective and control the work at the end.". Or writing down business cases and then just escalating to management in order to get the support from global IT. It feels like becoming a jack of some trades, but mastering any of them is not my task.
This is my job for a little bit more than a year now. I feel that my current career is going nowhere since I am doing a little bit of this and that, but not specializing in something.
However, I really don't want to work as a pure machine learning engineedata scientist, although my current master studies would suggest this. Based on what I read on reddit and what I see our company's data science team is doing, I think I just don't want to spend too much time tweaking models / changing parameters / gathering more data without knowing if my actions lead to a predefined result. This is why I like the data transforming / reporting / analysis stuff, since I can lay out the things I want to do and then go from there as opposed to not knowing whether the model I built and trained will work or if I have to gather more training data or tweak the model or simply stop working on a particular problem.
I am currently not sure on how to proceed. At the end, I want to do more coding than I am currently doing. That can be data-related or application-building-related or both.
From my point of view, I see the following options:
a. Just stay with the company and see where my current job is getting me. I ensure having nice job conditions but I don't necessarily learn technical stuff. I will keep doing a little reporting, little project management and just coordinating processes, passing information up/down.
b. Start applying for analyst jobs outside the company. I think my resume makes me employable for analyst-related jobs due to my current data science masters program and things I do at my current job. I would have to start a new career path and accept a much lower salary at the beginning. I would learn new tools or improve on technical skills I already have, which I really would enjoy.
c. Stay with the company, but apply to data-related jobs after finishing data science master studies. This is like option 1, but maybe I could then get an above-junior-level job with my then-new degree as a first step. I would benefit from extended nice job conditions at my current company but maybe lose time I could spend on getting work experience in the new career path.
d. Stay with the company, finish data science studies. Teach myself fullstack development and apply for developer roles, maybe already incorporating something web application related into my Master Thesis project to start a portfolio. I would benefit from the extended nice job conditions at current company. I would start a career that I did not touch yet but that looks so fulfilling. I love building small things in VBA or Python which are used by coworkers. So I genuinely enjoy building things which are used by others and which improve/enable/simplify their work. Also, learning fullstack until I can get an entry job will take me maybe another additional year or more. So maybe it is better to first get an analyst role, try to touch on software engineering at a potentially new company and go from there towards full-time software engineering.
Additional things to mention: I do not want to relocate, since I value friends and family in proximity over my career. Applying for analyst/developer roles at current company most probably means relocating to another part of the country. But I did not verify this with human resources, since I am afraid of communicating that I want to change my job again. I feel like software engineering is a field which will give me more flexibility and make myself more employable in the long run compared to what I am doing at my current job.
So, what are your thoughts on what I think my options are? Where am I making mistakes in evaluating my options? What's a stupid thing to do now? What's a smart thing to do now? I'm just looking to get other people's view on this.
submitted by Davoc8 to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

[IWantOut] 23M Tunisia -> Canada/Germany/Somewhere good

I am a tunisian national who is currently living and studying in Germany under a temporary student permit and i am starting to think about moving to somewhere else later on. Germany was never my first choice but rather a cheap and good alternative for a 3rd world middle class citizen like me who was willing to study abroad under a limited budget. I will finish my bachelor's in mechanical engineering soon enough and after that i plan to do a master's in Robotics (IT would be much preferable but as with an ME background my chances of admission to a Mechatronics or Automation program are much higher). Canada seems to be a good anglophone environment to move in to. I am thinking about doing my master's degree there and then figure things out from there on. Plus, they are much more immigrant friendly than Germany (and maybe even all of europe combined). I prefer countries within the anglosphere and i have been considering Australia for a while too, but i don't think it is as good as it used to be years ago.
Some things about me:
My pros and cons here in Germany:
What i am looking for:
My solution is:
stay here in Germany, finish education here too then apply for PR once i fulfill the requirements while venturing to my target destinations from time to time, wheter it be for research purposes, internships or even vacations. My current student status only allows me to stay outside the country for a short and specific amount of time so short term visits are my best bet. Otherwise move to Canada once i finish my current degree.
I want to keep Germany as my "safe haven" for the time being, therefore i do not want to risk moving out somewhere else and realise that i messed up. Also i want to experience living in those places first then make a critical decision. Life there might be very similar to here and I might regret it or it might not be as good as my current situation here so going on short trips from time to time is my best choice. What do yall think?
Besides that, since i have mentioned having distant relatives here, can i get citizenship through them? Laws that involve relatives can get complicated, plus we share the same last name except that the one who does is considered a cousin by law. From what i remember, it is not possible.
submitted by AwfulDog to IWantOut [link] [comments]

Please help me organize and streamline my studying materials for Python so that I can become hirable and run away to safety from my country.

Long story short:
I work in tech support. No CS or tech degree. Live with my wife in a shithole country with a dictator, minimum wage is 130 bucks, economy is shit, education is almost shit and filled with propaganda, medical industry is shit, crime is everywhere, corruption like a Kraken tightens its grip around all spheres and parts of this country. I am afraid when my wife has to go alone anywhere in the evening. TV is full of pseudo-patriotic propaganda. Opposition is prosecuted, beaten, sometimes killed, etc., etc. People are angry and bitter, hate gays and democratic freedoms. I want to learn programming, take my wife and cat and run the fuck away from here to safety, political freedom and better salaries. I want the best for them and for possible kids. My aim is Germany or Austria (my wife is a German language teacher, it will be easier for her). I understand that nobody gives a shit about my troubles and nobody needs a dev with no experience in those countries, so my aim is to study for a year or less get a junior job, work for a year - year and a half and try getting a job in any of those countries. Atm I am studying Math, German (every day) and programming (mostly Python, everyday). I am able to put into education from 22 to 36 hours every week having a full time job.
I have a list of courses and books here, I need help with putting them in order (maybe removing or adding some, figuring out which ones will give me an edge over junior competition). I will also need to have a portfolio to be hirable, so I will use these resources to create my portfolio. As far as what I want to do is concerned, I don't really know, but I fucking love when my program works and I not only want to be able to set a foot through the door, but I want to be a good developer (I won't be him in a year, but starting to get there).
  1. Books (to which I have access to or are free):
  1. Courses:
Any help greatly appreciated!
P.S.: I already finished:
1) Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) MichiganX - py4e101x (edx);
2) Python Data Structures (Getting Started with Python) MichiganX - py4e101x (edx);
And chapters in the book accordingly, I will finish the rest of the book before Christmas.
submitted by lordicode to learnpython [link] [comments]

