Can You Be Stopped for DUI after an Anonymous Tip? -

what happens when you give an anonymous tip

what happens when you give an anonymous tip - win

Entitled Aunt Call CPS on my Father After He Refuses to Co-Sign For Her New Car

This happened back in 2006 so some of the details are a little fuzzy and I'm dyslexic so I apologize if there are any spelling errors. Background: My aunt tends to go through cars like you wouldn't believe, and had just ruined her thirtieth car (yes that's 30). My grandmother, her mother, had offered to give her my late grandfather's car since my grandmother no longer needed two cars. But that wasn't good enough for my aunt, she had her eye on an over-priced 7-year-old red SUV with a ridiculous amount of miles , and because of her financial situation she needed someone to co-sign to get a loan for the car. My grandmother, who had lost her husband not even two years prior, had no interest in co-signing for a "new" car that would probably die before it was payed off. So at Sunday dinner one week, my aunt asked my father (her younger brother) if he would co-sign for her car loan. My father basically told her: "No way in heck. If I co-sign for a car for anyone it would be for my 16 year old daughter (me) not you. Take dad's old car." Which triggered a major fight between my father and his sister. Which ended in my aunt screaming: "If you won't co-sign for my car loan I'll call child protective services because OP is sleeping on a mattress on the floor." My bed frame had broken not even a week before so I was sleeping on a box-spring and mattress on the floor until we could get me a new bed frame (this is important). None of us thought anything about the threat, since my aunt had a habit of making empty threats when she didn't get her way, until a few days later.
A few days later I got called down to the guidance office in the middle of a chemistry test for an "urgent matter." When I got to the office I was led into a small room with the school's social worker and another woman. The woman then asked me: "Hello OP, I have a few questions about your living arrangements." She asked me questions like: "What's your home life like?" "How do your parents treat you?" "Are you happy at home?" "Do you have your own room?" Etc. It wasn't until she asked: "how do you sleep at night?" Did I start to mentally piece things together. And I asked: "What is this about?" The woman hesitated but eventually told me: "We received an anonymous tip that your father is forcing you to sleep on the floor. We want to know what that's about." And that's when everything clicked and I was livid. So I told the woman: "I'm not being forced to sleep on the floor. My bed frame broke about a week ago so I'm currently sleeping on a box-spring and mattress until my new bed gets delivered. I'll bet you any amount of money my aunt was the person who made that anonymous tip because my father refused to co-sign for her to get a new car." The woman from CPS looked stunned then turned towards the school social worker and asked if they had a way of reaching my father to confirm things. Since the number they had was outdated, I took my dinky little Nokia prepaid cell phone out of my bag and gave them my father's work cell phone number. Unfortunately I have no idea what was said during that conversation since I was sent out of the room during the call but it's safe to assume my father confirmed what I had said. Once they got off the phone with my father the women came out and the woman from CPS apologized to me and I told her I understood and she was just doing her job and went back to class.
The Aftermath: When confronted about it, my aunt admitted to making the call to CPS and my grandmother was FURIOUS. She made sure my aunt didn't end up getting that red SUV she wanted, she was forced to take my late grandfather's 1998 Chevy Cavalier. Unfortunately, my aunt didn't get in any legal trouble for the false CPS report due to it being an anonymous tip but my father gave her a harsh warning about what would happen to her if she pulled another stunt like that again. My aunt is still super entitled and has sadly only gotten worse.
submitted by Scarlet-absol13 to entitledparents [link] [comments]

The Daily Check-In for Friday, January 29th: Just for today, I am NOT drinking!

We may be anonymous strangers on the internet, but we have one thing in common. We may be a world apart, but we're here together!
Welcome to the 24 hour pledge!
I'm pledging myself to not drinking today, and invite you to do the same.
Maybe you're new to /stopdrinking and have a hard time deciding what to do next. Maybe you're like me and feel you need a daily commitment or maybe you've been sober for a long time and want to inspire others.
It doesn't matter if you're still hung over from a three day bender or been sober for years, if you just woke up or have already completed a sober day. For the next 24 hours, lets not drink alcohol!
This pledge is a statement of intent. Today we don't set out trying not to drink, we make a conscious decision not to drink. It sounds simple, but all of us know it can be hard and sometimes impossible. The group can support and inspire us, yet only one person can decide if we drink today. Give that person the right mindset!
What happens if we can't keep to our pledge? We give up or try again. And since we're here in /stopdrinking, we're not ready to give up.
What this is: A simple thread where we commit to not drinking alcohol for the next 24 hours, posting to show others that they're not alone and making a pledge to ourselves. Anybody can join and participate at any time, you do not have to be a regular at /stopdrinking or have followed the pledges from the beginning.
What this isn't: A good place for a detailed introduction of yourself, directly seek advice or share lengthy stories. You'll get a more personal response in your own thread.
This post goes up at:
  • US - Night/Early Morning
  • Europe - Morning
  • Asia and Australia - Evening/Night
A link to the current Daily Check-In post can always be found near the top of the sidebar.
Good morning SD friends! Thank you so much for sharing your skills and words of encouragement yesterday! I read each one, and y'all are amazing :) I tried my best to summarize and collect some of the responses in this post if you want an easy way to look back at them in the future.
Today's biology-based topic: sometimes life on Earth is just kinda strange and unexpected.
Growing up, I was fascinated by all the living organisms that did things differently. Like the platypus: it's a mammal but lays eggs, it's venomous, and it looks so unusual people outside of Australia thought it was fake at first. Beyond that, I learned there are single cells of algae nearly as big as a golf ball, and there are "ghost" plants that are white instead of green. Honeypot ants can devour enormous amounts of food and store it in their abdomens, sometimes serving as a snack for brave humans. Hydra seemingly can't die of old age. Some species of paper wasps are smart enough to recognize another individual wasp by its' face, and capuchin monkeys seem to understand fairness. There are microbes that can live in environments as acidic as battery acid (in fact they prefer that). Anglerfish males are tiny and permanently fuse themselves to females in order to mate. Meanwhile, aphids are born pregnant. And finally, hognose snakes are cute and will turn on their back to play dead in order to fool predators. Committed to the act, they will often turn back over even after you flip them right side up.
I mention all these wacky examples to try to make up for the fact that what we're doing can be really hard. That's why I'm here after all. There is so much love and support in this community to help guide me through the challenges. On the other hand, I want today to be a reminder that this journey doesn't have to be extremely serious all the time. There are tough times for sure - many of you may be in those times right now and we're here for you when you reach out - but there are also other times that bring us joy and humor. And in those times, we can laugh, celebrate, and joke around together.
Question: what's a silly thing about yourself? AND/OR what's your best/worst dad joke?
Mine: I've accumulated dozens of pictures from the internet of rabbits doing funny things that I send to my family members and friends when I'm bored.
How do you make an octopus laugh? Ten tickles
Happy Friday and IWNDWYT :)
submitted by noc-a-homer to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