The Impact of Inventory Forecasting and Automation in the Work Field

This blog examines the impacts of employment of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the business world. By examining the acceleration rate of this phenomenon, the blog points out the advantages and disadvantages of automation and inventory forecasting. It also points out the proposed solutions to offset job losses that result from it.
The business world tackles several inventory obstacles concerning supply chains. Inventory forecasting aids in reducing the price of these chains and improves financial projects, capacity planning and risky decisions. In addition to that Machine Learning in the age of (AI) develops forecasting ways by increasing replenishment methods and being accurate.
What is inventory forecasting in machine learning?
Inventory forecast is a procedure of approximating the forecast of a buyer by interpreting historical information. Companies refer to inventory forecasting to eliminate inefficiencies due to the incorrect distribution of supply. In addition to that, Machine Learning predicts the quantity of products to be bought during an upcoming period.
Compared to old techniques Machine Learning has a lot of advantages:
· Speeds up processed data
· Provides accuracy
· Interprets more data
· Updates forecasts according to recent data
· Gives a higher percentage of adaptability
Will Machine forecasting replace humans in the work field?
Most of the planners in companies rely on spreadsheet-based procedures that rarely spot the complex interconnection among the drivers. However, only after installing an AI device can the source of the problem in the supply chain become obvious. Hence, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Forecasting are installing higher percentages of efficiency and greater probabilities to the supply chain.
Inventory Forecasting and automation have done quite well in most businesses:
· Improve business outcome
· Include robots on the warehouse floor
· Provides information more efficiently than planners
· Create new jobs in the process
· Handle repetitive missions and roles
· Cancelling the need for some calculations
A research by Forrester points out that Artificial Intelligence will eliminate 12 million careers in the US as we reach the year 2025. Moreover, Brandon White, the director of quality affirmations at Kenco, says that: “Automation won’t necessarily replace everyone in the supply chain, but it’s already changing many roles of what people do’’. For example, AMP robotics is a company that installs AI-robots responsible for sorting a huge amount of glass, plastic, and paper. In 2019, 35 recycling companies ordered AMP Robotics, says AMP spokesman Chris Wirth and by the last months of the year 2020 approximately 100 will.
Disadvantages of Inventory Forecasting and Automation:
· The pool of taxable income is diminishing because of job losses. So how hard is it for companies to make their robots tax-compliant through the robot task?
· Societal challenges as a result of losing the social cohesion and connectedness that come from cooperating toward shared ends and that the workplace provides which helps breaking down stereotypes and biases.
· Legislation and the role of government considering the polarized political terrain and the highly politicized economic agenda.
· Small government versus big government and how this might affect the prosperity of free markets and trades. Markets have the capacity to produce enough prosperity and opportunities on their own for all those who are willing to work hard to seize them. That’s why big governments will impede the development of a healthy and dynamic economy.
· AI is still developing where most algorithms begin to create other algorithms making it hard for AI engineers because they might not have the ability to quickly solve the problem.
· AI is a huge system that stores tons of secret business information. Hence, if the company does not bring excellent quality protection systems there might be some security issues.
· AI needs to be controlled; it is not efficient alone. It should be given inputs to keep its functioning.
Advantages of Inventory Forecasting and Automation:
· Robots let humans avoid harmful work and life-threatening jobs like the Bomb-Defusing Robot and SmokeBot.
· Using Artificial Intelligence automates mundane tasks and saves employers’ the cost of training the taskforce to perform routine tasks.
· Eliminating human error that is when computers are programmed properly, errors are reduced and the chance of reaching accuracy is possible.
· Inventory systems work nonstop compared to humans and since Artificial Intelligence is taking a lot more place than it used to do then work now is automated meaning that fewer people are employed and the payment of salaries has decreased. Hence, the company now invests the rest of the money in developing its processes.
· Speeds the packaging procedure and ability to introduce excellent performing businesses to important clients.
· Chat bots allow companies to save the payment of customer service by accelerating response times.
Solutions to Offset Automation’s impact on work:
Most of the recent studies assume that half of the current careers might be automated in the upcoming years. That’s why we need to adapt to new socioeconomic procedures to meet the new century with rapid growth. How then some practical solutions should be planned?
· Get new opportunities by investing smartly. The rapid spread of the automation promises a lot of opportunities for the upcoming years. For example, Germany’s Industrie 4.0 plan aims a 50 percent growth in manufacturing, while paying half of the required equipment. Moreover, Estonia’s growth after the separation of the Soviet Union is a great example in transforming to a digital economical country. Accordingly, Estonia in the past two years was ranked by the World Bank as a high-income country.
· Provide more easy education systems as the rate of change increases. Schools have been following the traditional education system and with all the change concerning technology and automation it is essential to address suitable educational systems. To allow workers to transition from one career to another we need to address education in an easier way.
· Encouraging Social Safety is a necessity if job losses come to an increase compared to Automation.
Finally, Inventory Forecasting will aid businesses by decreasing manual labour. In this process profit and accuracy of the model can be improved too. However, the transition towards Artificial Intelligence will largely remove repetitive labour positions demanding solutions and changes that should be taken immediately to cope with the high rate change.
submitted by Hiba_Baz_Radwan01 to ArtificialInteligence [link] [comments]

Need thoughts on what I see as options to move from engineer to dev or analyst

I posted this thread also on cscareerquestionsEU.
TLDR: Currently jack of some trades for digitalization in a manufacturing company. Should I 1) stay at current job, 2) look for analyst role or 3) build skills + look for software engineer role. (See below for detailed options)
I will state my background and current situation, then list things I like about my current job and things which make me doubt my current job. I then list options I currently think I could choose between regarding my career. Can you give your thoughts about what I think my options are and what is smart/not smart to do now?
To answer a comment I would post under my thread: Yes, I know that being happy and fulfilled with your job is an exception and a privilege. But I still can try to get there, right?
I am 28 years old and living in Germany. I have a M.Sc. in mechanical engineering and started as a process engineer 3.5 years ago at a big company I am still working for. After my first year as a process engineer, I started studying data science as an extra-occupational master studies program. This will result in another M.Sc. in one year from now. I started this master studies because I was attracted by the whole data science hype and because I searched for a way out of the process engineer career. This helped me to get a new job with the same company, same location, but now as a digitalization engineer. My current job's description is very vague, but it is really a mix of project management (not pure software projects but rather automation projects in manufacturing), Excel VBA automation, data analysis and reporting and anything else that coworkers think of is somehow related to the big word "digitalization".
Things I enjoy at my current job:
The job conditions are fine. I get paid 65 kEUyear + bonuses (approx 3k/year), I don't have to work overtime, I can work from home if my current assignments allow it and my coworkers are mostly ok. I was told that I'll get a salary increase once I finish the data science studies. I believe this to be true since I was not lied to by human resources or management in the past 3.5 years when it came to salary expectations. I started with 53kEUyear at this company.
I have a manager which allows for enough time for me to learn new things if I can create value from it. I tought myself Power BI and DAX (it's not much, but I enjoy building data models and building reports), I was allowed to write very small modifications into the PLC programms of some production machines, I tought myself VBA-programming for MS Excel automation stuff.
The overall workplace is fine. Local management is okay, corporate management is ok.
What makes me doubt my current career path:
My manager has no technical background and no knowledge about how to do anything I am supposed to do. It is not her duty to know this stuff, I just wanted to state that I cannot learn from her when it comes to technical things.
The current work environment is overall not suitable to grow my technical skills. Everything I learned for my current job is self-taught, coworkers never saw Power BI before and although my Excel VBA skills are not very sophisticated, it seems to me that there are not many people who would be able/willing to write those little office automations. That's not to complain but to illustrate that there is nobody I can talk to about these things and who could show me what I could do better. And as soon as I have to implement something more sophisticated, it happens in SQL/SAP databases I'm not allowed to touch so I have to write tickets for the global IT department.
I have no vision of what my job will look like or where I can aim my career development in my current job. I want to learn/apply more technical stuff (for example improving reporting on SQL database level or build (web) applications which are used in the company). But currently I have to work on anything laying at my desk, from "Summarize these new tech developments in our company into a Powerpoint" to "Can you automate this? I don't want to copy-paste this every day" to "Get an external machine programmer to improve this. Define the objective and control the work at the end.". Or writing down business cases and then just escalating to management in order to get the support from global IT. It feels like becoming a jack of some trades, but mastering any of them is not my task.
This is my job for a little bit more than a year now. I feel that my current career is going nowhere since I am doing a little bit of this and that, but not specializing in something.
However, I really don't want to work as a pure machine learning engineedata scientist, although my current master studies would suggest this. Based on what I read on reddit and what I see our company's data science team is doing, I think I just don't want to spend too much time tweaking models / changing parameters / gathering more data without knowing if my actions lead to a predefined result. This is why I like the data transforming / reporting / analysis stuff, since I can lay out the things I want to do and then go from there as opposed to not knowing whether the model I built and trained will work or if I have to gather more training data or tweak the model or simply stop working on a particular problem.
I am currently not sure on how to proceed. At the end, I want to do more coding than I am currently doing. That can be data-related or application-building-related or both.
From my point of view, I see the following options:
a. Just stay with the company and see where my current job is getting me. I ensure having nice job conditions but I don't necessarily learn technical stuff. I will keep doing a little reporting, little project management and just coordinating processes, passing information up/down.
b. Start applying for analyst jobs outside the company. I think my resume makes me employable for analyst-related jobs due to my current data science masters program and things I do at my current job. I would have to start a new career path and accept a much lower salary at the beginning. I would learn new tools or improve on technical skills I already have, which I really would enjoy.
c. Stay with the company, but apply to data-related jobs after finishing data science master studies. This is like option 1, but maybe I could then get an above-junior-level job with my then-new degree as a first step. I would benefit from extended nice job conditions at my current company but maybe lose time I could spend on getting work experience in the new career path.
d. Stay with the company, finish data science studies. Teach myself fullstack development and apply for developer roles, maybe already incorporating something web application related into my Master Thesis project to start a portfolio. I would benefit from the extended nice job conditions at current company. I would start a career that I did not touch yet but that looks so fulfilling. I love building small things in VBA or Python which are used by coworkers. So I genuinely enjoy building things which are used by others and which improve/enable/simplify their work. Also, learning fullstack until I can get an entry job will take me maybe another additional year or more. So maybe it is better to first get an analyst role, try to touch on software engineering at a potentially new company and go from there towards full-time software engineering.
Additional things to mention: I do not want to relocate, since I value friends and family in proximity over my career. Applying for analyst/developer roles at current company most probably means relocating to another part of the country. But I did not verify this with human resources, since I am afraid of communicating that I want to change my job again. I feel like software engineering is a field which will give me more flexibility and make myself more employable in the long run compared to what I am doing at my current job.
So, what are your thoughts on what I think my options are? Where am I making mistakes in evaluating my options? What's a stupid thing to do now? What's a smart thing to do now? I'm just looking to get other people's view on this.
submitted by Davoc8 to cscareerquestions [link] [comments]

[OFF My Chest] The Story of a recurring depression

They say writing out loud, helps. I hope so.
I think I might be depressed, for 4 months, starting Julie.
I don't know why but this, hit me deep, and made me write what i have written.
Today I called my childhood best friend, earlier this day, I was in the part of the city we grew up in, and a feeling of nostalgia hit me, and I called him, we haven't called or meet one another from September 24'th my 27'th birthday, before my depression, we were talking more often, meeting one another (I'd want to blame the pandemic but I can't). And today he asked me, did you isolate yourself from other guys as well (common friends), I't left me speechless for a moment, because i've met up with my other friends, (normally they arranged the meetings), and this one friend is, my most precious one, and even tho i'm 27, a grown ass man, it made me wanna cry, but I can't.
For the last 4 months, it was hard for me to talk to anyone, it is hard to explain, normally I started asking question, so I don't have to talk, because I don't know what to talk about, nothing is happening in my life, so maybe that's why i'm not meeting people, because I don't have any new things to introduce into the conversation.
How I got where I am, in a state, were I have, no memory, no concentration, no happiness, and sleep that doesn't bring me rest.
It all started in February 2019, were I had to work remote at my Android Developer Job in Romania, previously I worked there from Jullie 2018, on site, then in October my Visa expired I had to get back home, while working remotely I was slacking a little bit (watching a tv series), but still tried to do my work, I had a salary of 15 EUh which for my country is a very good salary, even for a Developer, I get back to Romania, first I didn't have were to sleep, I slept in a hostel, before I find an apartment to rent, it was February, so rent was pretty hard to find, because of students. I found an apartment with the total area of 18m2. Which was I guess okay. After this I started performing badly at work, and I think at this job I had the best Boss/Manager in my whole carrier. Stress started piling up I think because I was lonely in a new country, without friends and family, maybe it had to do something with my bad performance at work as well, time flies in April 2019 I was so depressed and anxious to communicate sleep, work that I decided to call it quits and came back to my home country. After I came home, I took a two week trip with my gf, to her sister in Bucharest, we stayed there for two weeks, I was non talkative much, nor was I happy, but time somehow passed, we came home from Bucharest by bus, and 8 hour trip, were I didn't know/couldn't get myself to talk about something, we got home in silence.
May 2019, I started a new job as a Software Developer for Android, the management there was even for my depressed self, toxic, like really, the main Manager was yelling(open space 31 people could hear him) every day at 9 at his subordinate manager, it was hard for me to work there, I couldn't get myself to write good code. Or find happiness in the work I did, I was depressed, also not able to talk to anyone, every weekend we would go to my girlfriend to her parents, were we would drink a little bit with her father ^^, he was an awesome guy, not because of drinking, but latter about this. Also at this company, I had a friend of mine from the first company, he knew I needed a job he called me there, about him a little, his name is Rogi, he is like the rockstar iOS developer, because of his drive and passion he is 51 this year, but he still love's hi's job iOS and Apple, we haven't talked with him from August 2019, [I have to fix it], my girlfriend at that time was working at a company, as an Automation Tester, (I had put faith in her to pursue this company and a new career), she was telling me constantly to try to apply for them, well, because of constant reminders, a depressed person needs (yes I think i need them, to do at least something), I applied to them, but not directly for a software developer role, at that time my self esteem was so low, I didn't think i could write any code, so I applied for the Internship of a Java developer, for my first interview for the internship, they put 14 people in a room with a paper test, algorithms, some sql and some core java, I didn't think I did good, but, to my amazement they called me for the second one, I wanted to drink some antistresor for the interview but drank some sleeping potion (funny thing, if someone will read this) I though I didn't do well at my second interview, to my amazement I had the third one. For the actual position not for the internship, also by some crazy luck, I got in, at the moment i still was depressed, and I also couldn't talk to people, my memory and concentration was jacked, but somehow if I recall correctly after 3/4 months my depression alleviated, I think the reasons were, that I was a starting (semi-mid)developer, I didn't have so much responsibility and the team, was very nice and communicated, in November somehow I was a little cured, I remember how I finally got out with friends, bar crawl, then club, Jagermeister then slept for til 16:00, had a conflict with my gf, because it was also her birthday the next day. Time passed I got better, I was asking for more and more work, I was learning fast, my code was working, I had happiness within my job again. After this I started feeling psychologically bad with my gf, she wanted me to be her thing, didn't like my friends, didn't want me to spend time with them, she wanted us to spend all the time together, with one another. Also at that time I got my own apartment, my Grandma passed unfortunately, for my girlfriend birthday, 5'th of November, as a gift, I arranged a trip to Egypt, two weeks before the trip I couldn't bear it anymore, i was sad with my current relationship, and I decided to break it up, the moment I've sayd the words, "We break up" It was like i had the world lifted from shoulder, it felt easy. Like I didn't feel in a long time, after this, at night we had a sexy time, we didn't have one in a month. time passed, I grew more distant, even tho we still lived together, and we did ho to Egypt, I didn't want to cancel it, "take the gift back". It was my first Sea experience in a while, and it was Egypt, I loved the fishes, the sea, the corals, the people, it was beautiful, we meet a couple then another one, we became a group of six, I was very talkative, extroverted because I was the only one with good english, I was the go guy for discount tratatives, one day at the beach, my gf asked me, maybe you want to reconsider the break up, I was like, i'm not repeating myself twice, after this she asked me in disbelief, was I that bad ?, I replied with silence. The trip was amazing, but like all the amazing things, it ended. We came back, home in my apartment, she told me, she doesn't want to move, I told her NO(she understood she had to move). After this I started planing on house renovation, while still working at company "C", first thing first I started with changing windows, from CCCP one's to modern. I did it it was a success, wheel kinda,I had to break the window ram a little for them to fit but that's beside's the story of two years of me life. My girlfriend left the house. I started how my cousin told me later, wilding out. Going to clubs every Friday and Saturday, the strange thing was that I was going alone (my friends rarely wanted to go clubbing), but we went to bars's or hookah, also I was visiting my childhood friend at his work, every week at least once. Time passed, I got a designer for house renovation made the design. At this moment at place C, I had a problem with my Team Lead, she told me he knows how to do one task, but only this, never helped, never took it, and when he took it he took a leave. I was frustrated to say the least. And was very angry at him, and somehow, disrespected him because of it. Now I understood I did bad, and should have done it. After this I had another task were I had to communicate with with other "streams" and other dev leads in my team, no one wanted to help, I asked the team lead of the other streams, he was like, hell knows (it sounds different in my language), I was rather angry with it, In the meantime i was rater frustrated with my salary, I was working for 3 people, I had in mind to ask for a salary raise (at the moment I had 7 months in the company) I know, it's not normal to do so, but i was very self confident at the time. Also I've told about the problems i had within the company, I described them earlier. Also the raise I asked for was 210%, I know it sounds ludacris, but my self confidence told me I deserve it. Also I had a couple of ladies mean time. It is true that ladies like self confident men. While I was waiting for response from the management team. I took a week vacation and got to Egypt again, had an awesome time again. After I got back the decision wan't yet taken, it was given to another manager. I asked the main manager about the decision he told me the manager B had to make the decision, he asked for feedback from the team and the leads. While my not direct manager was collecting feedback to make a decision, I was transferred to the other team to help for two weeks, the keep not getting into sprints for a while, first day when i was there, i saw the codebase, i wen't a little emotionally berserk, because the codebase was awful, it was wrong I know, my line manager told me, and I understood it, still I tried to help there as much as I could, started doing refactors, added more unit tests, fixed some problems with standups, and comunication problems in the team, also helped a litle the code review process, the manner I did it in was rather brutal, in a way. The team lead of the current team told me, "Maybe we needed a strong hand from the start", I was given to my old team after 1 week, even tho i was sent for two. I was proud of myself the guys finally delivered the sprint. Well latter I found out, they wanted to get rid of me. Well, I was pissed and frustrated, my effort was in vain or rather it wasn't recognized. After this I started totaly wilding out but at work, at the moment with my super hight self estem, I was listening to Dan Pena (bilionare, hard guy), and started reading Robert Kiyosaki, well when you read them, financial things seem easy, add the super hight self estem to this and you've got yourself a road to some fucked up shit. I was leaving work for at the time for 2, to 3 hours, to meet with friends, women, and banks, to check for loan percentage. This was already a bad move for any workplace, or job safety for any sane person, also i got into 1 loan, for 1K Euro's, which for my country aint small, I wanted to start apartment repairenovation, and I fully believed, my company would raise my salary from 950 to 2500 ... . Yes, like my project manager always told me, Expectation is the mother of all failures. They called me one day and told me, they are not gonna raise my salary, the only thing I would receive was the rayse after half an year, for 150. In the past month i was preparing my apartment for renovation or stripping it from furniture, and kitchen furniture. Well I did it. After I already removed, sold, gifted almost everything in the house, (kitchen, computer desk, monitors, sold my laptop for cheap, a good gaming laptop), I've sayd fuck it. I'm goind to pursue my dram of Germany, and working in a company of passionate Software Engineers. I signed the leave next day. On the exit interview, told main HR lady, what I think about the company, "That the company culture is only marketing, not a lot of people are working, not a lot of people are loving they jobs" and maybe some other things, also I was very angry and upset, and maybe left some swear words about the company, while I was discussing with friends in the company. It was wrong I know, I shouldn't have done that. But, i was so over my head I had no fear. The same day after leaving the company with the touch that everything is gonna work out, I took a credit for a Mac Book Air 2019 new, it was a mistake, If I didn't want to impress people at work that already had mac's, i wouldn't do it, at the time, my excuse was, I need something take with me to Germany to send cv's write emails, comunication in a way. A hella expensive, and rather overkill tools for the money. 1 week forward I had my backpack, stuffed with my new laptop, and clothes you can fit in an American Tourist day to day backpack, and wen't to Germany, with 2k Euro's in my pocket, and 2,250 Euro's in dept to diferent organisations in my local country, with no working Visa or an European passport, only a tourist one. I started my trip in March, before the lockdown, I didn't yet know what was waiting for me, a PANDEMIC. Germany wen't well, at first, I stayed at my cousin for 3 weeks, my cousin familly was in a constant conflict, I started to sort things out, I wanted to help, but as it goes, I made it worse, and the head of the family, in Dusseldorf, I dind;t find a match, they all needed german speakers, which I wasn't, English, Romanian, Russian, and a little Ukranian. Time's passed, i was working in a coworking space for an acquientence of mine from my home country, I was developing a website for him, I expected him to pay me for my work, he taught i would do it for free, 3 weeks of work in vain, i started to become moneyless, covid hit Germany pretty hard, my cousins father wanted me to get back home, I didn't want to surrender to my dream to work in a German company with passionate people. So I told him, I'm going to seek a job in an another place. I went to Leipzig from Dusseldorf, it was the shortest flight in my life I enjoyed It. I came to Leipzig Airport, dind't get into time for the train, so I walked to the city, maybe I walked bu foot at night in an unknown city for 7/10 km, my leghts surendered, i reached the first petrol station and wanted to get a taxi to a hostel were I had booked a room. I meet a taxi driver, thery nice guy, didn't speak English, only German, somehow we understood one another, he asked his coleague to come for me, "also a taxi driver", and I finally got to the hostel "GRONERS" I liked it very much, and as a software developer, i received the room 404 :D, needless to say, as exhausted as I was I dind't find the room. I wen't to 405, to find out my bed was taken (joking), i sleept on another bed. In the morning I noticed the 404 room, and moved my things. To my amazement there I meet a guy, that after a bad discussion with his family, asked me if I was going to help him kill them..., needles to say I was happy I missed my room the first night, the second I slept alone (hapilly). I meet a german guy there, he was nice, we had a couple of walks, very friendly german student, that took a big vacation from studying and traveled the word, and the whole germany. Covid hit, and hostels started closing, I stayed 3 days, there it was Mid April, after the hostel staff told me, they are not receiving any more bookings, I made my mind to travel to Berlin. And I did it, there I find a Hostel and walked a lot over Berlin, I didn't apply to every company face to face as I had planned, I can say Covid was at fold, but I can't because I would lie. I spend 4 days in Berlin. To my amazement I had started the interview process with a big mobile company starting with letter H from Dusseldorf, I passed the first interview with HR from my single hostel room, and the second one with the Board, at the moment of the interview with the CEO, i was in a hostel room with 8 people, I could't take it from there, it was quite noisy, so I went into the city of Berlin to look for a silent place, needles to say I didn't find one. My macbook was left with no power, so I had to take the interview with the ceo of a multi billion company from my phone sitting on the grass in the middle of the city. I didn't get the job. The only feedback I got was, that they got a better person for the position. As a racist joke aside, (I think he was chinese, lol).
I think this concludes the part one of this story, as i still have to proof read it, and add to it.
submitted by sxLambo to depression [link] [comments]