Hunter or Huntress Chapter 91: You Will Tell Us

So then Time to see how our two lovebirds got on. Don't worry to those that didn't read 90.1 reminiscing will be kept as light as I felt I could get away with.
Once again the editing duo of UnvavoringGray and Twoflower68 need a shout out for their amazing work, in helping me get this out to you guys. Those two fucking rock.
Aside from that, I don't have much to say, so let's get on with the story
ko-fi For having more pretty pictures commissioned.
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Chapter 91: You Will Tell Us
There was a knock on the door, a voice Tom didn't recognize yelling from outside, “Breakfast is on, if you want any.”
“Coming,” Tom replied, stretching out lazily. His head didn’t feel too bad though it was definitely throbbing slightly, he felt a little sick too and he was quite thirsty. So nothing out of the ordinary. Noting the absence of snoring from his right, he poked at Jacky a bit, to try and see if she was awake.
“Tom?” the long drawn out reply came. “I feel like shit.” Short on ways to articulate ‘breakfast time,’ he just patted her on the side as he got up, hoping she would follow along eventually.
He only got on the essentials, leaving the armor off for the time being. He had to admit, he too felt rather stiff and sore. As he was doing up his boots he blinked a few times, his eyes messing with him and refusing to focus. All in all though, he was doing fairly okay. It was pretty clear the same couldn’t be said for Jacky, as she still laid sprawled across the mattress, buck nude and unmoving.
“I don’t want to go, everything hurts,” she protested, reaching for the blanket lazily, not even managing to grab it.
“Oh come on you lazy sod, can't be that bad,” Tom went as he grabbed her by the shoulder, rolling her over. She just flopped onto her back like a ragdoll whining loudly. “Please don’t dude, that hurt.” He picked up her arm, also not receiving any resistance, dangling it around a bit. He let go, watching it bounce off the mattress as she let out a distressed groan.
“You are a fucking mess arent you?” he questioned, giving her a light smack on the butt, as he started gathering up her clothes and laying them in the bed for her.
He picked up her crown, putting it on without much success. It was sort of on there but it was more laying on top of his head. Looking to Jacky she was at least looking at him now as he struck a pose for her, doing his best to look like a girly idiot. It did land him a chuckle from her as she slowly began moving. She winced as she sat up and began stretching everything that could be stretched right down to her toes.
Getting up, she scooped up his helmet and placed it on her head, even if the horns did kinda ruin the experiment. The tip of the helmet fell down in front of her eyes and made her look like an absolute idiot. “Look I’m the crazed killing machine. YAHHH, bang, bang, bang,” she went, doing the finger guns, pretending to be firing around the room, though she was still rather lacking in the enthusiasm department.
Tom really wanted to reply, shoulders sagging a bit at the thought that he couldn't. Jacky took off the helmet and continued doing stretches even if it was clear from all the wincing and slow movements that she was not enjoying it. “How can a night with you leave me in worse shape than the most insane battle I have ever taken part in?” She went with some annoyance in her tone.
Tom scratched the back of his neck, trying to look innocent, as he went about inspecting a very interesting wooden figurine on the window.
“Screw it, that was so worth it, it’s ridiculous. Now small steps Jacky,” she continued as she started to walk over to the washbasin. She looked truly ridiculous as she inched forwards bow legged. Tom eventually grew sorry for her, going over to lend a shoulder. “And of course you're completely fine. I don't like not being the awesome one you know that… and that’s mine,” she playfully protested, taking the crown and putting it on. “You are just a copper, remember?”
‘If only you knew how awesome you are, miss silvered huntress,’ Tom thought to himself with a smile as he helped her freshen up a bit and get into her clothes. After she had gotten ready and he got everything he didn't need sorted and stowed away they set off, making it just shy of the stairs.
“Oh this is gonna suck,” Jacky let out, stopping. Tom pondered the situation for a second before picking her up in a bride carry, going down the stairs with her as she slung her arms around his neck.
“...Just for today I will allow this,” she went, sounding more than a little sarcastic as they made it to the hall. Most of the people were well into their breakfast, though nearly all eyes turned to the two of them as they entered.
“Morning,” Tom let out, staring back at the mixed collection of faces. Some looked curious, others uncomfortable, one guy gave them a thumbs up and a smirking nod, and Jarix looked like he wanted to be somewhere else while also having several questions. ‘Oookay,’ Tom thought, screaming internally. He had guessed someone would have heard them. This was a lot worse than even he had thought; this was catastrophic.
Looking around, Zarko had her face buried in her food, sitting at the table closest to Jarix. Unkai looked away when Tom caught him staring. Going over, he deposited Jacky next to Zarko before getting some food for the two of them.
He came back with a plate of mostly smoked and salted meats with bread and some fairly nice smelling cheese. Jacky dug in with a voracious appetite, Tom joining her and trying to ignore the people who were staring.
Silence reigned at the table until Zarko elected to open the conversation, for once.
“So, feeling well-rested?” she questioned. Her expression perfectly plain as she continued eating.
“Yup, feeling much better. Weren't you supposed to be on the wing by now?” Tom replied, trying to seem nonchalant about it.
“Yes, but the lady overruled me, apparently her precious little huntresses need a good meal before such a flight,” she replied, seeming none too pleased as she scowled at the kind old lady before turning to Tom. "She still can’t hear us, right?”
“Nope. Deaf as can be sadly.”
“Excellent, let me give you a bit of advice: whatever you did to her, you might want to consider telling her to quiet down a bit… somehow,” Zarko continued, getting eye contact with him then looking Jackalope over, clearly thinking. “I wanna ask a favor.”
‘I do not like where this is going,’ Tom concluded, rather desperately looking around for a way out of this. Zarko clearly figured out where his mind had gone at that, her expression turning to one of disgust.
“No, you idiot. I want the most dangerous person I know to owe me a favor… In exchange for not letting a certain someone know what happened here, and embellishing some details.”
‘Godfucking dammit,’ Tom cursed to himself, looking at the now grinning second lieutenant. He did not like the prospect of what would happen if Zarko just started telling stories back at the keep. “What kind of favor are we talking?”
“Oh, I don’t know, I’ll think of something… eventually” Zarko replied, seeming very pleased with herself. ‘Oh god damn you,’ Tom cursed.
“Fine, don’t keep the deafness a secret though that’s just too obvious.”
“I won’t don’t you worry, but I gotta ask. What the hell did you do to her? More out of morbid curiosity than anything else.”
“And why would I tell you that?” Tom replied in an annoyed tone.
“Well I might be persuaded to keep those two from blabbing too loudly as well,” she replied, pointing at the two huntresses Tom suspected were gonna be joining her.
Looking around, it was clear the battle of this not being a topic was lost in advance. ‘Screw it, might as well have fun with it, Shiva is gonna try and kill me anyway,’ Tom mused to himself, looking to Zarko.
“Well, there is not much too it, I just rode her for all she was worth” Unkai nearly choked on his food at that.
“I think they heard us last night,” Jackalope tried to whisper as she leaned over to Tom, of course doing so loud enough that it wasn’t hard to hear for anyone at the table. Tom cracked a smile at that, trying to not laugh, nodding slowly while looking down. “Dammit, I even tried screaming into the pillow and everything,” she continued, looking around at the people staring. Tom wasn’t sure if she believed she was talking to herself or what. He gave her a little poke to the side, earning him a wince in response, “Please don’t, that still hurts.” Tom patted her on the back a bit to say sorry.
“I will try to keep her more quiet next time,” Tom promised as he looked to Unkai, who was sitting across from them. The healer damn near had his head below the edge of the table, looking extremely uncomfortable.
“For the record, I think whatever you two did was counter to my medical advice,” he peeped out after Tom stared at him for a bit.
“I was fairly gentle with her, I didn’t want to open up the wound on her back… You might need to take a look at that actually… She got a little... carried away.” If the dragonettes could blush, he was damn sure Unkai would be competing with Jarix for most blue individual right now, his ears completely flat against his neck.
“Sure thing.”
“That was gentle?!” Jarix finally broke out, looking at Tom with disbelief. “Do you know how you two sounded? I could hear everything godsdammit!” The dragon shuddering as he said that. Well, the few faces who hadn’t been giving them weird looks before sure as fuck were now.
Tom had to give it to the dragon, he hadn’t thought of that. “Sorry not sorry, I can try to make you some earplugs if you want, we can’t be the first ones you have heard,” he tried with a shrug. Jarix opened his mouth to speak thinking better of it.
“I would like that actually,” the dragon replied eventually, his expression rather ashamed as he looked away.
Looking back to Unkai, Tom asked the healer. “In your experience how bad it is when you people get hot… like you know, too hot?”
“I mean hot enough will kill you eventually, you faint long before that though.”
“Just checking. Getting that hot a few times in a row, is that bad?”
Unkai gulped, as he stared at Tom. “I don’t think I would recommend it,” he finally went, sounding ready to bolt.
“Noted,” Tom replied, putting an arm around Jacky’s waist.
“How did you manage that? I mean you were going at it for a while, but you held breaks, we could hear that much. How did she get so hot so fast?” Zarko questioned.
'Were you standing outside the door or something?’ Tom cursed, debating whether the comeback to that was worth the possible fall out with Jacky. ‘Yeah sure, this ship has sailed,’ he concluded.
“Oh, those were when she fainted, or you know just locked up completely. Then she needed a bit of a cool down.” That finally got a reaction from the normally stoic Zarko, as she turned to look at him wide-eyed. Jarix’s jaw hung open looking like he just witnessed his parents having sex, and Unkai froze in place as if something just broken inside him.
“What did you just say?” Jackalope questioned looking to Tom, clearly picking up on all that. She did not sound entirely pleased either.
‘Right, that’s fair,’ Tom concluded to himself, getting out the notebook, pondering how to spin this. He couldn’t outright lie, and she definitely knew what the subject was currently.
“That you are the most awesome thing both in the sky and the bedroom,” Tom wrote down, feeling proud of himself, doing his best Fengi impersonation as he showed her, trying to look cute.
Jackalope looked at the notebook slightly skeptical for a second or two, eyes flicking between it and him. “I’m on to you,” she finally replied, going back to her food, Tom letting out a slight sigh of relief.
“More like on top of you,” he retorted, chuckling at his own joke.
“Oh god, Tom please,” Jarix protested, sounding more than done with this conversation.
“Come on, you’re eighty and a combat vet now. Deal with it,” Jarix just stared at him, looking distinctly unimpressed as Tom just leaned on Jacky with a shit-eating grin on his face and went about his food. Ironically enough though he was struggling a bit with his appetite, having stacked up a sizable plate. Jacky eventually nicked a few things from his plate, much to her delight.
The questioning of both the man and woman they had captured had proved fruitless. They hadn’t even gotten a name out of them. Eventually they had just given up, leaving the city guard to it.
Sapphire and Dakota had been given bunks to sleep in at the Stockade on account of Sergeant Lanok having grown a lot more confident since Victoria departed. He refused to let them leave. Even if they weren't really locked up, it was still pretty damn annoying, not to mention belittling. It was a fine enough place to get a few hours of sleep though.
Maiko had woken them up a while later, Sapphire blinking the sleep from her eyes. This was not enough sleep for a night. Judging by the sun outside the window it was very early morning. “That was quick,” Sapphire noted, rubbing her eyes.
“Well we have a job to do, and possibly people trying to outrun us. So let’s go, chop-chop,” Maiko replied, yanking the blanket of Sapphire. “Seriously?” Sapphire protested, looking up at the bemused corporal who just moved to Dakota and repeated the maneuver.
They got up, donning their armor, and collecting their things.
“Do you think she found some village crazy woman?” Sapphire questioned, glancing at the equally sleepy-looking Dakota.
“No idea, we better not be late though. Let’s get down there,” Dakota answered, getting to her feet. Sapphire noticed a slight smile on Maiko’s face as they made their way to the interrogation room. Both of the kidnappers had been brought in there, the city guard sergeant joining them shortly after they arrived. He was suddenly looking very nervous not saying a word as they waited.
It took a few minutes before a tall slim woman, clad in the Hashaw family uniform, stepped into the room. Victoria followed behind her flanked by a captain of the city guard.
“Meet Inquisitor Joelina Hashaw. She has agreed to assist us moving forward,” The Colonel went in a distinctly smug tone as Sergeant Lanok stared in awe.
“I agreed to interrogate your prisoner, Victoria, nothing more, I have work to do” the tall woman replied in an ice-cold tone. “And only because the Lady required it. Tie them down tight, suicide is not acceptable.”
“Oh fuck me,” the female kidnapper let out as they began strapping the two of them to their chairs with leather straps and rope. Sapphire had no clue how many inquisitors there were, but they were rare as could be, she knew that much. 'Yup, they're fucked,’ she concluded, not sure if she wanted to watch this.
“Before we start you should know, I will learn what I want to know, so you might as well make this easy. If you don’t I won’t be able to guarantee your safety. I’m sure you don’t want to end up a drooling mess. Of course, you could just tell us right away.”
“She’s joking, don’t tell her anything.. ahrg!” the male let out, thrashing at his restraints. As the inquisitor dug her claws into his skull and squeezed, the guy’s head snapped back to look her in the eyes, pupils wide. She was clearly concentrating, her eyes burning vivid green as she stared into the guy’s eyes and began speaking.
“Let’s see here. Oh stop thinking about your crush that won't help you, she’s not even pretty… Who sent you?... Hello. You look familiar, so you worked for Gyros then? Noted… You didn't question someone willing to pay that much for a kidnapping job? Good god, you’re an idiot. Yes, yes, you lost three friends. I don’t care. Where were you supposed to deliver him?... I see.” The inquisitor let him go with a dejected sigh, the guy’s head slumping over to the side, a distant expression on his eyes as he twitched a bit.
“Well that was disappointing, so little discipline,” she went, taking out a notebook. “His name is Hinato, he was contracted through a gentleman named Gyros, whom I know rather well, by an anonymous beneficiary. Their destination was an abandoned warehouse where they would hand off the target to said beneficiary. Here it is, they met there yesterday day to discuss things you're looking for a woman in a hooded dress, her face was covered” She continued, tearing out a page from her notebook and handing it to Victoria. “I say you hurry up and pray they are waiting confused that their shit mercenaries haven't shown up yet, and remember Victoria: favor for favor.”
“This is on my mother's orders, take it up with her,” Victoria responded, inspecting the piece of paper. “You know this would have been so much easier if you had woken up when I told you to.”
“I still have a day of work ahead of me, speaking of which, let's see what she knows.”
“No need, I’m fine to talk!” the woman let out, looking terrifiedly at the guy strapped down next to her. “I’m Thalrex. I have been with this company for 2 years. I was paid 63 silver for my share, which is the most I have ever been paid for a one night job. We were waiting outside the window for half the night, we were supposed to be back by sunrise and the guy who got away is called Hjortun, he’s a coward, I have a flying lizard named Skitters and I swear I don’t know anything else!” Sapphire was wondering whether a fresh set of undergarments would be necessary for the mercenary, but she certainly put on a convincing performance if she wasn't actually scared shitless.
“Were you the ones who tried to scare the shit out of us at the tavern a few nights ago?”
There was a bit of a pause before Thalrex answered. “No… We just had to kidnap a dude for ransom” She sounded genuinely confused at that so she might actually be telling the truth.
“Ransom?” Dakota questioned, thinking for a bit. “Never mind I get it, drop the charges and we get him back” She continued, nodding to herself
The inquisitor looked back at them, looking very smug. “Anything else I can do for you?”
“No, I think we have places to be. I do owe you for this.”
“I’ll be sure to cash in when I need a place burnt to the ground... Toodeloo,” she went as she waltzed out the room. The City Guard captain followed her out, asking questions about if she could be persuaded to help with some of his other prisoners.
“Thanks for your cooperation,” Victoria went, looking at Thalrex. “They’re all yours Sergeant.”
“Wait, you promised to pay for my jail time. I don't want to be a slave!” Thalrex protested, fighting her restraints.
“And I didn’t want to be indebted to the inquisition, we can't all get what we want,” Victoria replied, turning to leave. Thalrex continued to protest loudly, sounding ready to break down completely as the door was shut behind them. Victoria turned to Sapphire and Dakota, her expression turning worried from her previous stone-cold professionalism.
“You two okay?”
“We're fine. Balethon is a bit worse for wear. He's being looked after though,” Sapphire replied, trying to hide the shock of what she had just seen.
“Actually he should be up and about by now. The poison should not last more than a few hours,” Dakota interjected. “We might need his nose for this. That snout of his is good for more than helping with cooking after all.”
“Let’s go pick him up then, we have transport on the roof. Don’t worry he doesn't stain. He’s just the sweetest in fact, so try to be nice,” Victoria replied, before making for the infirmary.
The rather bewildered Balethon was indeed up and about, even if he still looked a little stiff in his movements. The mercs had actually been very professional with the poison, only giving him a shallow cut to the base of the neck where it would act quickly but heal easily.
Making it to the roof, it was indeed Tiguan who was sitting perched on the landing platform. Sapphire knew he was on their team, but the sight of a jet black dragon sent shivers running down her spine. She stopped in her tracks for a second before forcing herself to move forward. Even if he shone like obsidian, clearly freshly polished, everything in her was screaming ‘RUN!’ at the sight of him.
“Yilditz, we have a warehouse that needs a visit, double time. The bastards we need might still be there,” Victoria shouted out as they made it out onto the roof.
“Roger that. See, I promised we didn’t just have to sit around and look scary,” Ylditz went in an encouraging tone, clearly directed at the dragon.
“Yeah yeah, that’s me, look scary and run errands.”
“Oh come now, you were the one who wanted some actual work,” Ylditz replied. “I’m sure you will get the chance to do some good today. Right, Victoria?”
“Well, we are chasing kidnappers. It doesn’t get much more pure-hearted than that”
“I thought you caught them?” Tiguan questioned, sounding more interested as Victoria helped Balethon aboard, the guard clearly struggling with what he was climbing upon. Tiguan seemed too distracted to notice though.
“We did, and now we are after the ones who hired the mercs, a proper bad guy just like you wanted.”
“I see... Well, let’s go then!” The dragon let out, jumping off the roof, suddenly in a big hurry, his crew plus Balethon and Victoria aboard. The rest of the dragonettes on the roof took to the sky under their own power.
“This day is getting strange real quick!” Sapphire shouted to Dakota.
“Just go with it. Not like we are gonna be attacked in this formation.”
“True, people tend to steer clear of me, now let’s go see about fucking up some bad guys!” Tiguan shouted back to them.
“Hear, hear!” Echoed out from a fair few of the other people in the formation. Not counting Tiguan and his now 5 person crew, they had half a dozen dragonettes here, seemingly all members of the family or guards from the estate.
The sun was still low in the sky as they soared over a not so desirable part of town. The skies were still quiet, most people weren’t gonna be up for at least a few more hours. They eventually found a building that matched the description, A large squat wooden warehouse, the number 6 marked on the roof, even if the paint had started to fade.
Tiguan had started relaying orders from Victoria so all could hear.
“Victoria is running interception with all loose flyers, in case someone runs. I will smash in the front door and give them a bad day. All good?” the dragon questioned, looking about the formation, receiving thumbs up all around. “Good, let’s go be heroes!” Tiguan let out with considerable enthusiasm as he went into a dive.
Victoria had disembarked, taking the lead of the dragonette formation, leading them down over the warehouse. The black dragon went into a steep dive with his wings tucked in, pulling away from the formation. Sapphire could just about make out someone shouting on Tiguan's back as he sped off; it sounded almost like Ylditz. “No, we can’t do that!”
Sapphire had expected him to land and then perhaps knock in the doors, but he didn’t do that. He was apparently very confident that this was the right building as he let loose a stream of acid aimed at the roof, covering it in the sickly gray gooey substance that quickly began eating away at the wooden structure. He spread his wings to slow down before landing on the roof, smashing through it with a resounding crunch of snapping wooden support beams.
“Well that is one way to do it,” Sapphire let out, staring in disbelief at the sight of the ruined building.
“Godsdammit Tiguan!” Victoria shouted out from ahead loud enough that it carried.
“Hands where I can see them and wings folded!” the dragon roared out from inside the warehouse, Sapphire not able to see anything through the hole except a cloud of dust slowly rising.
Victoria ordered the formation broken up into three wings and placed Dakota in charge of the third. Victoria taking the first wing inside with two and three holding the perimeter.
“Uhm… No one here,” Tiguan eventually bellowed out from inside, sounding more than a little disappointed.
“I am not paying for this,” Dakota stated disheartedly. “What does a warehouse even cost?”
“More than a few dencils I’m guessing,” Sapphire replied, shaking her head.
Okay then. Tom and Jacky appear to have survived the night not some better than others. Sapphire and Dakota are thoroughly on the offensive even if they have ended up mostly just coming along for the moment.
As always do let me know what you thought down below, as we maintain course heading for number 100. that's is gonna be quite the occasion.
Until next time, have an awesome day.

ko-fi For having more pretty pictures commissioned.
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GME Gang: On the Subject of the Golden Bridge and Its Inevitable Destruction By Fire 🚀🚀🚀