How hard is it to get a job for Expats moving back to USA/

Hello, I am an Automation Engineer and my husband is Software developer. We are planning to move to Europe (Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands..) sometime next year. We both currently make good salary with 6 figures. I read that getting job in Europe, Salaries might be lower which is okay I guess. My question is how hard is to find job in USA after living in Europe for 4-5 years? Would we be taking a pay cut for relocating outside for years?
submitted by YellowShirtDay to expats [link] [comments]

Covid-19 update Wednesday 6th May

*tap tap…\* Is this thing on?
Good afternoon from the UK. It’s Wednesday 6th May. Sorry about yesterday; my company is coming into peak and I’m having to be creative with my supply chain to avoid the extremely high airfreight prices that I’m being quoted; it ended up being a 18 hour day yesterday.

In case you didn’t yet get the memo that a brutal recession is under way (many say it will be the worst in decades), here’s a canary in the coal mine example; rents are starting to drop sharply in Australian cities with some parts of Sydney seeing drops of as much as 15% (link). The same thing is happening in US cities says the USA Today, London is also getting affected says the Telegraph.
Professional sport leagues are getting affected too. An article I found in The Guardian says that the English Football League, the Rugby Football Union and the England and Wales Cricket Board are looking at a combined loss of £700m next year ($865m US / €801m). At the other end of the scale, six unnamed British Olympic and Paralympic sport teams are facing a threat to their solvency within the next three months because they are unable to host events and membership fees and sponsorship have dried up. The chairman of the English Football League, Rick Parry, painted a similarly bleak picture when he spoke to MPs, telling them the 71 lower league clubs were facing a £200m black hole by September. Parry said it was impossible to predict how many clubs could go under but was adamant English football would have to undergo huge changes, including a salary cap for players, to sustain itself in the years ahead. “In the Championship wages are 106% of turnover,” he said. “That is ridiculous and it is definitely not sustainable now or in the future. One benefit of going through this pain is that we will be shocked into a more sustainable model.” ESPN has picked up the theme from an American perspective; it says that the sudden disappearance of sports will erase at least $12 billion in revenue and hundreds of thousands of jobs, an economic catastrophe that will more than double if the college football and NFL schedules are wiped out this fall by the coronavirus pandemic, an analysis conducted for ESPN shows. The meltdown is a fraction of the crisis spreading across the country, but it is nonetheless historic, touching every sector of the $100 billion United States sports industry, it says.

Virus Statistics

I’m no longer going to publish virus statistics from Johns Hopkins because the amazing efforts of rkuzsma and TeMPOraL_PL mean it’s fully automated (woohoo!). Get your own daily virus statistics (you can set cut offs as you see fit) here.

Supply chain news in depth

Seven US states have teamed up to buy $5B of medical equipment to fight coronavirus - Multiple sources including are reporting that tensions have swirled between President Donald Trump and embattled states that have called on the federal government to take the lead with the national COVID-19 response. The states have asked the administration to centralize procurement through the Federal Emergency Management Agency and get it to take ownership of sourcing and distribution. Trump has instead “taken a backseat approach”, says supplychaindive, putting the onus on states as governors report losing equipment negotiations to FEMA which can pay higher prices. Add in competition from private companies as well and some equipment is soaring in value (for example the price tag of a single ventilator has snowballed from $12,000 to $65,000, according to the comptroller of Illinois). The result: Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island are aiming to use their combined purchasing power to drive down prices for the in-demand supplies for their combined 53.6 million residents. The group will also coordinate planning on gradually lifting social distancing requirements as the number of confirmed U.S. deaths from the novel coronavirus passed 67,000 on Sunday.
(Cont’d) The new regional supply chain is an attempt to tamp down on those skyrocketing prices as demand is unlikely to let up anytime soon, with some public health experts forecasting a return of the coronavirus in the fall. "When you put all those hospitals together, all that public health capacity together — which will make us more competitive in the international marketplace — I believe it will save taxpayers money," New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said in a press conference Sunday. "I also believe it will help us actually get the equipment because we have trouble still getting the equipment and just buying the equipment because these vendors on the other side they're are dealing with countries, they're dealing with the federal government —why should they do business with one state when they can do business with an entire country?" The partnership will be especially beneficial to the smaller states involved in the partnership, but all of the states involved should benefit from the increased purchasing power. "We're much stronger together, I wouldn't mind having some of that New York purchasing power, thanks for sharing that with Connecticut going forward,"Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont said during the press conference. In a related move, New York state is now requiring hospitals ot have a 90-day supply of PPE and other key medical supplies at a "rate of use during the worst of this crisis" to ensure enough masks and equipment in event of a resurgence, Governor Andrew Cuomo said.