Build your opponent a golden bridge to retreat across.
Sun Tzu, Art of War
Everything was for tomorrow, but tomorrow never came. The present was only a bridge and on this bridge they are still groaning, as the world groans, and not one idiot ever thinks of blowing up the bridge.
Henry Miller, Tropic of Capricorn
I was wrong! Blow the bridge! Blow the fucking bridge!
Tugg Speedman, Tropic Thunder
Hello again GME Gang! It’s been a while since I last ranted at you, but I know we’ve been in some very good hands here at WSB with all the great DD folks have posted over the past few weeks. So no need for CPT Hubbard to go for 11 again on the Thumbscroll Dial (until today, that is). I’ve enjoyed a lot of these posts very much, so thank you on behalf of myself and the attention-deficient Rocket Children for continuing to deliver that 100% Chaff-Free GME-grade Wheat at such a feverish clip.
Now, I am going to get to Hong Kong’s Lamest Outlaw and his disconcertingly vacant eyes here shortly. But first I want to take you on a journey back to Christmas Eve, in the year of our lord 2020—a heady time in all our lives. We were all so young and innocent then, weren’t we? Fresh off the run up to 22. Blissfully oblivious that we were living in the last moments where the question What is The War of 1812? was the only acceptable Jeopardy question for the answer: The Last Time the Goddamn U.S. Capitol Was Stormed. This was also before we all became irresponsibly overleveraged in Cathie Wood’s Ornamental Gourds ETF. It was a wondrous, confusing time.
But before we get too off topic, let’s all hop in my 1985 DeLorean (purchased with proceeds from my Jan 15 calls – thanks RC!), fire up the ol’ Flux Capacitor, and get that shit to 88 because something happened that evening that is Worth Pondering—particularly in light of recent events. And just as a friendly reminder: even though you’re going back in time in a DeLorean, no one here has to deviate funds away from GME shares to Save the Clock Tower and you are under no obligation to fulfill a scenario where you wind up making out with your Mom (unless your Mom is Cathie Wood like mine—in which case maybe just some quick over-the-clothes stuff).
On the Subject of How It Once ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas
So what in the holy fuck happened on the night before Christmas, Captain? Well, while all you Gentiles were sleeping soundly after lying to your children about benign home intruders and before gorging yourself on the teat of late-stage capitalism, me and the rest of the Chosen People were up late eating Chinese food and thinking about tendies (self-hating Jew Joke! Ba-zing!). But then: when out on the electric twitter machine there arose such a clatter, I sprang to my phone to see what was the matter. And what to my wondering eyes did appear, a mysterious tweet from a Rich-Ass Viking who had a lot of fucking interesting things to say about this whole GME situation that’s what.
This tweet, buried as a reply to a tweet sent by Mr. Rod Alzmann (@RodAlzmann or u/Uberkikz11), simply said: “Merry Christmas. Shhh.” But it included this screen shot:
[**Image Deleted Due to the Mods - check the link below where someone transcribed it - I'll try to add later**]
Now, this tweet to Rod, sent late at night and likely after a strong Mead or three, was very promptly deleted. But your intrepid cub reporter saw this here tweet that night with his own two eyes—seeing as I am a degenerate GME addict and devoted follower of Mr. Rod Alzmann (Hi Rod!). And I took screenshots, of course, like any responsible records custodian might. And so did the dude who wrote a somewhat-overlooked WSB post on this, which included the most pertinent text of the message if you are having trouble reading it here:
Now, what are we to make of this? At the time, I thought it was very interesting. But I did not give it too much attention seeing as how the internet is overcrowded with anonymous weirdos claiming to know more than they do about all sorts of subjects (and now I feel your judging eyes…). Also, there was some very good commentary in that WSB post from some sharp folks about the screenshot author’s questionable use of the shorthand PE/IB—given that private equity and investment banks wouldn’t apparently be involved in a behind-the-scenes transaction with the short funds like what was being discussed there (don’t ask me, I just string together silly words here). But maybe you poke around his Twitter a bit and see for yourself.
Still, plausibility assessments based on preferred nomenclature aside, it seemed to me that some version of that conversation had to be taking place behind the scenes in a situation like this—given the batshit insane short interest, the funds supposedly involved, and the rapid rise in SP coinciding with RC’s share accumulation, December 21st amended 13D filing, and new status as a GME Insider and Board member (just love saying all that in a row, don’t you?).
So the Viking’s screenshot tweet, and the very likely possibility that shorts are in so deep that they’re attempting to negotiate peace with large shareholders behind the scenes, stuck in my tiny little baby brain as a pretty plausible set of scenarios. And from the look of it, it seems like some funds were at least willing to discuss offering these shorts a Golden Bridge away from Certain Fucking Destruction on the open market. And if the words on the screenshot are at all aligned with reality, these short funds have no good options.
Yet it seems like they are still playing hardball to negotiate the carat on this generous bridge offer they’re getting. Why? Maybe they’ve been getting high on their own supply for so long and they don’t know how to see this situation for what it is. Who knows? Maybe there is no Ryan Cohen and we’re all living in a simulation. But if the recent low-rent anti-GME articles and market manipulation efforts we’re seeing are any indication, these overleveraged short fuckers seem to think they’re going to be able to spin out of this hold and drive the SP back down to even smaller peanuts than it’s at now by sheer force of will (and some deployment of well-honed tricks of the trade amirite?) to emerge unscathed. Or even victorious? I dunno—it’s their delusional fantasy sequence.
But do you know what this scenario reminds me of? And this is just coming to me so please bear with me as I’m not showing this to my editor before we print (I haven’t seen this movie in ages – don’t know what made me think of this!). Fuck it, I’m just gonna start riffing here. The shorts trying to thread this needle, against all odds and logic and common sense, reminds me of that hilarious scene in Dumb and Dumber where haplessly delusional Jim Carrey thinks he has a chance with Mary Samsonite Swanson. But the scene is funny because he really doesn’t. Have any chance. At all.
Now, I know this is a 1990s movie originally released on VHS that we haven’t seen it or even seen it referenced in ages. But now that you’re thinking of it again after all this time, doesn’t it remind you of this too? I know, I get it: You’d have to have fucking peanuts for brains for it not to.
On the Subject of the Continued Internet Bumbling of Mr. Justin Dopierala
Now that screenshot came to mind this past week when something kind of weird happened while we were all enjoying our quick rocket ship ride. And yes, we are briefly going to talk again about Seeking Alpha’s second finest pro-GME author (always been more of a Dmitriy man myself) and recurring CPT Hubbard character, Justin Dopierala (and no, Angela, I do not want to have like 10,000 of his babies).
Last Thursday, after we were all virtually high-fiving one another and counting our future Lambos, Mr. Justin Dopierala, head of Domo Capital and longstanding uber-bull GME shareholder and author at Seeking Alpha (last seen arguing pithily with our own Rod Alzmann about the conservative nature of Rod’s holiday earnings projections. Hi again Rod!), made it known that he sold all of Domo Capital’s 500,000 shares for around $42.50—at the very top of the run up last Thursday morning.
Now, Domo Capital’s business decisions are none of my goddamn business. And there are plenty of market opportunities right now. Shit, I hear there is even a new Cathie Wood Gourd ETF coming online soon that people are really excited about and that I’m sure Justin’s clients would find intriguing. But Domo’s decision to sell seemed curious given a few things: (1) on Wednesday, when the rocket is mid-flight, he got a twitter follow from Gabe Plotkin, head of Melvin Capital, which he promptly tweeted about with a “get a load of this fuckin’ guy” vibe (oh the sweet, intoxicating arrogance of tendie victory, I too love it so); (2) he had also tweeted that day comparing GME’s rise to Apron’s short squeeze that lasted 4 days—where he also stressed to his followers that Apron had a much lower SI than GME; and (3) he then promptly deleted all of these tweets and almost everything else GME-related on Thursday after apparently introducing 500,000 shares of liquidity into the height of a stressed market up and through the Thursday reversal and down into his own personal tendie town.
Now, after seeing all this, I mouthed off a bit to Justin on the electric twitter machine because that’s kind of my thing. And if you are familiar with my prior ramblings, you know that he and I go way back. In response, Justin talked a bit of shit about your intrepid cub reporter here in a comment on Dimitry Kozin’s October 21, 2020 article about a possible sony revenue share deal or something, the comment section of which has become the preferred SA water cooler over there. (And I can’t link that because Thems The Rulez). And Justin hurt my little feelings a bit with his very sharp denial. And by all means have at it over there to check out his comment about why he sold if you give a shit. That is if Justin hasn’t deleted it yet. Free country and all.
But to summarize, on the subject of treacherous coordination with Melvin Capital, Justin said he would not could not in a boat and he would not could not with a goat. And I for one believe him. And do you know why? Because even though Justin seems like a very smart guy in some ways, he’s also a well-known internet bumbler who blurts out things to his internet friends that a person with better self-control would keep to themselves. And so I do not think he is capable of pulling that off or keeping a secret like that. Also: he said he didn’t so I am more than willing to give someone the benefit of any doubt in that area and you should too. I think we keep Hanlon’s razor firmly in mind here about never attributing to malice that which is explained by stupidity. That is unless, of course, you’re Andrew Left and you’re actually trying to convince people that you didn’t realize there was a US presidential inauguration planned for the same time you announced your Super Important TeeVee Yammerfest ‘21 about GME not being a good candidate for an imminent short squeeze no way no how not if my name isn’t Andrew Left short seller expert extraordinaire and Hong Kong’s Most Misunderstood Ethically-Minded Businessman. You can ascribe the fuck out of malice to that one.
No, even though I really have no idea, I think the most likely thing that happened there was that Gabe Plotkin, Master of the Universe, Head of Melvin Capital, and Acolyte of Perennial Most Ethical Business Man MVP candidate, Steven Cohen—got into Justin’s head when Plotkin followed him on twitter during the 57% (at one point 94%) day last Wednesday and then Justin got a bit chippy about it.
And this is the real reason I’m bringing this up.
Because I honestly care very little about the Nervous Investing Habits of the Wisconsin hedge fund voted most likely to prompt a Mr. Roboto reference. No: I think that Gabe Plotkin sent a message with that follow. Without even ever having to say it directly. And I think that after GME’s huge run and getting a little overexcited while working the twitter machine, Justin maybe had a chance to relax with a warm glass of milk that night and reflect on that message. Which I believe was: I’m watching you, motherfucker. And the only reason I’m paying any attention to some shitstain Wisconsin pseudo-fund on a day like today when I am getting my ass fucking torched is because I want you to know that if this GME shit blows up on me, I’m going to fuck your ass up. I will remember the name Domo Capital forevermore. And when you least expect me, I’ll be there. Now: your move, motherfucker.
And once I realized what might have happened there, that made me feel kinda bad for Justin if he felt that way. Definitely a puss move because fuck you Plotkin I drink your fucking milkshake, right? But bad because that’s a mean message for a business colleague to send, Gabriel. Shame on you if that's how you roll like a big New York bully and scaring our poor Justin like that. And if you just wanted to follow him to shoot the shit or swap listicles and Star Wars Prequel memes with a respected contemporary—even in the very midst of getting fucking annihilated while short GME—well Justin has a totally different account for that and he’s not allowed to access it during work hours.
On The Likelihood That The Most Heavily Shorted Stock in History Is Not Being Subject to Continued Market Manipulation When A Steve Cohen Acolyte Is Losing His Fucking Shirt
Have you heard about Steve Fucking Cohen? The guy who looks like he’s tip top of the list of the premier Hollywood casting agency’s rolodex for Saddest Dipshit Still At the Strip Club After Everyone Else Has Already Gone Home? I’m sorry, that’s mean and my mother told me to always be kind to the truly hideous looking because they’re probably still beautiful on the inside (spoiler alert: he’s not!).
Get a load of this guy:
Are you back? I’ve missed you. That was scary, wasn’t it? But allow me to TL/DR all that for you who decided to avoid all that unpleasantness: the dude just has all this bad luck and keeps finding himself into these really awkward situations where someone could potentially question his commitment to ethical business and life practices as well as adherence to the laws of the United States and it’s just not fair and nothing’s fair and Nice Guy Steve Cohen Is The Victim Here So Just Stop Right There Mister I See What You’re Doing. He's also bros with Guy Fieri. Cool.
But why am I talking about a guy who would so clearly pass Billy Madison’s Final Question about Business Ethics without even breaking a sweat?
Because Steve Cohen once had a young Ace Protegee that he loved very much. With the name of an Archangel, so tender and pure. And one day this young man decided he wanted to Prove Himself and Leave Steve’s Nest. And thus was born Melvin Capital, seeded financially by Steve Cohen but named after famed Crooner Melvin H. Tormé, which Gabe’s esteemed mentor Steve would play in his office, over and over, all those years ago.
Now let’s fast forward a bit because I’m boring myself with all that fucking Cohen reading (the bad Cohen—don’t you dare get anyone confused here). As I was saying: Gabe Plotkin, head of Melvin Capital, has by all accounts gotten himself into a bit of a pickle here being so deeply short GME. Lots of people have analyzed and overanalyzed it, and I’m not going to do it again here; that dead horse is well and truly beaten. But to bottom line it: we’re all just staring down what is essentially an unprecedented math problem that will, at some point, resolve itself. And if it revolves itself in favor of the Good Guys, then the Bad Guys will lose a Fuck-ton of Money. That’s your money block quote, WSJ, so fuck off and stop calling me.
Now: picture yourself as a Steve Cohen acolyte that just bought a $44M Miami Compound and who cannot stop talking about how co-owning the Charlotte Hornets is worth it just for the courtsides alone bro once basketball is a thing again and so what if Michael Jordan keeps calling him Gary it’s close enough. Are you feeling the most financially secure that you have ever felt in your young rich life right about now? Or might you be a wee bit worried that you’ve pursued an investment thesis so reckless, so irrationally and intentionally destructive of equity, that even Melvin H. Tormé himself must be rolling in his fucking grave that you would ever dare put at risk your ability to continue being Michael Jordan’s Gary?
And so here is when I again link my good buddy Jim Cramer’s Great Unveiling of the Tactics Deployed by Short Sellers hoping to change the narrative and construct a “new truth” to suppress the SP in the face of, oh, let’s just say: a very promising turnaround story in a high-growth industry by an e-Commerce Canadian Genius who does not fuck around and who knows what he’s fucking doing and aims to sell more and better video games experiences to crackhead video gamers and there’s a million things he wants to do but just you wait, just you wait.
Is this plot that hard to follow?
And I’ll also say this: I know fuck-all about monitoring order flows or how funds continue to create synthetic shares to short shit into oblivion. But I’m just stepping back and thinking of the broader narrative and tactics on this. Spit-balling here again—bear with me. Now, if you were massively short a security while paying out your ass in borrowing fees for the privilege of entering the most crowded short trade in the market and you’re now opposite a massive business turnaround story, Ryan Cohen, numerous institutions, funds, retail whales, Norwegian HNW Freemason Consortiums, and the energy behind the Finest Rocket Children Ever to Grace Planet Fucking Earth—and you’re taking it in the ass week after week here—Do you then play this straight? Do you set aside all of these illegal and deceptive short tactics Jim Cramer candidly outlines in that video even though they’re impossible to enforce and are in fact not enforced? That Jim basically says you’d be professionally negligent if you were short and didn’t do this shit because fuck it whosgonnastopyou? And now you fucked up and that steamroller is barreling down upon you and there are all these things you could theoretically do try to get yourself out of this jam if you were That Kind of Person? Do you set this all aside and, at least in Jim’s view, tie one hand behind your precious ethical back? On the most heavily shorted stock off all time where you are bleeding Real Life Big-Boy Money? Just buying and selling you know, just a job, honest living, nothing much to it, sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, can't get too carried away with it.
Or is it something a little bit fucking different than that?
I don’t know. I’m not in the industry myself. And I would never accuse anyone of doing anything so clearly contrary to the values upon which their professional career as Master of the Universe was built. So Gabe: chill. Don’t follow me or something on twitter man, since for all I know that’s Plotkinese for I Hope You Don’t Mind Sleeping With This Severed Horse Head in Your Bed Motherfucker. It’s just money, dude. You seem pretty well taken care of. But man would I be sweating if I were short right now staring down the barrel of your new neighbor Ryan Cohen’s whims and patience and polite Canadian manners and ambiguous emojis that we all lose our shit for. I mean, fuck man: are you ok? Don’t forget to exercise and eat well during all this. Maybe switch to green tea or something. And remember: you’ll always—always—be Michael Jordan’s Gary.
But here is where we return to our good friend Andrew Left from Citron Research.
Do you remember the excitement you felt this past weekend? I’ve never seen WSB so jacked. People were coming out hot on Tuesday—an uptick day! The new phone book’s here! The new phone book's here! What luck to be free of Gary’s tomfoolery for one fine day. And then GME spiked right away—reaching a high of over $45 that morning.
But then something happened. We all know what it was. But here is where any SEC lookie-loos need to close those Pornhub links and pay closer attention. Because in the moments before the Citron tweet that morning about Andy’s upcoming BuzzFeed Listicle call on Why GME is Scary Investment GRRRR, total short shares available dropped from 1.2M to 0. And a $300K put bet was placed on a weekly with a strike price well over 10% out of the money at the very moment that GME’s price was accelerating rapidly. (H/t u/FatAspirations). That’s some WSB-level shit right there.
And yet they pull it off! GME immediately shoots down nearly 30% intraday, and eventually climbing abck up above 10%, making us all feel a little weird and like ungrateful millennial brats for feeling so shitty about a 10% day. But we all know what fucking happened, now don’t we?
So what can we say about ol’ Andy? Now, many of you know Andy as the dumbshit who shorted TSLA until he was ground into little bits of dumb dumb dust and made to look ever so foolish over and over again until he finally cried drunk uncle and flipped to being long TSLA and now he’s cool to you or whatever. Or you might know him as the guy who puts out really shoddy research that often, by pure happenstance, drives a new narrative to control the orderflow and SP on a WSB-beloved security like PLTR? You know the guy I’m talking about. Once in hot pursuit by Hong Kong fuzz, an International Man of Obviousness with a face that says: why yes, I will have another vodka tonic thankyouverymuch. That’s him.
Well, just like future call-back candidate for the role of Frightened Inmate #2, Mr. Steve Cohen, Andy is also but a Caveman—frightened and confused by your modern concepts of “ethics” and “rules.” No! No!—He’s a straight shooter! Devoted to rooting out obvious frauds, like Lukin Coffee and TSLA (Do not fuck with Elon or my Hot Mom’s ETF, Andy). And like the aspirations of Antoine Bugle Boy when he entered the blue jeans market, Andy saw an overcrowded short trade here based on an overly simplistic and obsolete short thesis about GME and said: “Me Too!” And as this thing is ripping to the stratosphere, Andy starts ringing his dumb dumb twitter bell and saying hear ye, hear ye—Inauguration Day and time it shall be for all my Big Brain thoughts about GME!
Nothing weird about that. No sir.
So Andy Citron or whatever the fuck his name is will be putting out some dumbshit video or something today in what seems to be a pretty clear attempt to scare my poor Rocket Children and get those pesky computers to high frequency this shit to drive the SP down to more acceptable loss levels (cause let’s be honest: they’re still taking a fucking bath here) for Mel Tormé’s namesake hedgefund and all the other cretins that are dug into short position here. And they’re gonna try to scare ya’ with the color red! And they know that no one here likes the color red.
But do see what’s going on here and who we’re dealing with. This really ain’t rocket science, Rocket Children. The dude actually tried to claim he forgot about the Inauguration. In 2021. He has not been in a coma, to the best of my knowledge. But you do look a little bleary eyed, Andy. Must have been all that staying up super late working on those last few bullet points to fill out the powerpoint on that GME listicle of yours, eh sport?
Conclusion: On the Subject of Patience and The Arc of The Universe Bending Toward Ryan Fucking Cohen
In my youth there was a period of time where I went out on boats that would drop crates into the waters of the Arctic. Bundled inside them were raw pieces of meat. In the coming days the boats would head back out to the frigid seas, hook the floats bobbing upon the waters, and pull the crates up. Packed inside would be many crabs. They were so delicious & made a good price at market. The difference between the crate that was empty and the create full of bounty was a mystery even the great physicist Erwin Schrödinger pondered at much length.
But the hearty fishermen of my youth already knew the answer long ago. Why did the trap fill up? Time. In time, all traps fill. In time, all things pondered shall be revealed.
--The Fucking Viking, That’s Who
Now look, you all know I have a soft spot for Ryan Cohen. Hell, we all do. He’s a good dude. And the man has played this flawlessly so far. He really has. The fact that we are all sitting here with Ryan Cohen having successfully negotiated three seats on the Board—a bloodless coup as my man Rod Alzmann says—here in January? It’s amazing. His vision for GME is dialed-the-fuck in and extremely exciting. This misunderstood business is on the threshold of an exciting turnaround with Ryan Cohen at the helm. And though I was very much looking forward to the potential repercussions of a vote being called at the annual meeting and what that might mean for the short-term share price, this result is infinitely better. Whatever their motivations, that Board and George Sherman saw the writing on the wall here and accepted the Golden Bridge that Ryan offered them. And Ryan Cohen has done everything he’s set out to do here. And he’s clearly been having fun while doing it. Read up on the guy at some point if you haven’t–there’s lots of good DD out there on him, obviously. And while you’re reading and thinking about Ryan Cohen, think also about guys like Steve Cohen (no fucking relation) and Gabe Plotkin and Andy Left and how lucky we are that we get to roll with RC against that motley crew of fuckwads.
And do you know what? I’m guessing that RC, and maybe even the funds being discussed in that screenshot, have been very patient with Mr. Plotkin et al in recent weeks. You don’t go around bankrupting hedge funds willy nilly, you know--bad form and all that old chap. People tend to remember that. And guys like Steve Cohen and Gabe Plotkin seem like they play for keeps. So now you try to build them a Golden Bridge to cross—maybe not their preferred route of travel, but could be worse and all that, right guys? But for whatever reason it seems like the natural instinct here on the short side is fight over flight. And these short FUD tactics are getting increasingly ridiculous to help slow down the inevitable march toward the detonator right next to that bridge. So relax everyone! And let’s not fool ourselves: All those Masters of the Universes are well aware of the math problem they’re all facing here and they must have a vague grasp of the odds that this goes off in one direction over the other. And what that could mean for the size of their money pits and how many sports teams they can buy this year. Shit, I assume Steve Cohen is counseling his young acolyte about how many sads he himself felt deep down in his man heart on that fateful day in 2008 when he lost $250M on a short when Volkswagon squeezed to infinity—a sadness that he will continue to draw on when his agent finally finds him a role that calls for it.
But my point is: the longs here can afford to be patient and let this play out. When this thing moves, the Viking’s Schrödinger crabs will only be in one pot. And I’m guessing that pot is the one being held by the guy who is actually in total control here: Ryan Goddamn Cohen.
So enjoy the show today. If you’re anything like me, you’re feeling relaxed after gorging yourself on lucky space peanuts all week.(
And though these silly wabbits with their cumbersome FUD efforts can get a bit tiresome, I’m still very much enjoying this GME show at this point and almost do not want it to end—what with all these Sorkin-esque twists and turns and my Cohen Tweet Decorder Ring getting all this sweet action.
But just remember who Ryan Cohen is, what he cares about, and what, so far, he has told us he intends to do here. And then you might realize, as I have, that Ryan Cohen has had the Gray’s Sports Almanac here all along. This story has already been written. He’s already won. And Melvin Capital’s Schrödinger-ass crabs are dead as fuck. The only question now is: what causes that Golden Bridge to blow? I, for one, am content to wait on RC while counting my good fortune that I can continue to accumulate until whatever happens here happens. So pass the rocket peanuts.
It’s just money after all. Right Gabe?
TL/DR: Psst: a Mysterious Viking once told me about behind-the-scenes Golden Bridge negotiations that are likely taking place that give shorts no chance but the shorts seem to think they’re saying there’s a chance but there really is no chance; Gabe Plotkin, Steve Cohen and Andy Left are misunderstood Straight Shooters who probably answer typical interview questions about their own perceived weaknesses by saying “Sometimes I just care too much about doing the right thing”; and Ryan Cohen is the Goddamn Man so we can all relax and not worry so much about all this dumb short FUD bullshit, ok? OK. 🚀🚀🚀
**If you construe any of the above as investment advice without doing your own DD or at least Googling Ryan Cohen then you are a fucking idiot and may God have mercy on your soul. You too, Andy.
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Insult me in front of my staff, say goodbye to your families political career

This is my first post on Reddit, so please bear with English as it's not my first language.
Note1: Names, characters, and places are changed for privacy reasons.
Note2: This is a Revenge story of my Father, not mine, and was told to me by Dad's friend (Rob)
Note3: This story took place in the late 1990s to early 2000s
Note4: I will be using US dollars instead of my country's currency (which is way lower than USD)
Note5: It's a long story, so bear with me on that.
td;lr at the end
My Father: Dad
Politician: Jack
Politicians Brother in Law: Bill
Bill's Consultant: Dave
Dad's Friend: Rob
Background: I live in an economically developing nation, used to be heavily dependent on Agriculture produce for economic activity. My grandfather was a farmer and he wanted his children to get educated and get a government job. So my dad got his masters from the only university we had in our region. Since most people study from the same university and get government jobs. so everyone in government offices knew one another in some way or the other. My Dad was offered the position of officer in charge of our home state for the agriculture department and had around 40 people working under him, his task was to take care of agriculture and its related activities and acted as advisor to the local farming community via local newspapers. During the 1980s and early 1990s, our country had long droughts and famines. The then government decided to create two different government agencies to take care of food security, one agency will take care of buying and storing food grains and another agency was tasked to enable building the infrastructure for food security.
Dad was attached to the agency which was tasked with infrastructure, his agency's job was to give grants for anyone building infrastructure for food security. His duty was given the task of providing grants to anyone who is building warehouses for storing food. His job was to review the entire warehouse from planning to construction that can store food and provide a third of project cost as a grant/subsidy to people who built it.
This was the time when my country was doing all the stuff on paper, no computers (Only typewriters) in government offices and no cellphone, your options were limited to a fixed telephone line and fax/copying machines (which were mind-blowing technology for my Dad) were new to Government offices. My Dad used to do tons of paperwork in the office (reading through stuff, adding remarks, writing stuff) Add to that you had postal service that took somewhere between 7~10 days to have your mail delivered to the nearest town or city. (yeah those were the times my dad lived)
The Story:
In the late 1990s, my Dad was doing his work at his office. When a commotion at the office entrance gets my Dad's attention, he sees from the office window where 10 expensive cars are parked and a group of thugs holding the collar security personal while warning them with long sticks and knives(My country didn't have armed security for Government building back then, security folks usually had small sticks). There were several unauthorized people were entering the building. You see people were not allowed inside any government office unless they state the purpose to the officer in charge and the officer permits the security to allow them. Suddenly Bill and his men walk into my Dad's office pushing my Dad's staff away, Bill introduce himself and mentions that he is the brother in law of Jack the senator from our region, and calls himself one of the powerful people in the region. He sits in my Dad's chair and then drinks coffee and eats the cookies that were ordered for my Dad which was kept on his desk. Bill informs his men to go easy on my Dad's staff as they start to drink coffee and eat cookies that were meant for the employees. Bill tells my Dad that he was there to discuss availing the grant the government provides for a project that he was planning. My Dad at times is submissive to people in the position of power as he has seen consequences first hard as some of his friends lost jobs or lives standing against powerful people.
So Dad asks for the details of the project Bill was planning and asks him to send over the project proposal and an official request for the grant to him for reviewing and informed Bill that the grant cannot be processed until the project is completed. Bill gets angry that any proposal for the project is enough to qualify for a grant and should be paid upfront for the project construction. My Dad tells him how grant works and the project should be completed in order to qualify for the grant. Bill pissed by this point and yells at my Dad and his office staff how government officials were educated morons are running the country into a grave. Bill takes all the necessary forms and applications from my Dad and leaves the office furiously. Since no incidents happen and my Dad didn't bother much about the incident. Few weeks go by and my Dad receives a huge set of documents via the postal service and you might have guessed it, those documents were related to Bill's project. Going through those documents my Dad identifies that they came from Dave, a consultant who was doing the work on behalf of Bill and the documents further reveal that warehouse proposed in the region was big enough to hold enough food grains to feed a population equivalent for two states for an entire year. The proposed project would cost them 1.5 Billion and once completed it would cost the government 300 Million in the grant.
This was a huge amount for Dad to handle, Till that time largest project he ever reviewed for providing government grant was 50K (that's total project cost, not the grant). Building such infrastructure would mean that any other warehouse existing/to be built in the region would be rendered useless. He quickly called his Boss asking him what he was supposed to do, his boss quickly looks at the rules and tells my Dad that since there was no upper limit on the size of the warehouse or project cost. The only thing they could do was to review and process the application and if everything checks out they might end up with 300 Million in Grant money.
Since his Boss ok'd processing of the application, my Dad further reviewed the project proposal to identify that the warehouse was specifically designed for industrial use and not for storing food grains. Dad was confused, so he gives a call to Dave. Dave informs my Dad that he was hired to plan for a warehouse for industrial and there might have been some confusion over the details and Dave promises that he would fix it and not reject the application based on those terms. Unsure of details, he decides to process the application and sends a note to Dave that the government would be reviewing the application and once the project is completed he should be informed about project completion and my Dad would visit the premises and give final approval after reviewing and it would take another 3~6 months time get grant money as a check from the government after the review process is done.
Two years go by, Dave comes to my Dad's office in an expensive luxury SUV and dares the security personal to stop him if they want to keep their job. Dave then rushes to my Dad's cabin and asks my Dad if he was available on that day to visit the premises and give final approval for the project. Unsure who Dave was and asks for clarification and why he would need to do approval today. Dad also informs Dave that there is a lot of documentation work that he needs to prepare before visiting the warehouse to give final approval. That would take at least 2 days for my Dad, Dave tries to reason with my Dad that he came from far off city and he couldn't stay for long to get this completed. my Dad again tells Dave that two days is the minimum it would take him to documentation ready. Dave now angry informs my Dad that he represents Bill & Jack and the warehouse needs to be inspected today or lose his job. Dad was not buying it told him again two days or forget it.
Dave leaves the office warning my Dad that he will face consequences, Dad calls his boss informing him what had happened and the boss tells my dad to take priority and inspect the warehouse at the earliest. Two days later my visits the warehouse and to his surprise, he sees Dave on location. The first thing my Dad noticed about the warehouse was it was not built for food grains or any agricultural produce for that matter. It was built for industrial purposes. Dave gives my Dad a tour of the entire warehouse explaining to him, how state of the art it was for the time. My Dad takes note of every detail of the warehouse and informs Dave that the grant can't be approved due to fact that the warehouse was not constructed with storing agricultural produce in mind and no one with a sound mind would overlook that fact to approve the grant. Dave starts yelling and excusing my father that he was looking for a bribe by withholding their grant, and my Dad would approve the grant once he gets paid off, Bill & Jack are being targetted for making money off them. None of that was true about my Dad, he was an honest man his entire life. My Dad leaves the warehouse unsure of what he could do get out of this situation
The next my Dad who was super confused about why Bill has built an industrial warehouse in the middle of nowhere and only the major activity in the region was farming. So he decides to call up Rob and asks him a few questions about how Rob's government agency (construction and building permits) has provided, Rob, takes a couple of days to identify some horrific realities. First, the plans of the warehouse showcase and request permit to be an industrial complex for storing manufacturing goods, Bill bribed his way through Rob's agency and got environmental clearance and other permits without conforming to standards. He was also able to identify a report for building completion that was forwarded agency's requests for considering for storing food grains. Last but not least he was able to find a construction tax bill submitted to the agency stating the construction cost of the warehouse is around 300 million along with plans of creating an Industrial zone for the region that was proposed to the senate by Jack.
This was news to my Dad and Rob, they were shocked to know how Bill and Dave were able to inflate the cost of the warehouse and they had plans to make the region a new industrial zone. My Dad calls his boss and informs that Bill's project seems fishy and he would reject the grant and forwarding him the documents once done. His boss tries to reason with him it could be a career-ending move for both of them, Jack was trying to put pressure from the leader of the agency to have the grant approved.
Rob decides to dig around to see if he can get any more information and found the contract paper that was sent to the food procurement and storing agency, which raised several red flags. First, the contract stated an inflated rent for storing food grains, then rent will be reviewed on yearly basis based on market rate and then the contract would make the agency pay for the next 15 years irrespective of whether the agency stores food or not. Rob calls my Dad with this information. Now my Dad furious to know how Bill & Jack are planning to rob the government decides to reject the grant for their project.
A few days later, Bill turns up at my Dad's office along with Dave in the same bashing manner he previously did but now even more furious asks my Dad why is he is not approving the grant for his project and why it's taking so much time. Dad tries to calmly reason with him stating it was not built as per norms, so he won't be able to approve. Bill turns red and fuming with anger, he can throw around as much money my Dad wanted to have his signature on the documents approving the grant. My Dad refuses that its a crime to bribe an officer, Bill goes on telling my Dad that he lives in a mansion filled with Escort girls and have as many as he likes. Dad refuses again, Bill now threatens my Dad saying he could get out of his job and replace someone else in the same position can do the job for him. Again my Dad firmly tells Bill that he can do whatever the hell he wants to do but my dad would not approve the grant. This goes as a shouting match for around 3 hours in front of the entire office staff but my Dad didn't budge. Bill starts swearing to my father telling him that he impotent to pass up an offer of having sex with the cheapest escort girls Bill has which would cost my Dad his entire year salary to hire such an escort for a day. He also goes on yelling how my Dad's parents might have abandoned him as a child who refuses to bring fortune to his family. My Dad had enough of Bill by this point and asks Bill leaves his office, in the last attempt to threaten my Dad Bill asks his thugs to take care of him and leaves the office along with Dave. Bill's thugs threaten my Dad at knifepoint stating he needs to sign those papers otherwise he would end up dead in a pile of rotten garbage, he also tells him that they wait for one month and expect those papers signed after that. Thugs then go on to ransack the entire office before leaving and also threaten the staff to make sure his boss sign those damn papers approving the grant.
My Dad calls Rob and informs him what had happened and asks him Fax all the documents collected so far w.r.t Bill's project and he would be asking for those documents officially. Rob asks my Dad what was his intention of using those documents and his plans were. My Dad says I am going to take them down and I had enough from them. Rob tells my Dad not to do anything crazy in the heat of the moment but assured that he would send those details to my Dad. The same day Rob Fax my Dad around 2000 documents. My dad then calls up his boss to inform him that he would be going on a 10-day vacation. By the end of the day, my Dad leaves the office will all documents related to Bill's project and Faxed documents from Rob, and head home.
For the next 10 days, my dad sits at home going through every document, evidence he gathered with the help of Rob and drafts his grant rejection letter with a lot of details as didn't want to leave a chance anyone who can replace him or higher up above him rejecting his comments on the project and approve the grant. After the vacation goes back to the office and the staff were surprised to him and were thinking that Bill's men abducted him, since he didn't inform anyone about his vacation plans. The same day my Dad asks his assistant to mail the documents to his boss as a confidential report. His assistant takes the documents and heads to the nearest postal office. At the same moment, Bill's men come to my Dad's office to check with him if he had signed the documents or not and he would be in serious trouble if is not done. My dad lies to them that he has approved the grant and his assistant has just gone to mail those documents to his boss for processing and would take up to 3 months for the grant to arrive. My dad also tells them to inform Bill that everything has been taken care of and there is nothing worry about anymore so that my Dad won't be bothered by Bill or his men any further
A week later my Dad's boss furiously calls and asks my Dad about the grant rejection letter he sent him and how crazy my Dad was which could end up having both of them killed. My Dad assures his boss that he has taken care of everything including Bill and Jack and nothing to worry about and he has to do was to hold on to those documents for a month or so.
A month later a local newspaper breaks a story of how Jack was corrupt to the hilt and Bill was a partner in his crimes, the same morning Bill is arrested from his mansion half-naked and totally drunk along with a lot of escort girls. Bill was charged with corruption, bribery, sex racketeering, money laundering, and murder. Bill's men were also arrested for murder and were sentenced for life along with Bill. Jack was arrested for corruption, bribery, intimidation, and abuse of power. Jack made bail but never won the election again eventually retiring from politics. A decade later Bill testified against Jack for the crimes they both committed and Jack was sentenced to 15 years in Jail. Dave was also charged with Bribery, Forgery, and Money laundering. Dave fled the country to escape Jail time, no one knows for sure where he is now. Police are still looking for him.
No ever knew how did that happen to Bill and Jake except Rob and My Dad.
The Revenge:
You see my dad took 10 days vacation not just to hide from Bill's men but he was planning to execute his perfect plan for revenge against Bill. He systematically documented every ounce of evidence he had and drafted a comprehensive report against Bill and Jack on how they plan to cheat the government and have the government cough up the money for nothing.
Remember when he asked his assistant to mail the documents to his Boss. He actually had mailed 4 copies of those documents. One for his boss for rejection of Grant, the second one was to the agency that was planning to store good grain in Bill's warehouse proposing to blacklist his property for non-compliance with standards. The third and fourth mails were sent as an anonymous tip to a federal agency equivalent of FBI (let's call it XBI) and to an investigative journalist from a local newspaper. XBI was also informed that a copy was sent to the local newspaper. XBI and the investigative journalist did their own investigation and found that the money put into the warehouse project was Jack's entire stash of money what he got through Bribes, commissions, and favors for doing things while he was in power. This was money was laundered by Bill through a network of entities to find the warehouse project and cook the books to inflate the project cost get his money back from the government as a grant in legal form. The Journalist also uncovered some government officials were murdered by Bill and his men for not doing Bill asked them to do and handed the evidence over to XBI. It took them a month to investigate and identify all the pieces of the puzzle to nab Bill & Jack. Neither XBI nor the Journalist was able to find out who sent those documents to them.
My Dad's boss took early retirement and Dad became the director of the agency he worked for a few years later and eventually retiring 15 years after this incident. Rob retired a year later and narrated this entire story to our family at his retirement party.
I still see the abandoned warehouse, whenever I travel to my home town from the city where I work.
td;lr Politician's family insults my Dad in front of his office staff, Dad takes down their two-decade political career and put them Jail.
submitted by fromNoWhereWorld to NuclearRevenge [link] [comments]