The coffee supply chain industry is getting affected by Covid-19 too - has an article here explaining that with a lot of people on lockdown, many coffee shops, restaurants and other coffee dispensing locations are closed which in turn means that the roasters supplying them are having to significantly slow down their buying. Karl Wienhold, Director of the Colombian Farmers’ Collective and Exporter Cedro Alto, reveals that some roasters don’t want to be stuck with stale stock if sales are down; if they over-purchase coffee now, it could result in them getting stuck with old crops - it can be hard to sell green coffee that’s been in storage even for only 4-5 months. It means that many are reducing purchase commitments to decrease their risk and plan to buy more should they need it later. The problem is rolling back up the supply chain; if the roasters reduce their purchasing activity the importers who’d usually supply these roasters could be stuck with stock they can’t sell so they in turn will reduce purchasing. This will put their coffee exporters under financial pressure, as importers and roasters will be reducing or delaying their purchasing commitments or purchasing and reserving less coffee altogether. For smaller exporters, this can be a huge blow. Without prompt payments and adequate cash flow, financing even one container can be too expensive, regardless of whether they’re exporting to an importer or roaster. When exporters can’t purchase their usual amounts of coffee or are left in a financial lurch, the producers they work with will be affected. If many producers can’t sell their crops to those who’d usually buy them, they’ll no longer have a market for their coffee.
(Cont’d) Many producers and traders are dealing with their coffees being stuck at the country’s port, unable to move due to closed borders and other restrictions being imposed regarding trade between countries. Additional delays could lead to the coffee ageing, and as Rafael mentions, if a ship or container is detained at port, it will incur penalties, with the incoterms determining who’s responsible for paying these penalties. Green coffee importer Ally Coffee’s COO Ricardo Pereira revealed that they’re currently focusing on helping producers who have coffee that’s processed, dry milled, and ready to be shipped get their coffee out of origin as soon as possible. It’s something that all parties involved need to consider, as it will impact exporters, importers, shipping companies, and those who work on these ships. Rafael mentions that “Both importers and exporters have to do their due diligence and investigate… route options for their containers. Shipping companies have to be a lot more careful about their workers; there are several ships that have been detained due to the crew testing positive for the virus.”
(Cont’d) Some producers are finding that they aren’t able to sell their coffee, as their usual buyers are delaying payments or cancelling commitments. Daniel explains that this could mean that “the farmer will have to sell their coffee to a co-operative for a lower market price. The reduction in demand that is expected for the second and third quarters will also have an effect on the quantity of coffee being purchased at specialty coffee prices.”
According to Karl Wienhold, Director of the Colombian Farmers’ Collective and Exporter Cedro Alto, some micro lot quality coffee might need to be sold at regional prices if there’s no demand for it, and that the premiums usually paid for high-end specialty coffee could suffer. This may mean lower prices and less demand for natural and honey processed coffees as well as low-yielding varieties. A struggle to sell these lots while they’re fresh and worthy of a price premium might result in lower prices later on – when and if the coffee gets sold. Another side effect of roasters reducing their costs is that some might cut back on their social responsibility and sustainability projects involving producers and their farms. With no clear end in sight for COVID-19, this could only resume next year.
It’s a lengthy article and also touches on foreign exchange rate exposure risks, difficulty in crossing borders for migrant workers, that some coffee farms may be forced into taking on very expensive loans and it discusses payments being delayed resulting in cash flow issues for the recipient. The producers and pickers are taking the worst of it right now, says the article, but everyone needs to play their part in helping the coffee supply chain come out of this with as little damage as possible.

Supply chain news in brief

(Cont’d) The Washington potato farmers hope the U.S. Department of Agriculture will step in and buy their billion-pound glut, then donate the potatoes to food banks or even cattle ranchers as supplemental livestock feed. Local congresswoman Kim Schrier (Democrat) said she couldn’t answer whether that was likely. “I think we have to expand that question to whether the USDA will buy up all the tomatoes or apples or carrots farmers can’t sell around the country, because they’re all hurting,” she said. “Just in Washington state, we grow other things too, like apples and cherries. We’re afraid a third of our farms could go out of business. It’s a heartbreaking situation.“ The article goes into detail about a 33 year old farmer who is about to default on a $500,000 loan through no fault of his own and is at risk of losing his family farm and also discusses decisions that some farmers are making to try and reduce the size of the financial calamity facing them.

Good news section

Here’s a wholesome article that popped up over the weekend on The Hustle about a man feeding a remote Alaska town with a Costco card and a ship. Scroll down past the dreadful animated picture at the top of the article and give it a read.


Several asked if they can send me $/£/€ via Patreon (in some cases because I've saved them time or money, others for no reason at all). I don't need the cash (that's lovely though) but as you may have read above, food bank charities are getting really hit hard with all this panic buying. Please consider giving whatever you'd have given me to a foodbank charity instead:
Thanks in advance for any donations you give. If there's foodbank charities in your country and it's not listed above, please suggest it and I will include it going forward.
submitted by Fwoggie2 to supplychain [link] [comments]

Advice seeking: failure at 25

Hello TRP community. I'm posting this in order to see the RP perspective on my current situation because I am unable to. I'm 25, soon 26 years old. I am still at college (automation engineering) and hoping to finish next summer, I recently got fired from a job in a corporation because I could not handle the work, I will be without money soon, I still live with my parents and I doubt that I will find a job anytime soon that also allows me to focus on college especially during this Corona situation. I am unable to see any future perspective with my studies to be honest when I will finish them. Another thing to add is that I am 1.92 tall (6ft 3), I weight 82kg (180lb) but no muscle.
My mind situation is as follows: I'm afraid, I'm scared because I will not be able to accomplish my goals (get some dumbbell at home, a bench, start losing fat, gain muscle after) because of lack of money. Without money, can't get the proper food, can't make the changes that I wish, can't get what I need. I'm also afraid of the mid future because when I will finish college (next summer hopefully), I will not be able to land a good job with good income that will boost me (very few opportunities to get in the entry level). I'm very afraid of the long future also, the idea of borrowing money from banks in order to get a house and pay the debt for my entire life, also paying for a future car is very scary for me.
I'm sorry if I sound way below dirt but I think this is my situation and I am unable based on TRP values and principles to see a plan, a strategy, an idea on how to build something for myself. I am not from USA, Canada, France, UK, Germany and other strong economically countries to have an easier way. I am saying all of this because I am romanian and here, if you work for a monthly salary of 371-413 euros you are pretty lucky in my town since the minimum wage is 258 euros. In other cities, the wage is higher but rent and life costs are increased also. I hope I will get some eye opening replies from TRP vets also but not only.
If you have any additional questions or want to know more, feel free to ask. Until then, have a nice day.
submitted by Wilson-AOL to asktrp [link] [comments]

How to develop career in embedded testing (automotive) in Germany?

Hi everyone,
Note: If you are developers/ other positions in automotive companies, please also share what you know, because the question target is quite specific. Thanks.
I worked as QA manual in automotive companies (testing functions of ECUs) in my home countries. The tasks are mainly manual black box testing, making rest bus simulation, some small number of test cases (about 20%) can be automated. Test scripts are written in CAPL (a C like script) or Perl. I want more coding in the job.
Could you give me some insights about the situation of software testing in automotive industry in Germany or Europe? (the automation rate, the scripting languages used, daily tasks and the career development of QA engineer). What could be the normal salary with 4 years of exp? If needed to specify, I am staying in Stuttgart.
I want to know the situation to better prepare myself, always feel like what I did in my old companies are old stuffs that are not relevant to companies in Germany or Europe anymore.
submitted by huy248 to embedded [link] [comments]

Subreddit Stats: WeAreTheMusicMakers top posts from 2010-11-26 to 2020-08-23 02:28 PDT

Period: 3557.23 days
Submissions Comments
Total 991 115197
Rate (per day) 0.28 32.38
Unique Redditors 804 34562
Combined Score 878448 879209