Qanon in recovery

The only reason I feel any safety posting here is because it is anonymous... still, I fear that I might become the punching bag to people who have been impacted by "Qanon casualties" such as the many I am reading here - I only just discovered this thread this morning... it is heart-breaking.
I am writing this as someone in recovery... It is not a well-thought-out piece... it's a draft of free-flow expression... as I am seeking to find a way to take the difficult experiences I have gone through and transform it into wisdom that might serve to support some healing among the many friendships and family relations that have been decimated by this strange and socially destructive phenomenon.
I got red-pilled in June of 2020. I was ripe for it... I am still doing a LOT of self-reflection to understand why I was so ripe... WTF happened???... More later, but first I want to say, I am SO DEEPLY GRATEFUL that my fiancé didn't give up on me as he was hit the hardest by my overnight "flip" from despising Trump to thinking he was an amazing hero fighting the Deep State and that all my hatred was generated by the Deep State controlled mainstream media, which I had decided was no longer trustworthy at all. Most people in their right mind would have cut-off the engagement, but he dug DEEP and persevered... I am in tears of gratitude as I was unaware of how quickly I was destroying the fabric of my life - I didn't know how potently I was actively undermining the relationships I hold most dear.
I am so grateful that I have enough training in emotional intelligence skills that I didn't make many of the social mistakes that so many Qanon's make. I did not make enemies out of my friends and family by accusing them of being "brainwashed, sheeple, libertards, blue pilled..." or the many other horrible evaluations that are common to people who fall into the Belief System (BS) / cult that I had unwittingly fallen into.
While I felt uncontrollably compelled to "wake people up," I am grateful that I have a deeply loving and trusting relationship with my Dad, who was willing to hear me out, lovingly disagree, but not argue with me - instead he simply said, "I know where your heart is at. I don't have to agree with you to love you completely." He watched some of the info that had tipped the scales for me and also was able to express boundaries, wrapped up with love, when I sent him red-pill material than he cared to see. He let me know that he felt stressed and upset when he saw some of these things - that it didn't impact his love for me - but that it also was something he'd rather not see. I am grateful that I had the capacity to accept his boundaries knowing that my part in keeping our the relationship healthy was to accept his boundaries. He also dissuaded me from posting publicly on FB... so I still posted, but not NEARLY at the rate that I would have without his council. I am grateful that there is a deep love and trust in my relationship with my dad - a trust that encouraged me to reduce the tendencies I had that could have otherwise created much more destruction in my relationship with my friends and family than I could have possibly known at the time. Looking back, I can see how much I was in an emotional trance... but at the time, I could not see it.
I also had one best friend who was able to relate to me similarly to my dad - not quite the same level of grace, but still loving and compassionate, and committed to our friendship FAR more than to arguing about any news or belief systems. He simply said, "I love you and I don't want to argue about this with you." He was also supportive to my fiancé through our hardest conflicts - he was able to "hold space" for both of us - and reminded us that our love for each other should be more important than belief systems, which are constantly changing and adjusting with new information.
As I said, I was ripe to be red-pilled. I was a die-hard Bernie supporter in 2016 and felt totally betrayed by the DNC - did not trust the primaries at all. I tried to renew my hopes in 2020, and felt like history was repeating itself when Biden was declared the nominee. I already had a lot of distrust for government institutions, having seen the revolving doors between Monsanto and the FDA, USDA and EPA... one of MANY corporate influences in government organizations that are suppose to be in service to public well-being... I had heard Dwight Eisenhower's speech about the dangers of the growing Military Industrial Complex, and JFK's speech about the problem of secret societies... I was familiar with "Confessions of an Economic Hitman" and the fact that the US government has done MANY corrupt things for US and corporate interests, including many assassinations via messing with people's private planes... I was highly suspicious of 911 and of the JFK official assassination story... I had seen the phallic symbols on various Disney children's images and in the films... all of which are pieces of the massive Qanon narrative... and on top of that, I was tired of hating Trump... tired of thinking of him as a Hitler-wanna-be, racist, sexist, evil man... and VERY puzzled as to why a couple of my fellow Bernie supporters had become die-hard Trump supporters... but being a person who deeply values empathy, I was open to understanding and was judging myself for judging them. I wanted to see some good in Trump rather than feeling like I wanted to punch something every time I heard the man's voice. There are many more elements that made me ripe to pop, but I'll leave it at this for now.
Having been thoroughly red-pilled, I did post a bunch of things on FB - mostly #ExposeBillGates posts, as I have generally distrusted mega-billionaires who are making loads more money off their "philanthropy." Maybe the guy is a good guy... at this point, I still don't trust him. Although my fear of the vaccines has calmed down... I might get the DNA version after it's been on the market for some time... I have had distrust of BigPharma my entire adult life, so the whole "covid hoax" aspect of Qanon fit right into my previous beliefs.
The reactions I received from my community over these posts were horrendous. People who have known me for more than a decade - people who have seen that I have friends of all nationalities, LGBTQ+ - were accusing me of being a racist, sexist, and supporter of fascism... WTF? Where did that come from? It hurt so much... how could people who love me be accusing me of these things??? Don't they know me??? And how did Bill Gates and vaccines have anything to do with racism, sexism and fascism???
Of course I also received LOADS of argumentative commentary, which I sought to respectfully (no accusations or name-calling) respond to. After a while, all the arguments and debates were exhausting and I was left with a frustration that people did not seem capable of seeing what I was seeing. I thought this was because they had been thoroughly brainwashed by the mainstream media and decades of KGB active measures / disinformation campaigns - that had become so effective that our news reporters themselves actually believed the propaganda they were speaking. I had entirely written off the possibility that the mainstream media could be trusted... that is such a huge part of the red-pill belief, it effectively cuts off any chance of effective debate via media sources... for example, the red-pill /Q-narrative says that all fact-checkers are sponsored by the same corporate players who own Google and the MSM... Bill Gates is a major contributor... all the same names... so according to the Q / red-pill people, "fact checking" is a joke... this leaves NO space for intelligent dialogue or debate around facts or truth. Arguing about facts and truth goes no where except into a deeper who of stress and disconnection.
As if the covid lockdown wasn't enough to make this extrovert feel terribly alone... my online community was no longer my community... no one could hear me, except my new and quickly growing Qanon community - those were the only people who could hear me, understand my heart and understand my pain and struggle. Outside of that, I felt so horribly alone... my new Qanon friends - most of whom were also previously left-wing-progressive Bernie supporters, but some of whom were long-time Conservatives - became like a lifeline to me, and I found myself resigning to the likelyhood that the friendships I had had for the previous decades "might not wake up."... and I might have to let them go and build a new community with my new "woke" friends...
I am grateful that I chose to reduce my FB posts to my personal wall. Instead, I joined some red-pill groups, Trump fan pages, and various Qanon and Follow The White Rabbit pages where I could experience shared reality with others... this allowed me to process all the new information I had been discovering with people who understood me and agreed with me. This was deeply relieving in contrast to the venom I was receiving from my FB community of friends, 98% of whom are Democrat/Progressive. I am grateful I processed there much more than I did with people I know and love. I have no doubt, this preserved some of my friendships as not everyone saw my Qanon-related posts.
I believe it was 5 months between my red-pill experience and the time I started to open to doubting and questioning my own narrative.
What I noticed was that the more people argued with me, the more I wanted to dig in and argue back - stand my ground - as if to say, "I am not crazy. You are brainwashed. Let me help you see that!" and I felt my choice to argue came from a place of love... "I love you so much I want to wake you up!!!" which felt akin to "I want to save you!!!" (from the dangerous vaccines, from our country falling into Communism, from the Deep State agenda...)
I am grateful that I had a few long-time friends I could talk to - who could listen to me without judgment, but with compassion, and with a few good questions.
I am grateful for the Netflix documentary "Behind The Curve," which was VERY eye-opening to me... I saw all the elements of Q in it... but the topic was flat earthers, so it was far enough removed from me that I could look at it and think, "That is crazy," and at the time recognize how many parallels it had to my own experience with Q.
I am DEEPLY grateful I had a handful of close friends who loved me through this - they choose to reinforce that they know my heart and value our friendship - they were willing to agree to disagree with me - and I was willing to do that too.
I've written a lot here and I want to reinstate that I feel vulnerable about sharing publicly... even with an anonymous name. Having been yelled at, threatened, accused of being racist, sexist and supporting Hitler-fascism... having been blocked, unfriended and having a few people say that they have entirely written me out of their lives and want nothing to do with me again... it hurts... and I recognize that I am writing to a thread where MANY people are feeling deeply hurt from the other side of this Q experience, so I am aware that it may be tempting to take out some of your hurt and anger and pains on someone who was an active Qanon even in recent months. I understand that writing here means that people will respond in whatever way they respond... and it might just be that no one wants to take time to read this...
But for those of you who did choose to read it and have felt moved in some way by it, I would love it if you would let me know if there is some way that my writing might have contributed to your process as you struggle with friends and/or family members who have been Q-ed. It would help to know what I have written that impacted you the most and how it impacted you in a way that you believe is supportive to salvaging love in the relationships that are important to you. And if you have questions, I will do my best to answer them.
submitted by LoveB4action to QAnonCasualties [link] [comments]

[OFFER] Games/DLC/Game Accessories/Etc - €80/$94/£70 to Split - ROUND 16 (Christmas Edition)


Hello /GiftofGames! XYZGiveaways has kindly sent me more money to spend on the community here - €80! That's approximately £70 or $94 USD.
Want a €80 game? There's a chance, but unless your request is amazing and absolutely blows me away, it's not happening. Want a €30 game? Your request still has to be really good. Want a €5 game? You'll have to convince me, but it shouldn't be too hard, as long as you've not got a bad record, there are still funds left and I can see enthusiasm.
Of course - there's a limited budget and only so many winners. If you don't win this round, you're welcome to enter any future rounds too. People have not won several times in a row and then eventually got gifted, whether it was due to improving their request or just luck.

What Can I Get?

See the 'Restrictions' section for what you can't get.

How do I enter?

Doing all of these in a structured way helps me. People who make my life easier in this way may have an advantage in winning.

How will I choose?

Convince me that you want it. Writing a good request is the most common way. I read all entries and upvotes/downvotes won't help you. Tips on that are linked in the sidebar.
Writing a good request isn't the only way though. Have you shown that you want the game in other ways?
Some things I look at:

What lowers my chances?

Time Limit

At least 24 hours. It will likely close soon after this, but may remain open longer if there are a lack of entries or if other circumstances require it.

Castle Cash

XYZGiveaways runs a minigame where you can earn money to put towards giveaways here. You can learn more about that on his posts. The latest of which can be found 'here
This is all subject to change at no notice. It's new. Unexpected problems may occur. It is optional and not required for entering this giveaway.


Basically there's a bunch of factors that could be an problem. Most of these won't an issue with standard Steam game gifts. If there is a problem then I might be able to warn you to edit before the offer closes. I might not. If it isn't fixed by the time I've chosen winners, then you can try again next time. This also counts if you're using money from the Castle game.

Final Reminder

Read through the above, but one of the most important things to keep in mind - choose your request wisely. Is something cheap? Is it in a bundle currently? Is it on sale? The more expensive your request is, the higher the bar is.
Is There Any Deal is a useful tool to look at game prices with. /GameDeals is great too. If it's cheap in your region on Steam and not on a sale that ends soon, we can work with that.
If you've entered one of the previous offers - if you didn't win, there might be a reason. Some people would've been gifted if there was enough budget or the other requests weren't so good that day, but some weren't convincing, some hadn't played previous gifts, some were asking for something expensive, etc. This could be a good time to look at your request and try to improve it.


Also - please don't use the EdenSB to mention me on these posts unless you have a time-sensitive question. I turn off alerts for these and check back later, but the username mention has notifications pop up. Sometimes when I'm trying to sleep or otherwise busy. You probably don't want me grouchy from lack of sleep while looking specifically at your request.😂

Bonus Keys

An anonymous donor has donated the following keys. If you would like one of these, feel free to say so and write a short reason why. These are in addition to the normal request for anything within €60. You can enter for either or both. As these keys come from elsewhere, we cannot guarantee them.
American Fugitive
Smile For Me
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
The Beast Inside
The Haunted Island, A Frog Detective Game
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard

Christmas Notes

The Steam sale and sales on various console games are currently ongoing. Ask for whatever game you want, but do remember that the more expensive the game, the harder it is to win the same as always.
As it's Christmas (and we'll see how many people actually read), you can get a very slightly higher chance to win if you answer this question briefly: What is the favourite gift you've ever received? This does not have to be a Christmas gift, but anything.


The below people have been gifted. This will also track remaining balance.
Starting Balance: £71
nightmare_detective - Octopath Traveller - £11.15 Steam Credit
Bought by Castle Cash
Remaining: £59.85
Ace_Kaiser - Persona 4 Golden - £8.72 Steam Credit
Has played other JRPGs, been wanting this for a while, read the OP this time
Remaining: £51.13
Th3Exiled - Subnautica - £11.69
Good request, played previous gifted games, played somewhat similar games, sale
Remaining: £39.44
Nelrid - Fallout 76 - £9.81 £10.63 due to conversion costs
Good Sale, lots of time in Fallout games, previous requests and comments supporting
Remaining: £29.63
AqViolet - Myst 25th Anniversary Collection - £7.15 of Steam credit
Sale, cheap for amount of games, obvious interest in puzzle games from history
Remaining: £22.48
[Accepted - To be Sent Tues]
Kildemall - Phasmophobia - £4 of Steam credit
Has £3.49 Castle Cash bringing this down to £0.51, played previous gifted game a lot.
Remaining: £19.48
tamamushiiro12 - Tales of Berseria - £4.35 of Steam Credit
84% sale, cheaper region, played other games in the series, previous related comments
Remaining: £15.13
TenTonFluff - Dark Souls III - The Ringed City - £6.13
Lots of time in Dark Souls III, cheap, on sale
Remaining: £9.00
TrickVegetable - Fallout 2 - £1.99
Good sale, previous mentions of the series
Remaining: £7.01
TotallyNotGameWorthy - Metro 2033 Redux - £2.99
Played won game some, on a good sale, has played other FPS
Remaining: £4.02
Note: Remaining less than it appears due to conversion costs
submitted by EdenSB to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

Brothers Shen Changyin (沈长银) and Shen Changping (沈长平) killed at least 11 women in China, and were sentenced to death for their crimes. But what about their female "accomplices?"

Hey all! Not to pull an unresolved mysteries Stefan, but this story has everything—murder, possible cannibalism, casual misogyny, strange alliances—it's all there! I want to be really clear before I get started, however, that while I am focusing primarily on the perpetrators, it's not by choice—I wish I could tell you more about the women they attacked, but all I was able to find were some of their names. As I've written about before, China actually has really strong victim/victim family media protection laws, which does prevent individuals from having their names published. As such, I've to make the decision between giving people placeholder names or calling them by number, and the latter just feels very depersonalizing. Any name I've placed is a common one for the region where the women were, and it marked with an asterisk (*).
So, let's get into it.
Shen Changyin and Shen Changping were two brothers (born in 1976 and 1984 respectively) from Henan, China, were serial killers and cannibals who confessed to having murdered, and then ate the livers of, eleven female erotic service providers from June 2003 and August 2004. I—and understandably a lot of other folks---have a lot of concerns about this case. In particular, their motives, their timeline, and their accomplices all strike me as a situation where we "know" only part of the story.
The Shen's crimes begin—as they report—when they leave their family farm in Nanwu, Henan and move to the city of Lanzhou to begin a used auto-parts business in 1997. The business, however, soon failed. The Shen's needed money, and so began robbing local people and businesses. Eventually, they're forced to move home. It's now September of 1999, and there in their hometown, Changyin (the older brother), stabs a man to death and robs him. He tells his brother, and using those funds, the two flee Henan.
Then, information goes dark. I cannot find anything in Mandarin or English media about what the brothers were doing from 2000 to June of 2003. Based on what I'm about to present I assume they were continuing to rob people as they moved around—they never again had formal employment—but I wouldn't be shocked if they had other instances of violence against others.
Where we then start again on the timeline of the brothers is in June of 2003. Then, the brothers begin their killing spree with a robbery of an erotic service provider in the city of Lanzhou in Gansu Province in China. There, they tricked a young woman, Yao Fang (姚钥), into coming to the place they were staying. Once there they tied her up, took her bank cards, and then forced her to give them her pin number. Unfortunately, once they had her financial information, they strangled and then dismembered her. While tragic, this first known murder makes sense to me—it's a robbery that escalated, that seems like something that horrifically happens quite often. What I don't believe is that this is their first violent offense. Instead, I think it's far more likely that they had robbed other women in a similar way.
Escalation happens again in November of 2003, when the brothers then rob erotic service provider Li Chunling (李春玲) in the same way. Chunling, however, convinces them not to kill her after they tie her up—instead, she tells them she can bring them more victims. When they release her, Chunling proceeds to do this. Why I understand why Chunling wouldn't go to the police (and I'll talk more about this later), I don't understand at all why she would cooperate with the Shen brothers once she was physically away from them. She was apart for them for several days before she brought them another woman, Zhenzhen (贞贞).*
Once the Shen's had Zhen*, they bound her, robbed her, and then told Chunling she had to kill her. The Shen's then removed Zhen's kidney, and the three burned the body with acid until it was reduced enough to be flushed down a toilet. And this is where I get…confused. Because why would Chunling agree to return with another victim? Why would she cooperate? Why now the taking (but not yet eating) of a kidney? In fact, they buried it in a nearby yard. I feel like their relation to Chunling was either a) different then the three state or b) something else happened during her initial meeting with them. Did they have leverage over her? Not to be flippant, but just seems so strange that they would happen upon a murder-buddy with their second victim.
The three then go on to murder an additional three women, their names unreleased to the public. This means the Shens' have killed five people, and Chunling four, by April of 2004. At this point, all three of them move to the city of Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, like a bloody little three's company. Here they add in a fourth "accomplice," or "victim," depending on the version of the story you follow. Chunling hires, and lures, an erotic service provider named Zhao Meiying (赵美英) into the trio's apartment. They then force her (Zhao Meiying) to hire an erotic service provider for an in-call. The young woman arrived at the apartment, where the three then tied her up and forced Meiying to stab her to death, spray her with chemicals, place her in a meat processor, and then flush the remains down the toilet. So, Chunling has now "replaced" herself in a way, and the group is now a foursome.
And again, this new woman stays with them as they travel and go on a murder spree in the cities of Hefei, Baotou, and Shijiazhuang. The four of them kill three more women, names unshared with the public. This was actually very smart—they picked smaller cities, each in a different Provinces, and many that are rural/lower income. By moving across the Provinces of Anhui, Inner Mongolia, and Hebei, they avoided a lot of police attention. During this time, Meiying and Chunling are apart from the brothers, and are shown to move around solo—so what bound them to the brothers?
Something happens, though, in Shijiazhuang, that prompts Meiying to run away from the group and go directly to the police. She tells law enforcement everything, even her role in the killings. The police travel to the apartment the Shen's are in, but they're out at the time—but, they do find and arrest Li, who confesses.
The brothers stay in Shijiazhuang, though—and they pick up another two female accomplices. One is a woman named Du Surong (杜素荣).The other is a 16 year old girl, Su Yin (苏音)*. Again, for the people in the back, A 16 YEAR OLD GIRL. Her name has not been released due to her being a minor.
Finally, in August of 2004, someone calls in an anonymous tip-off that sends police to an apartment being subleased by the Shen's and Du. When the cops arrive, they find the three attempting to break down a dismembered body with acid. The cops, not shockingly, arrested them on site. I'm sure you're shocked by this, but uh, they're arrested immediately. Further search of the apartment reveals tools, stolen bank cards (including from their now 11 victims), jewelry, and about 120,000 yuan (so about 20k in freedom bucks).
All four very quickly confess, and that's where things get complicated. The Shen's (then 29 and 21), claim that they robbed the women but also ate their livers. They state their reasons for killing were not robbery, though, but because they were "evil." They also admit to threatening their four female accomplices, which just to remind you, I've listed below:
I've included ages, because man, they are all so young.
Li Chunling confirms the Shen's stories, but it's not known what the other three said—again, these things weren't made public. What was made public, however, was the sentencing each received. The Shen's and Chunling were sentenced to death. The other three women—including the 16-year-old—were given 20-year sentences.
The Shen's and Chunling were executed in 2005 by firing squad.
So now, time for me to rant about my own theories. While the media made a lot about the Shen's possible cannibalism, I think that was all nonsense. Once they were caught, the Shen's would have known they were going to be sentenced to death; capital punishment is common in China, and is highly enforced in cases of murder, drug trafficking, crimes against the state, and rape of a minor. While there is something common called "death with reprieve," where the court sentences you to death BUT then says that you get life instead to show the seriousness of the crime and the mercy of the court…you're not gonna get that if you're a poor migrant who created a mini-murder cult. I think, knowing they were going to die, the Shen's lied to beef up their "story," so they wouldn't be known solely as pieces of shit who robbed and killed vulnerable women.
I also assume they have more victims—and some of those victims may have been their "accomplices."
There are good reasons for why these women wouldn't go to the police initially. Prostitution is illegal in China, but just like most places, it's rampant. In general, law enforcement views prostitution in a gendered (viewing only women as "sellers" and men as "buyers") and hierarchal way (where women are punished for selling, but men are not punished for buying). Legally, it's complicated, with there being seven different designations for different types of prostitution with the "first" tiers being folks who make higher fees/have relationships with individuals of power. I won't go into that here, except to say that the Shen's were careful only to interact with erotic service providers who were occupying a fourth of fifth position—so basically, they targeted folks who were working in positions only a few designations away from street prostitution, where women in China are very likely to be victims of harassment/make little money/are often heavily exploited/are treated like a public health problem.
The Shen's victims, and their accomplices, were all listed as either third level (santing, or 三厅), fourth level (dingdong xiaojie, 叮咚小姐), or fifth level (falang mei, 发廊妹). Santing folks work out of a location like a KKV hall, a bar, or a restaurant. They live independently of where they work, and while the "house" takes a cut, they are able to move between different locations to work. Dingdong folks, or doorbell people, literally do cold-calling in hotels to try to find customers. Again, they generally pay a flat rate to the hotel and tip out, but many work in a variety of hotels. Falang mei, meanwhile, generally work out of one location that functions are a brothel while pretending to be something else—say, a hair salon. Folks working in this type of business generally make very, very little, and are typically locked into very exploitative contracts.
So, they targeted women who (statistically speaking in China) were likely to be poor, undereducated, rural migrants without legal standing. Moreover, they all likely had previous bad experiences (or at the very least had heard of others bad experiences) with law enforcement. Because prostitution isn't legal, many would have feared that going to the police would result in harsh punishment. While I don't condone Chunling, Surong, Meiying, or Yin participating in these murders, I do understand that they may have feared—rightly so—that once they were forced to commit that initial murder, that they would be punished the same as the Shen's because of the position they occupied in Chinese society.
The Shen's could have preyed on that fear after the first attack, coercing the women to stay with them, and to keep bringing them victims. But the question is, where is that line?