Top Submitters' Top Submissions

  1. 37336 points, 2 submissions: miolmor
    1. A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice (36788 points, 2010 comments)
    2. Releasing and promoting your own music for more than a decade: thoughts on ever-changing DIY-way and what lies ahead (548 points, 126 comments)
  2. 29157 points, 20 submissions: Lizard_repositioner
    1. I’ve just discovered the joy of controlling real-world solenoids with midi info from ableton. (3938 points, 172 comments)
    2. I recorded an out-of-tune piano onto an old warped tape cassette then made a midi instrument from it. (3056 points, 197 comments)
    3. I started working on a new song this weekend, but after daydreaming a bit, I took a little detour. Then there were submarines under the streets of the neighborhood. (2546 points, 207 comments)
    4. I put my field recorder into a stream and used a vocoder to turn the weird water sounds into an organic synth. (1928 points, 123 comments)
    5. Here’s what it sounds like when you connect a contact mic to a couple of whisks and run it through effects. (1884 points, 150 comments)
    6. Lacking inspiration? Stick a piezo mic on random objects and make a beat! I had no idea where I was going with this—I just went with the flow... (1614 points, 134 comments)
    7. I wired my metronome up to trigger four solenoids that strike drinking glasses. It's got a great beat and you can dance to it! Sorry if the water pouring makes you need to pee :) (1586 points, 105 comments)
    8. A dual cassette player drone that I’ve processed through ableton. (1496 points, 142 comments)
    9. I made some custom mods to an inexpensive cassette player. Now it has superpowers! (1359 points, 107 comments)
    10. Another fun resource— has a lot of public domain films that are great for sampling grungy-old instruments. (1305 points, 67 comments)
  3. 7518 points, 9 submissions: FREETOUSESOUNDS
    1. Hi Everyone! I recorded some amazing royalty-free 'Unworldly" sound effects on a floating pier in Lisbon & released this new library for you to create the perfect horror or scary sound effect for your own productions! I hope you can use it! Best, Marcel (1435 points, 86 comments)
    2. Hi Musicmakers, I recorded over 13 GB of ocean sounds on 70 locations & nine different countries & updated the album with new beach, waves, harbor, piers, seagulls & underwater recordings! Feel free to use it! Marcel (1157 points, 98 comments)
    3. Hi Musicmakers! I recorded over 6 GB of new underwater sound effects with hydrophones. Feel free to use these "unworldly" in any of your productions. Greetings from currently Denver. (1031 points, 65 comments)
    4. Hi Everyone! I created a new sound library called 'silent school" with 6.5 Gb room tone only, featuring classrooms, staircase, hallways, dark heating & boiler rooms, library, auditorium & locker rooms at Denver East High. Feel free to use it if needed! (869 points, 84 comments)
    5. Hi Everyone, I recorded over 15 GB of ocean & sea sounds on 81 locations & nine different countries & updated the album with new beach, waves, harbor, piers, seagulls & underwater recordings from Cyprus! Feel free to use it! Marcel (837 points, 50 comments)
    6. Hi Everyone! I recorded single Gamelan Instruments like the Gender, Bonang, Kendang, Ching Ching, a "Broom" and my favorite instrument, the Gong and you are most welcome to use them as well! +700 Sounds, 3GB, 45 Min, 192-24! (623 points, 51 comments)
    7. Hi Everyone! I'm Marcel, the sound guy who provides you with so many sound libraries! I made this video about how I record these sounds on a daily base & what equipment I use. Maybe that is something interesting for you to see. (533 points, 52 comments)
    8. Hi Musicmakers! I released a new hydrophone/underwater library that I recorded at an irrigations system in the rice fields of Bali with 24 different stream sounds.192-24 wav/72Min! Great for sound design so feel free to use it! Greetings from Bali! (524 points, 48 comments)
    9. My newest free sound library is up for anybody who needs background ambience! 8.7 GB (111 min-43 tracks/192-24 wav) of Urban City Sounds from Singapore! Greetings from Bali, Marcel (509 points, 49 comments)
  4. 6789 points, 4 submissions: GeoffAturax
    1. Another clip of more sound design from contact microphone recordings [full video link in comments]. (3178 points, 158 comments)
    2. I've been challenging myself with sound design experiments during my time indoors. (2156 points, 86 comments)
    3. Found this on Vinyl! Produced in 1957, so would it be illegal to share online? (817 points, 217 comments)
    4. I spent the day recording at an old steelworks to create cinematic impact sounds. These could be useful for films so take a sample pack from me for free (link in comments). I also produced a full tutorial on how these sounds were processed. (638 points, 48 comments)
  5. 6134 points, 6 submissions: harold_and_phyllis
    1. Musical sound design with mangled gibberish, stretched piano, & baseball bat crack. Audio breakdown in comments. (1561 points, 61 comments)
    2. I make music for gifs. Writing a fake 80's track and destroying it. Audio Breakdown in comments. (1458 points, 99 comments)
    3. How to scramble a Mac OS voice to make music. Audio Breakdown in comments. (857 points, 51 comments)
    4. Modular synths through old computer chips and drums through guitar amp. Audio breakdown in comments. (815 points, 49 comments)
    5. How to create tension and movement with modular synths. Audio breakdown in comments. (725 points, 31 comments)
    6. How to make music with a scrambled artificial Japanese voice, bit-crushed bone cracks, and fax beeps. Audio Breakdown in comments. (718 points, 69 comments)
  6. 6051 points, 1 submission: CringeyNibba
    1. He was a fellow musician (6051 points, 206 comments)
  7. 5262 points, 5 submissions: Lordofchords
    1. You don't need a record deal or to be signed- and you probably don't want one. I have been producing label projects for the better part of this year: artists, here's what you wanna know. (1730 points, 213 comments)
    2. A record company hired me to produce 15 songs for an 18 year old up and coming pop artist. Here's one thing that NOBODY tells you about working with a label and what it means for the artist. (1463 points, 257 comments)
    3. "I'm not like other artists" isn't a brand. I made you a worksheet to help you figure out what your brand could be. (833 points, 350 comments)
    4. Making Art for yourself is selfish! Making it for others is pandering! An endless debate. Both sides are right. I decided to illustrate what this balance should look like. (741 points, 242 comments)
    5. Everyone is gonna give you music career advice. Here's who NOT to listen to: (495 points, 173 comments)
  8. 4686 points, 1 submission: TheBlueTruth
    1. So, I got my first "fan mail" through my website. I must be doing something right! (4686 points, 233 comments)
  9. 4452 points, 3 submissions: AutumnRock
    1. I made a simple app for practicing polyrhythm (1870 points, 231 comments)
    2. Android App I made for singers has now been ported to iOS (1329 points, 184 comments)
    3. An Android App I made for singers (1253 points, 163 comments)
  10. 4369 points, 4 submissions: _ihateeverything
    1. Super Mario coin sound composition (2240 points, 69 comments)
    2. Call your album what you want, big guy (939 points, 30 comments)
    3. Fair (641 points, 122 comments)
    4. A very useful chart (instrument frequencies / mixing guidelines) (549 points, 40 comments)
  11. 4237 points, 1 submission: PaulSmallMusic
    1. This is the dumbest genius idea I've ever got. (4237 points, 204 comments)
  12. 3841 points, 1 submission: tbonez1980
    1. Using loops is cheating (3841 points, 546 comments)
  13. 3827 points, 1 submission: Teraphin
    1. Just over a year ago I put my first EP on Spotify. I now have 7 monthly listeners and 275 total streams. This is what I learned. (3827 points, 248 comments)
  14. 3655 points, 1 submission: CindrHS
    1. Nvidia's "background" noise remover (3655 points, 216 comments)
  15. 3634 points, 3 submissions: brianfizzle
    1. If anyone's curious, 5k streams on spotify equates to roughly $23 USD (1615 points, 328 comments)
    2. Never downvote people for posting their music where they're allowed to post it. (1571 points, 217 comments)
    3. Spotify just started putting a song of mine into people's discover weekly playlists. Curious if anyone knows anything about how that is put together and if its a big deal or not (448 points, 128 comments)
  16. 3526 points, 2 submissions: Mo_Bee1
    1. Public Libraries in Brooklyn, NY now have studios you can use (2303 points, 98 comments)
    2. Lego Beats (1223 points, 49 comments)
  17. 3349 points, 1 submission: CapillaryClinton
    1. Spotify turns over about $5 Billion annually streaming songs, and is fighting in court to pay songwriters about 33% less. Some of the worlds top songwriters are upset. (3349 points, 419 comments)
  18. 3155 points, 1 submission: n0b0dyn0es
    1. Someone posted this in a synthesizer Facebook group I'm in and I thought it was too great not to share (3155 points, 87 comments)
  19. 3088 points, 4 submissions: SignatureLabel
    1. Hi producers. here is a percussion kit filled with organic sounds I recorded over the past month. All royalty free and free to download. 100MB with over 500 one shots (923 points, 95 comments)
    2. Hi guys, here is over 1GB+ of free ambient sound recordings from a shopping centre/mall. You will hear the coffee shop kiosks, the arcade machines around the mall, people passing in conversation and all other general ambience you can expect in a busy mall environment. Hope you find the useful. (803 points, 48 comments)
    3. Hi producers. Here is a percussion kit and loops filled with organic forest sounds. All royalty free and free to download. There are sounds from dry leaves being crunched, twig snaps, dragging my feet along a stoney pathway and more. I think there is about 500 one shots and loops in total. (716 points, 47 comments)
    4. Hi guys. Here is a percussion kit created from the sounds found on a beach. There's over 2GB created from the stones on the beach, waves crashing on the shore, percussion loops created from the one shots and many field recording capturing the ambience of the beach. All CC0 and free to download. (646 points, 85 comments)
  20. 3070 points, 2 submissions: NRMusicProject
    1. This man wasn't a famous musician. But if you've been to Walt Disney World or Orlando's gigging scene in the last 40 years, you might have heard him. He was my landlord for nearly a decade, was a close mentor who plugged me into the scene as soon as I moved into town. He died this morning. RIP, Pat. (2220 points, 49 comments)
    2. This is Shane Tomlinson, a full-time working musician in Orlando. He's one of the victims who was killed in the shooting. (850 points, 39 comments)
  21. 3069 points, 3 submissions: Raspberries-Are-Evil
    1. Please. For the love of all that is holy, take one second and read the FAQ at (1522 points, 194 comments)
    2. Lets have an honest conversation about having realistic expectations. (807 points, 214 comments)
    3. There are no short cuts. (740 points, 243 comments)
  22. 3025 points, 4 submissions: bugsound
    1. In the past year I've gone from recording songs in my bedroom to reaching 1.5 million Spotify streams, a successful album kickstarter, and a cross-country tour. My learnings (and AMA) (1029 points, 211 comments)
    2. An Indie Band Tour and Album Cost Breakdown (Super Graphic) (771 points, 107 comments)
    3. Got time to make my DIY tour infographic! Should help other musicians figure out the logistics of going on tour. (757 points, 94 comments)
    4. SOFAR Tour Breakdown -- I spent a 3-day weekend in Texas playing 3 SOFAR shows. I break down my Income/Revenue and compare monthly listeners to actual attendance. Might be Helpful for people planning short tours in different states. (468 points, 66 comments)
  23. 2924 points, 1 submission: lifeinsurance4fasfa
    1. Covid-19 related music is corny (2924 points, 420 comments)
  24. 2907 points, 1 submission: ACSpeed
    1. Average Spotify salary now $132,301 whilst musicians still get $0.006 per stream (2907 points, 523 comments)
  25. 2847 points, 1 submission: macstar95
    1. Got tired of looking up all this information separately, so I made a wallpaper with everything I found helpful. Cheers! (2847 points, 208 comments)
  26. 2840 points, 2 submissions: un_wn
    1. I built a LEGO midi controller for my first live (1663 points, 53 comments)
    2. I finally built the first prototype of my modular midi controller system! (1177 points, 42 comments)
  27. 2809 points, 2 submissions: georgeholliday
    1. Setting off next week to write and record an album in 6 months in this bus! (1746 points, 203 comments)
    2. Does anybody have an unusual recording space? (1063 points, 143 comments)
  28. 2802 points, 5 submissions: massivecoiler
    1. Wherever this bar is, I want to play there (676 points, 134 comments)
    2. Requests (624 points, 73 comments)
    3. We've all been there. (523 points, 49 comments)
    4. Recorded a song using only SM57's to see what it would sound like (505 points, 154 comments)
    5. Being in a band (474 points, 43 comments)
  29. 2797 points, 2 submissions: lemmy454
    1. Great response to people asking to use your work for 'free' (1783 points, 446 comments)
    2. Home studio build finished! (Dance music focused) (1014 points, 110 comments)
  30. 2789 points, 1 submission: feldya
    1. I needed album art for an EP, so I found a redditor from this sub to help out, here's the result! (2789 points, 156 comments)
  31. 2768 points, 3 submissions: HandHoldingClub
    1. Anyone else ever feel a lot of self induced pressure from being a musician? Like you should be working on it all the time? (1048 points, 177 comments)
    2. The realistic way to grow your audience in the digital music era - no money required (1019 points, 97 comments)
    3. Please stay away from "let's start a music support community! :)" posts or any other group that you are required to like and comment on other peoples releases for. That's not okay (701 points, 58 comments)
  32. 2674 points, 1 submission: EILO0713
    1. I made a key/scale visualizer for piano. Finally, I don't have to make everything in C major. (2674 points, 238 comments)
  33. 2670 points, 1 submission: Heyuonthewall26
    1. This is Zach Bryson of Oakwood, GA. Zach was a dear friend of mine that passed away on Sunday due to a life long heart condition. He was one of the most talented people I’ve ever known, but would never accept a compliment. Please enjoy this short clip. (2670 points, 146 comments)
  34. 2664 points, 1 submission: woldarc
    1. Musicians trying to get paid (2664 points, 276 comments)
  35. 2545 points, 1 submission: JPenguinCushion
    1. Found this bad boy on audiophile (2545 points, 52 comments)
  36. 2536 points, 2 submissions: SarahQGFB
    1. I work in Music Marketing and I always struggle when I see talented artists not fulfilling their potential as they can't afford a promotion team. So I made this video which explains how to promote your music with no budget. I hope it helps someone! (1882 points, 117 comments)
    2. The music industry is full of predators waiting to take advantage of musicians by taking their money and giving them very little in return. So, I made a video that I thought would be helpful for musicians on the best places they can invest their money. I hope you find it useful! :) (654 points, 64 comments)
  37. 2483 points, 1 submission: nydgemusic
    1. Bought a gaming mouse and it changed my production speed immensely (2483 points, 168 comments)
  38. 2478 points, 1 submission: armourforliars
    1. I sampled my 1982 Casiotone MT-45 and it sounds fantastically terrible. The samples are now yours for free! (2478 points, 118 comments)
  39. 2457 points, 2 submissions: MrSteJ
    1. Spotify now shows music credits (1908 points, 101 comments)
    2. 21 Must Do Things Before Releasing Music In 2020 (549 points, 82 comments)
  40. 2440 points, 1 submission: mercureii
    1. I've made this for piano players, but as a producer myself I figured it might help y'all too (2440 points, 126 comments)
  41. 2405 points, 1 submission: vrlkd
    1. Two years ago I was a bedroom musician with no listeners. Today I have approximately 1,000 monthly listeners on Spotify. Here's what I've learned. (2405 points, 343 comments)
  42. 2337 points, 1 submission: 56penguins
    1. is stealing your music, don't use it! (2337 points, 149 comments)
  43. 2274 points, 1 submission: amallucent
    1. Production bunny is here to help. (2274 points, 83 comments)
  44. 2269 points, 2 submissions: Letibleu
    1. Merry Christmas fellow music makers! (1315 points, 33 comments)
    2. This roller lets you see the sound waves on bass strings. (954 points, 36 comments)
  45. 2265 points, 3 submissions: Aek0z
    1. Whatever you now find weird, ugly, uncomfortable and nasty about a new medium will surely become it's signature. (1196 points, 204 comments)
    2. Studio Porn (Traxsource) (575 points, 116 comments)
    3. When you think a gig can't get any worse look at this for motivation (494 points, 75 comments)
  46. 2230 points, 1 submission: AnOddName
    1. I made a circle of fifths phone wallpaper because I suck at music (2230 points, 161 comments)
  47. 2184 points, 1 submission: Learly_songs
    1. Here you have it! a MIDI keyboard you can build yourself using Arduino. I made this for my final year university project. (2184 points, 66 comments)
  48. 2153 points, 1 submission: PM_ME_ALL_YOU_GOT
    1. Just a little reminde mixing tip. Just one of many approaches tho (source is twitter: @MixedByAli ) (2153 points, 229 comments)
  49. 2140 points, 3 submissions: iamspencerbaird
    1. Just came across the 'You Suck at producing' youtube channel. This video had me in stitches. Learning stuff aside, I would watch this just for the comedic value (957 points, 79 comments)
    2. (Somewhat) Complete guide on how to Livestream on one or multiple platforms (for free) - and how to get high quality audio to Instagram live for under 20$ (630 points, 102 comments)
    3. 8 Months later: 5 Editorial Playlists, 140K Spotify Streams and an upcoming Release on Proximity - All while working full time. 3 Simple Tips to those pursuing music on the side (553 points, 138 comments)
  50. 2135 points, 1 submission: whoislewys
    1. Still baffled by compression? I made you a cheatsheet :) (2135 points, 155 comments)
  51. 2128 points, 2 submissions: isaactylermusic
    1. Anyone near Itzehoe in Germany HAS to visit this place...natural reverb is onnnn point. (1104 points, 149 comments)
    2. Met this guy on this sub Reddit- invites us to make music and the whole village welcomed us. The beauty of Reddit! (1024 points, 33 comments)
  52. 2104 points, 1 submission: what_now-
    1. Rip Bill Withers, a photo of his personal sampledrum machine built and customized by Bruce Forat (2104 points, 34 comments)
  53. 2035 points, 2 submissions: Kopachris
    1. Library of Congress is testing a tool that will allow you to find thousands of public domain samples for free download (1236 points, 55 comments)
    2. Need samples? Internet Archive has a number of old sci-fi flicks in the public domain (799 points, 50 comments)
  54. 2031 points, 1 submission: LennonsGhost
    1. The next time someone asks me what mastering does for a song, I'll send them this video (2031 points, 103 comments)
  55. 2023 points, 1 submission: SpiltSeaMonkies
    1. Learned to play the dishwasher (2023 points, 145 comments)
  56. 1973 points, 2 submissions: your_mind_aches
    1. Do you think God stays in Heaven because He, too, lives in fear of what he's created? (1491 points, 117 comments)
    2. Singer or not, take this test to see what your voice range is and share it in the comments (482 points, 239 comments)
  57. 1950 points, 1 submission: Nomeno_
    1. I made “Never Gonna Give You Up” in GarageBand iOS with only stock instruments. Should I add the lyrics next? (1950 points, 183 comments)
  58. 1894 points, 3 submissions: silentedge92
    1. If your music isn't getting placed on Spotify Playlists and Promotion Channels despite your attempts, this might be the cause (737 points, 85 comments)
    2. What a Full Orchestration Without Melodies Sounds Like (625 points, 101 comments)
    3. The Best FREE Orchestral VST Library Ever Made. (532 points, 100 comments)
  59. 1884 points, 2 submissions: potentialPast
    1. Spotify will now let artists directly upload their music to the platform (1391 points, 301 comments)
    2. How Spotify & Discover Weekly Earns Me $400 / Month (493 points, 149 comments)
  60. 1879 points, 1 submission: AGReddix
    1. The worst thing about making a music is that you cant listen to music while doing it (1879 points, 184 comments)
  61. 1863 points, 1 submission: fromthewhalesbelly
    1. My piano student sent this pic of his notebook after doing a zoom lesson in which we discussed diminished chords and drop voicings. I could not have written it down this well myself! (1863 points, 123 comments)
  62. 1856 points, 1 submission: HarleyWombat
    1. Like astrology for songs... (1856 points, 227 comments)
  63. 1834 points, 2 submissions: zoundsperspex
    1. Ableton controlled solenoids (1285 points, 54 comments)
    2. Ableton controlled solenoids update (549 points, 59 comments)
  64. 1831 points, 1 submission: MSUSpyder
    1. ... unfortunately, the way some people think... (1831 points, 113 comments)
  65. 1825 points, 3 submissions: touchfuzzygetdizzy1
    1. want the sound an groove a live drummer? I recorded 140 hi-hat loops with 5 different drummers on neumann microphones. free download! (868 points, 66 comments)
    2. I made this sample pack of 200 snaps recorded with 30 different microphones. you'll probably never need to record snaps again... (508 points, 51 comments)
    3. I collected every sound, drum hit, loop, 808, & acapella from my new EP into a free sample pack! download for 600MB of malleable sounds! (449 points, 45 comments)
  66. 1819 points, 2 submissions: aderra
    1. Spotify doing direct deals with independent artists. 50% Share of revenue. (1250 points, 117 comments)
    2. Adam Levine’s Songwriter Competition Show Under Fire for Requiring Contestants to Waive All Royalties (569 points, 50 comments)
  67. 1808 points, 1 submission: WargRider23
    1. Probably the most useful mixing tutorial YouTube channel I've ever stumbled upon. Hundreds of hours of in-depth videos covering any topic imaginable and two ~100 episode masterclass series all uploaded by one guy who, by all appearances, has probably worked in the industry for a very long time now (1808 points, 72 comments)
  68. 1801 points, 2 submissions: trycat
    1. Merry Christmas I made a crazy songwriting machine that does everything (1232 points, 144 comments)
    2. Brian Eno tweeted a link to my goofy chord dictionary - twice. I don't know man (569 points, 55 comments)
  69. 1780 points, 1 submission: Rowenasdiadem
    1. It was recommended that I share this here! The never before seen score for THX's Deep Note. (1780 points, 73 comments)
  70. 1776 points, 1 submission: HelicopterMoon
    1. What’s on your mix bus? (1776 points, 107 comments)