(n.d.. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from
(n.d.. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from\_2094354.htm)
(n.d.. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from,,2-10-1462\_1697468,00.html)
Fang, X., Li, X., Yang, H., Hong, Y., Zhao, R., Dong, B., . . . Stanton, B. (2007, January. Profile of female sex workers in a Chinese county: Does it differ by where they came from and where they work? Retrieved December 04, 2020, from
The Irish Times. (2004, September 02. Serial killer brothers reportedly held in China. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from
Person. (2004, September 03. Brothers 'confess' to butchering 11 women: Report. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from
Seduction to S&M, a vivid portrait of China's sex trade. (2019, October 13. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from
World News Quick Take. (2004, September 02. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from
中国刑法再次修正取消9个死刑罪名. (n.d.. Retrieved December 04, 2020, from\_china\_deathpenalty)
submitted by LovetoClarkson to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

Where are the bones of the Peking Man? First discovered in 1923 China, this collection of fossils was among the most significant and famous ever found. In 1941, while being secretly transported to the US, Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and they vanished. Are they buried, sunk, stolen, or destroyed?

In 1923, Swedish archaeologist J. G. Anderson discovered fossilized skeletal remains in an abandoned quarry outside Beijing. Despite early finds, many archaeologists soon abandoned what they thought was a stagnant site. Several years later, however, Pei Wenzhong from Peking university uncovered more fossilized remains, and soon, a complete skull from the same early hominid was unearthed—the first complete skull of its kind. These remains, dated to more than 500,000 years old, were dubbed “Peking Man,” and are now considered to be specimens of Homo erectus, though many first thought they might be the elusive evolutionary “missing link.”
Over the next 15 years, the bones from more than 40 individual hominids were found, including more than “15 partial crania, 11 mandibles, many teeth, [and] some skeletal bones” (note: I’ve seen a few other figures, but I’m relying a fair bit on google translate Mandarin to English, so I don’t know how accurate those estimates are). This discovery revolutionized our understanding of human evolution, showing that, half a million years ago, Homo erectus used fire and tools and held funerals. At the time, they were the oldest hominid fossils ever found, and proved that similar fossils were not simply deformed apes. The Zhoukoudian caves, where the Peking Man was discovered, are the most intact Homo erectus dwellings in the world, and this extraordinary wealth of paleontological items became a point of national pride for China, as well as a source of intense interest for archaeologists and anthropologists around the world.
In 1941, as the Sino-Japanese War raged, it was decided that the fossils and their accompanying artifacts would be moved from Peking Union Medical College to a safer location for protection. They were loaded into two wooden footlockers and given to the US Marine Corps to be taken to the American Museum of Natural History. To get there, they would be shipped on the SS President Harrison, which was docked at Qinhuangdao Port near a Marine basecamp. Despite the complaints of the scientists, the US ambassador and Marine Corps did not use diplomatic luggage for the fossils, mostly because of the complicated regulations regarding Chinese archaeological finds, which were considered Chinese property and were technically forbidden from being shipped abroad. Instead, they were transported as the ‘personal luggage’ of American military doctor William Foley, and mixed into his 27 (note: How? How did he have this much luggage?) suitcases and boxes. According to him, the entire process was kept secret. As a result, much of the information about the bones’ journey is contradictory; everything from dates, to method of transportation, to actual destination has been debated. Some even suggest that there may have been more than two crates for the bones.
Regardless, they never even made it to Qinhuangdao. En route, the transport ship was attacked by Japanese warships and ran aground. In an extraordinary run of back luck, the transport day was the same day that Japan attacked Pearl Harbor—Japanese forces occupied American institutions in China, including the Marine Corps barracks in Qinhuangdao, and in the chaos, Foley was taken captive by the Japanese. The footlockers containing the bones and artifacts vanished. At least officially, they’ve never been seen again, nor has any trace been found.
There are many, many theories. The difficulty lies in verifying them. Since it concerns such important artifacts, just about everyone seems to have a story about their father’s friend’s coworker having the bones. As far as the main ones (albeit some of of dubious plausibility):
Sunk: After the fossils disappeared, many believed they might have been taken by the Japanese forces. The most likely culprit was the ship Awa Maru and its crew. Unfortunately, this connection is not made until 1970. This was a bit too late—the Awa Maru sank in 1945 while carrying (according to some) over $5 billion in platinum, gold, diamonds, and other treasures, though others claimed its cargo was a bit less exciting. Could the Peking Man fossils have been among these goods? It’s hard to say, not in the least of which because of the many opposing accounts of what the ship carried. Whatever was on the Awa Maru was lost when it sank along with 2,003 of its passengers. In 1980, China launched one of the biggest single ship salvage efforts in history. Though the wreck site was identified, no treasures were found, Peking Man or otherwise, and after “5 years and $100 million” the search was called off, never to be completed. I’ll discuss a bit more about potential Japanese involvement a bit later.
Buried: One marine, Richard Bowen, claimed to have found a box of bones while digging a foxhole by stone barracks in Qinhuangdao. If this was true, the bones would be underneath a road, warehouse, or parking lot. In 2012, several articles were written with titles like “Peking Man bones found under a parking lot?” But as far as I can tell, there was never any follow up on this. If there was, the bones were not found. Another possible location for the bones is under Peking Union Hospital; several have claimed the bones are buried on the hospital grounds, and one Beijing man claimed his father, a doctor, brought a skull home from the trees around the hospital and buried it under a neighbor’s yard. Several Japanese soldiers have similar stories on the Union Hospital; according to them, Japanese forces buried the bones near the hospital, and, as the tide of war turned against them, smuggled them to another location. One claimed he hid the bones under a pine tree on the hospital’s outer edge, slashing the tree with his sword to mark the location. A tree was found that matched this description, and after surface signals were detected, a large and expensive excavation of the land around the tree was carried out. Unfortunately, the signals were revealed to have come from calcium deposits. No bones.
Ground up or otherwise destroyed: Unfortunately, as with most missing artifacts, this one is depressingly likely. The bones might have been perceived as worthless and destroyed or thrown away. They also might have been ground up to make medicine. If this is the case, it's unlikely that any trace will be found. If any of the responsible parties later realized what they’d done, they probably wouldn’t be eager to speak of it, and by now, most would be dead anyway.
The Japanese still have it: Again, I don’t speak Mandarin, so I’m using google translate here, but one source states (note: Peking man is now known as Beijing Man) “Japan issued an announcement declaring that it had handed over a batch of ancient human fossils plundered to Tokyo to the Allied authorities to return it to China. The photos I have taken are part of the cultural relics returned by the Japanese. This is a broken bone fossil unearthed in Zhoukoudian. This is a fossil of a "Beijing man" limb bones. However, the long-awaited fossil of the skull of a Beijing man is still missing. Is it true that precious fossils are not in Japan?” I’ll offer a collective [sic], and you can make of that what you will. In official lists of plundered artifacts returned to the Allies, the Peking Man fossils are not mentioned, but many still believe that Japan has the fossils. For their part, both during the war and after, Japan has always maintained it knows nothing about the location of the Peking Man fossils. Interestingly, however, almost all members of the Peking excavation team were imprisoned by the Japanese during the war, including Pei Wenzhong himself, detained for 48 days. Japan also allegedly “obstructed” several investigations into the fossils in the 90s, though I can’t find exactly what this means. They also seem to have reassigned soldiers who wanted to give information in locating the fossils. Several (possibly quite prominent?) Japanese professors have claimed to know about the fossils, but have quickly recanted their statements.
The Americans did it: Quite a few of these conspiracy theories abound, though I’ve been unable to find satisfactory sources for most. One anonymous “professor” claimed to have discovered testimony from an American soldier who’d allegedly taken the bones back to America. President Nixon himself became fascinated by the Peking Man mystery after a 1972 visit to China, and personally offered a $5,000 reward for clues; dozens of people called in with stories, including an American woman who claimed her soldier father (or possibly husband) brought the bones back to the United States after the war. She agreed to meet at the Empire State Building with photos, and—according to a Nixon official, who, as far as I know, was not an archaeologist—the photos looked very close to the real thing. But as soon as she noticed someone taking a picture of her, she angrily left. Most experts do not think the photo was a Peking Man skull, though, intriguingly, it could be another, unrelated artifact. Unfortunately, I had no luck in finding the image. Another theory comes from an anthropologist who claimed to have been told by a former Marine Corps member that the bones were taken to Marine Corps Barracks in Zimbabwe, and are currently buried under the wooden floor of Building 6. Building 6 does not have a wooden floor, so this theory was conclusively marked out. Other claims involve the bones having been buried under the US Consulate in Beijing, but I can’t find much about the plausibility of this. And if there was any possibility of this, I think the grounds would have been excavated already, as they were several years ago when a grave of a Qing Dynasty woman was found nearby. As far as Foley himself, he died in 1992, and seems to have had nothing more to do with the bones after his capture (note: interestingly, he was also on a team of doctors that treated JFK’s father).
Final Thoughts and Questions:
In addition to the cultural significance of the Peking Man fossils, questions remain that can’t be answered with the—admittedly, incredibly accurate and detailed—models we have now. Some of the fossils seemed to show evidence of damage from tools and teeth as brain matter and bone marrow were scooped out—possible evidence of cannibalism. Some archaeologists posit that these could be from carnivores like hyenas (though this contradicts the apparent evidence of cutting and sawing from tools), which could mean the site was never a Homo erectus dwelling but a scavenger site. Other questions remain too; some anthropologists are interested in the ear canals of the skulls, which might show evidence of an ‘ear’ for a developed language. Others disagree on just where the Peking Man was in relation to modern-day humans. Was he an extinct side-branch or a direct ancestor? Without the bones, we’ll never know these answers conclusively.
Today, a sort of “Peking Man Fatigue” exists among many Chinese scientists; with the number of years spent searching and unlikely leads chased, many are now ready to give up. Some have even gone so far as to criticize the extensive recovery efforts, claiming that other incredible fossil sites in China have been neglected to chase the Peking Man, which is now, after further archaeological discoveries, far less significant scientifically than it once was. Nevertheless, searches are ongoing, and at least One official Chinese committee is currently probing for clues (though some have accused this committee of being only a gimmick). After collecting over 63 tips since 2005, no new leads have panned out. At this point, the Peking Man collection is likely gone forever. So:
I have to say, this is one of the first write-ups I’ve done where I don’t have a pet theory. I genuinely have no idea what might have happened to the Peking Man collection.
Sources: (google translate) (google translate, not about mystery but interesting background) (google translate, more background & cultural implications) (google translate) (google translate) (google translate) (dated, but good overview)
Please let me know if you see anything off here. Most of my sources were not originally in English, so there’s always a chance I wildly misunderstood something :’)
submitted by LiviasFigs to UnresolvedMysteries [link] [comments]

[OFFER] Games/DLC/Game Accessories/Etc - €80/$94/£70 to Split - ROUND 15 (Read the OP)


Hello /GiftofGames! XYZGiveaways has kindly sent me more money to spend on the community here - €80! That's approximately £70 or $94 USD.
Want a €80 game? There's a chance, but unless your request is amazing and absolutely blows me away, it's not happening. Want a €30 game? Your request still has to be really good. Want a €5 game? You'll have to convince me, but it shouldn't be too hard, as long as you've not got a bad record, there are still funds left and I can see enthusiasm.
Of course - there's a limited budget and only so many winners. If you don't win this round, you're welcome to enter any future rounds too. People have not won several times in a row and then eventually got gifted, whether it was due to improving their request or just luck.

What Can I Get?

See the 'Restrictions' section for what you can't get.

How do I enter?

Doing all of these in a structured way helps me. People who make my life easier in this way may have an advantage in winning.

How will I choose?

Convince me that you want it. Writing a good request is the most common way. I read all entries and upvotes/downvotes won't help you. Tips on that are linked in the sidebar.
Writing a good request isn't the only way though. Have you shown that you want the game in other ways?
Some things I look at:

What lowers my chances?

Time Limit

At least 24 hours. It will likely close soon after this, but may remain open longer if there are a lack of entries or if other circumstances require it.

Castle Cash

XYZGiveaways runs a minigame where you can earn money to put towards giveaways here. You can learn more about that on his posts. The latest of which can be found 'here
This is all subject to change at no notice. It's new. Unexpected problems may occur. It is optional and not required for entering this giveaway.


Basically there's a bunch of factors that could be an problem. Most of these won't an issue with standard Steam game gifts. If there is a problem then I might be able to warn you to edit before the offer closes. I might not. If it isn't fixed by the time I've chosen winners, then you can try again next time. This also counts if you're using money from the Castle game.

Final Reminder

Read through the above, but one of the most important things to keep in mind - choose your request wisely. Is something cheap? Is it in a bundle currently? Is it on sale? The more expensive your request is, the higher the bar is.
Is There Any Deal is a useful tool to look at game prices with. /GameDeals is great too. If it's cheap in your region on Steam and not on a sale that ends soon, we can work with that.
If you've entered one of the previous offers - if you didn't win, there might be a reason. Some people would've been gifted if there was enough budget or the other requests weren't so good that day, but some weren't convincing, some hadn't played previous gifts, some were asking for something expensive, etc. This could be a good time to look at your request and try to improve it.