Top Commenters

  1. miolmor (14350 points, 66 comments)
  2. myirreleventcomment (5992 points, 2 comments)
  3. xgozax (3559 points, 4 comments)
  4. tremens (3092 points, 4 comments)
  5. Lizard_repositioner (2986 points, 528 comments)
  6. ObeselyMorbid (2778 points, 13 comments)
  7. DPSnacks (2536 points, 151 comments)
  8. Karmoon (2530 points, 85 comments)
  9. Raspberries-Are-Evil (2446 points, 310 comments)
  10. Strtch2021 (1733 points, 13 comments)
  11. RxPathology (1707 points, 65 comments)
  12. JMLueckeA7X (1662 points, 1 comment)
  13. fuzeebear (1609 points, 131 comments)
  14. Akoustyk (1593 points, 434 comments)
  15. ChemicalBurnVictim (1534 points, 4 comments)
  16. riyten (1445 points, 7 comments)
  17. urgent_detergent (1416 points, 1 comment)
  18. FlametopFred (1372 points, 174 comments)
  19. majorly (1281 points, 12 comments)
  20. poorgreazy (1262 points, 7 comments)
  21. supmarf (1255 points, 10 comments)
  22. thewonderwilly (1180 points, 72 comments)
  23. Xtermix (1168 points, 4 comments)
  24. RunFury (1135 points, 3 comments)
  25. Zamfyr (1130 points, 19 comments)
  26. AutumnRock (1106 points, 214 comments)
  27. nmm-justin (1093 points, 57 comments)
  28. Digital_Failure (1068 points, 13 comments)
  29. Lordofchords (1061 points, 193 comments)
  30. py_a_thon (1056 points, 148 comments)
  31. bugsound (1026 points, 167 comments)
  32. Avanolaure (1018 points, 92 comments)
  33. thewholeisgreater (987 points, 47 comments)
  34. driftingfornow (976 points, 278 comments)
  35. gonnasingnow (975 points, 17 comments)
  36. Zak_Rahman (971 points, 17 comments)
  37. PECOSbravo (970 points, 30 comments)
  38. arbour_ (968 points, 121 comments)
  39. charliebucket- (961 points, 22 comments)
  40. TVDeathWish (943 points, 2 comments)
  41. theredwoodcurtain (931 points, 51 comments)
  42. KingsRangerr (931 points, 2 comments)
  43. OnlyTim (927 points, 23 comments)
  44. RiverdanceNinja (922 points, 2 comments)
  45. keto-matt (889 points, 1 comment)
  46. FREETOUSESOUNDS (873 points, 204 comments)
  47. 2SP00KY4ME (872 points, 41 comments)
  48. TheJunkyard (858 points, 80 comments)
  49. Repentantant (853 points, 38 comments)
  50. hellalive_muja (848 points, 10 comments)
  51. armedburrito (839 points, 1 comment)
  52. PSteak (833 points, 100 comments)
  53. fjakskfnr (812 points, 1 comment)
  54. earthsworld (794 points, 97 comments)
  55. thatnameagain (789 points, 68 comments)
  56. Neat_Media (786 points, 40 comments)
  57. YpsiArborBob (781 points, 6 comments)
  58. sceneturkey (772 points, 2 comments)
  59. chunter16 (770 points, 133 comments)
  60. _synth_lord_ (737 points, 28 comments)
  61. theboominsystem (735 points, 5 comments)
  62. goshin2568 (734 points, 96 comments)
  63. SephyKid (719 points, 34 comments)
  64. Ultima2876 (710 points, 71 comments)
  65. MuzBizGuy (700 points, 85 comments)
  66. robotlasagna (683 points, 23 comments)
  67. jochristmas (681 points, 1 comment)
  68. harold_and_phyllis (678 points, 110 comments)
  69. vrlkd (668 points, 70 comments)
  70. SkoomaDentist (660 points, 31 comments)
  71. bloodyell76 (654 points, 26 comments)
  72. jarouw (653 points, 4 comments)
  73. rawbface (651 points, 91 comments)
  74. Bohnanza (646 points, 57 comments)
  75. CumulativeDrek2 (635 points, 29 comments)
  76. logicalmaniak (635 points, 21 comments)
  77. galindoi_band (630 points, 5 comments)
  78. rustyshaackleeford (630 points, 5 comments)
  79. glitterlok (623 points, 8 comments)
  80. warboy (621 points, 58 comments)
  81. Bigfrostynugs (620 points, 69 comments)
  82. DrunkenGolfer (617 points, 1 comment)
  83. ChuckGSmith (615 points, 8 comments)
  84. UltraChilly (615 points, 8 comments)
  85. EmiAze (612 points, 43 comments)
  86. SantaRosaJazz (612 points, 7 comments)
  87. arrowhen (610 points, 10 comments)
  88. FullyAutomatedCommie (610 points, 1 comment)
  89. Alphathetical (601 points, 4 comments)
  90. winterryeband (599 points, 32 comments)
  91. FracMental (598 points, 38 comments)
  92. GeoffAturax (597 points, 132 comments)
  93. thepensivepoet (597 points, 46 comments)
  94. DiscreditedGadgeteer (586 points, 2 comments)
  95. Breadynator (584 points, 83 comments)
  96. SvansyVonSwansea (584 points, 9 comments)
  97. Winter_wrath (582 points, 64 comments)
  98. blackmarketdolphins (582 points, 57 comments)
  99. mccalli (580 points, 16 comments)
  100. lizardhill (580 points, 1 comment)

Top Submissions

  1. A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice by miolmor (36788 points, 2010 comments)
  2. He was a fellow musician by CringeyNibba (6051 points, 206 comments)
  3. So, I got my first "fan mail" through my website. I must be doing something right! by TheBlueTruth (4686 points, 233 comments)
  4. This is the dumbest genius idea I've ever got. by PaulSmallMusic (4237 points, 204 comments)
  5. I’ve just discovered the joy of controlling real-world solenoids with midi info from ableton. by Lizard_repositioner (3938 points, 172 comments)
  6. Using loops is cheating by tbonez1980 (3841 points, 546 comments)
  7. Just over a year ago I put my first EP on Spotify. I now have 7 monthly listeners and 275 total streams. This is what I learned. by Teraphin (3827 points, 248 comments)
  8. Nvidia's "background" noise remover by CindrHS (3655 points, 216 comments)
  9. Spotify turns over about $5 Billion annually streaming songs, and is fighting in court to pay songwriters about 33% less. Some of the worlds top songwriters are upset. by CapillaryClinton (3349 points, 419 comments)
  10. Another clip of more sound design from contact microphone recordings [full video link in comments]. by GeoffAturax (3178 points, 158 comments)

Top Comments

  1. 8332 points: deleted's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  2. 5847 points: myirreleventcomment's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  3. 4583 points: miolmor's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  4. 3555 points: xgozax's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  5. 3048 points: tremens's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  6. 2897 points: miolmor's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  7. 1700 points: miolmor's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  8. 1662 points: JMLueckeA7X's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  9. 1512 points: ObeselyMorbid's comment in A story of how XXXTentacion took my music and I was looking for justice
  10. 1494 points: ChemicalBurnVictim's comment in Listening to your own music too egocentric?
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