Also - please don't use the EdenSB to mention me on these posts unless you have a time-sensitive question. I turn off alerts for these and check back later, but the username mention has notifications pop up. Sometimes when I'm trying to sleep or otherwise busy. You probably don't want me grouchy from lack of sleep while looking specifically at your request.😂

Bonus Keys

An anonymous donor has donated the following keys. If you would like one of these, feel free to say so and write a short reason why. These are in addition to the normal request for anything within €60. You can enter for either or both. As these keys come from elsewhere, we cannot guarantee them.
American Fugitive
Smile For Me
Rover Mechanic Simulator
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt
The Beast Inside
The Haunted Island, A Frog Detective Game
Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard


The below people have been gifted. This will also track remaining balance.
Starting Balance: £71
ShittyWifiGuy - $10 USD eShop card for Among Us (and spare) - Spent £9.93
Castle Game
Remaining: £61.07
RustyVercetti - Steam Wallet for Football Manager 2021 - Spent £25.50 (Tentative - Waiting on acceptance/time)
High effort request, unique entries both times instead of copied, lots of playtime in series over long time
Remaining: £35.57
ElMarce - Steam Wallet for Yakuza Kiwami - Spent £6 (Tentative - Waiting on acceptance/time)
Played Yazuka 0 a lot, relatively cheap due to regional pricing.
Remaining: £29.57
ZuC18 - Assassin's Creed Unity - Spent £3.11
Played a lot of the series, cheap, sale
Remaining: £26.46
WolfsbaneAconite - Little Busters - Spent £27.79
Played multiple visual novels to completion, knows specifically about that series, good history with gifted game, history shows enjoys the genre
Remaining: -£1.33 (but we did have a bit left over from last week)
ThunderStrikez - Payday 2 - Spent £0.74
One of my favourite games. Ran out of budget, but gifting this one personally.
Remaining: N/A


Winners will be chosen from existing entries.
submitted by EdenSB to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

I investigate the link between monsters and missing people. The trees are a death trap.

“Daniel, can you run through the case for me one more time please?”
I looked across the desk at my new assistant. He was exhausted, I could tell. His brain was frazzled from repeating every tiny detail so many times.
He took a sip of water and prepared to do it again, just once more.
“The target is Liam, he was twenty three years old at the time of his disappearance six years ago. He lived with his parents, Brenda and Steve and was a single father to Macy, four years old at the time. He was a responsible young guy and an outdoorsy person who often took his daughter to the local woods.”
“Good.” I replied. “What happened to him on March 6th?”
“He’d spent a day in the woods whilst Macy was having a rare overnight visit with her mother. He didn’t get to hike alone often and took whatever opportunities he could.
“He returned to the home that evening, agitated. His parents said he wouldn’t calm down and kept repeating that something was following him. His behaviour was erratic and paranoid.”
Daniel took another sip of his water and rifled through the mounds of paperwork on the desk to jog his memory of the timeline before continuing. He was doing well, but I enjoyed watching him sweat.
“His parents managed to calm him enough to get him to sit and eat dinner. There was no one surrounding the house or in their garden, despite searching.
“Still unsettled, he told Brenda at 9pm that he was going for a walk to clear his head. She thought it may help and didn’t stop him. When Liam didn’t return by 11pm Brenda began to panic.
“She tried to call her son but his phone was switched off, which was very unusual. She didn’t know what to do. Her and Steve drove around the local area but couldn’t find Liam anywhere. He didn’t return home and was reported missing the next morning.”
“Has there been any evidence since?”
“Nothing. Not a single sighting either, which is odd for a case like this. But there are numerous theories, most relating to a photograph that Liam took and posted online only hours before he returned to the home.”
I picked up a photograph that stuck out amongst the local news clippings and documents I’d managed to acquire from police, rescue forces and PI’s.
It was one I’d spent hours looking at.
It showed Liam, a handsome young guy beaming at the camera, trees around him and his face reflecting the happiness he felt within nature. I’d started to feel like I knew the missing boys face better than even his mother did, having studied it so intensely.
It would’ve been fairly innocuous, if it weren’t for the shadowed figure just visible in the background.
Humanoid in shape, the figure appeared to be standing behind a tree, watching Liam as he walked through the forest. It’s features were clear; eyes, a nose and a smile, all engulfed by darkness. Every time I looked at it I felt a chill of fear and excitement.
The case had gained very little traction; police had mostly written Liam off as a runaway. They kept up a cursory investigation but explained away his erratic behaviour with drugs, despite everyone close to him insisting that it was completely out of character.
Most professionals involved had disregarded the photograph as an optical illusion.
Not all were so eager to declare the mystery solved. Difficult to find Internet forums discussed the photograph regularly, coming up with a colourful array of theories.
Did Liam run away and stage the picture? Was he kidnapped by some sort of Bigfoot? Did he stumble on something he shouldn’t have in the woods and paid for it on his later walk?
Some even speculated that his ex, Janie, killed him to gain custody of their daughter. This was a theory that was fiercely denied by both Janie and Liam’s family. The couple maintained a good co-parenting relationship and the arrangements for Macy were agreed.
His mother contacted me when police officially closed the case after seven years of following useless leads and tips from conspiracy theorists. Macy had started to ask about her dad, to question what happened. Brenda couldn’t bear the not knowing.
“I got your number from a friend at a support group I attend. She said you’re the best.”
That’s all Brenda said to me when she called.
She couldn’t pay. Usually my services are very expensive but Liam’s case intrigued me, so I took her on pro Bono.
It was Daniels first case, and my first working alongside someone else. It was unusual, to have someone in the office who wasn’t crying, or lamenting me for not being able to resurrect the dead.
It was going to take a while to adjust but after the incident in the bar with Olive I was grateful not to be alone. I hoped I’d made the right decision, Daniel’s online credentials were shining as he reeled off the case in perfect detail.
If it worked out I would have so much more time to work out who was trying to stop me getting to the truth.
I thought of Valerie. The hour that I waited for her in the park to turn up and how cold the bars were on that swing. We were sixteen, confused and in love, her disappearance broke my heart.
I couldn’t be more desperate to follow the lead but I had to be smart. I needed Daniel to acclimate before I trusted him to help me with something so important.
I had to see how he’d cope when faced with a monster.
In Liam’s case, everything pointed to him having been taken against his will by the entity in the trees. I’d had the photograph studied by experts in editing, all of them said it was untouched.
That was rare. I’d never before had a piece of evidence so compelling. I ran the risk every time of unearthing another human monster and another human tragedy. Or finding someone like Kai, who didn’t want to be found.
Not this time.
“Tomorrow we’re travelling to the woods and we’re going to retrace Liam’s steps. Are you ok with that Daniel?”
He looked nervous. Daniel was young, inexperienced and sceptical of almost everything I’d told him, regardless, he showed promise.
I’d tried to be upfront and whilst I was grateful that he hadn’t left immediately exclaiming my insanity, I was concerned that he was woefully underprepared.
I’d met him online two years ago, where he’d obsessively categorised missing persons cases, sparing no detail. His reservations were natural.
It’s a hard pill to swallow, finding out that monsters are responsible for a huge number of unresolved disappearances.
Daniel thought that I was making some kind of sick joke, that it was an initiation.
He nodded and we parted ways, him carting a huge folder out of the office to study the case overnight. I’d tasked him with mapping the route and helping us find the spot that Liam took the photo. I wanted to really test him.
I pulled up an hour or so before sunrise outside his small flat, just above a shop.
He’d dressed ridiculously, in a shirt and blazer. I held my tongue, making a conscious effort to come across nicer.
“Morning Amelia!” He beamed, feigning a cool exterior. He couldn’t hide the sweat on his brow or the small tremor in his hands. Not from me.
“Are you ready?”
“I am. Last night I did some research into the local area and the woods Liam went missing in. Did you know there are eight people who disappeared in those woods in the last decade alone?”
“I didn’t know that. Good work. I think we could be dealing with something very dangerous... I have to ask, Daniel... Why the suit?”
I just couldn’t stop myself.
“I’m working. These are my work clothes.”
I laughed a little and touched the accelerator with my woodland walking boots, feeling a little smug as Daniel whimpered a meek protest.
“You’ve not done any field work in your research have you.” I smiled to myself, revelling a little in his fear.
“I find my skills are on a computer. I can dig up dirt, hunt anyone down via their digital footprint and put together a comprehensive file. But no... I’ve never taken it out of my bedroom.”
“Do you know why I offered you this job Daniel?”
“Because I’m thorough. I’m useful.”
“No. That’s not it.”
I smiled again as I took a hand off the wheel and reached across him to the glove compartment, pulling out a pack of cigarettes and lighting one as I wound my window down slightly.
Online sleuths were ten a penny but there weren’t many with the skills that Daniel had, I’d chosen him for a reason.
“I hired you because I traced you back to the email address I received the anonymous files from. I haven’t come across many internet detectives with the balls to hack a secure police system.”
Daniel grinned, it was a victory he needed to help subside his nerves.
“Like I said Amelia, my skills are online. I saw some old posts of yours about this case on the forums and I thought I’d give you a hand. We’d been talking for some time and I really wanted this job.”
I felt my whole body cringe. I did need a hand. The files he sent we’re regarding the case that kept me awake every night for over a decade. The only one I’d been unable to solve.
I didn’t want to burst Daniels bubble by telling him I’d already seen those files and that they were of no use to my investigation. It was his drive and ability that I was interested in. I let him have his victory.
“Tell me if I’m overstepping but I didn’t realise that you... knew her.” Daniel continued, plugging the silence that had followed his admission.
“You are overstepping.” I hissed back. “We aren’t discussing Valerie today. Who is the target?”
“The target is Liam-“
“The target is Liam.” I asserted with finality, tossing the end of my cigarette out of the window. I wasn’t ready to let him in, not yet.
We continued towards a small village silently, an antiquated sign marking our turning off the busy stretch of road and into meandering hills and valleys.
I stopped the car abruptly in a small, deserted car park on the edge of the woods.
“Where did he enter?” I asked.
The woods weren’t especially large, not in comparison to the vast national parks of America. For England, however, it was more than just a small smattering of trees. Certainly enough to be classified a forest.
Choosing the correct entrance point was vital to covering similar ground to Liam.
“He lived over that way.” Daniel clutched a piece of paper and pointed to his left, dawn just breaking in full over the tree line. “So he will have gone in through something the locals call the cross tree.”
He pulled another scrunched piece of paper from his pocket and I despaired a little as I noticed his formal shoes. They looked expensive. He unscrewed a photo of two trees that had intertwined about two metres up, creating a perfect natural archway.
It wasn’t hard to find.
There was something about the way the trees danced with each other in the morning light that made it look more eerie than peaceful. Like two lovers in a violent, passionate embrace.
“There’s no need for work clothes in this job, you know?” I joked, trying to make conversation and squash the earlier tension as I held my copy of Liam’s selfie up to various different trees.
“I’m learning that now. There was no induction pack.”
I scoffed. I supposed I wasn’t such a traditional employer. When should I have broken it to him that we were extra busy during holidays?
The forest terrain was treacherous. Even through my boots I could feel the protruding tree roots and uneven surfaces. Daniel was struggling, shivering a little under the canopy that blocked out the freshly risen sun. We walked for hours.
I wasn’t sure what exactly to look for, I couldn’t liken the monster in the photograph to anything else I’d dealt with, leaving us in unfamiliar territory.
Finally, after starting to feel hopeless, I noticed something.
I faced Daniel and held my finger to my lips, stopping him in the clearing we’d reached.
The sounds that accompanied the trees had stopped, there was no birdsong, no tree branches moving in the wind, not even the sound insects rustling in the leaf litter. Instead there was a feint hum, surrounding the area and vibrating from every direction. It was low pitched and hypnotic.
Daniel started to shake as he noticed the low, rhythmic tones. I felt my own heart start to pound a little.
Whatever was near was doing a great job of trying to insight panic. I wondered if that hum was what Liam heard, alone, following him through the trees as he made his way home.
That would fuck with anybody.
“Come on! You didn’t hide very well the first time, why are you hiding now? We’re here for Liam!” I shouted into the open space.
I was angry. Angry that something would be so blatant and yet so cowardly. It was trying to use us as playthings.
“Who said that was the first time.”
The hum came to a grinding halt as the creature spoke and its words echoed directly through me.
“Come out. Face me.”
I noticed that Daniel had dropped his map and his whole screwed up pile of printed documents. The internet wasn’t going to help him now and he knew it. I was confident I could keep him safe... for the most part.
The leg came first. The burnt looking, shadowed leg that lengthened and contracted as it moved, like a slinky making its way down a steep set of stairs. The body followed. Unlike anything I’d seen before the monster moved like the laws of physics didn’t apply.
It wasn’t typical of the monsters I was used to facing. Many of them resembled humans, or at least things that humans might recognise. This, however, was something entirely new.
For a moment, I felt exactly what Liam must have felt. The panic, the terror, the desperation to flee and go home. It wasn’t a good feeling.
As it stabilised, fully in our view it morphed into the human-like shape I’d grown so familiar with when studying the photograph.
It’s extremities resembled the branches and roots of the trees around it. It’s eyes formed in the space between the shadows, glowing a yellow that just stood out amongst the winding branches.
And that grotesque, sinister smile.
Not all monsters were so unpalatable, but I could feel the hatred coming from inside this one. Like it’s sole purpose was misery.
“What happened to Liam.” I quivered desperately.
“Which one was he.”
Without the forest to obscure it the monster voice echoed with each word, like a second, and third, and fourth voice all lived inside it. A mocking laugh following every letter.
“The one you couldn’t resist so bad that you let him take a picture of you.” I held up the photograph, inching slightly closer.
”mmmmmm.... hahahahahah.”
I took my eyes off the monster long enough to recover from the profound effect that his evil smile was having on me. I turned to Daniel, scanning his torn and muddied clothing as I noticed a damp, dark patch on his posh suit trousers.
I hadn’t intended to scare him so badly. I hadn’t expected to be scared so badly myself.
“Is he alive?” I shouted.
”Of course not. He tasted so good. How do you think you taste... Amelia?”
I felt my face sink. I tried to control it but I couldn’t.
“How do you know my name?” I demanded, shaken.
”Your reputation precedes you. There are so many out there who would consider me a hero for removing you from this world.”
I took a step back, piecing together the parts that didn’t make sense. A monster like this wouldn’t reveal itself. It just wouldn’t.
This was a trap. Just like Olive.
“Who hired you?” I screamed, my hands clammy and sweat forming on my neck. I tried to hold my composure.
”There’s plenty of candidates aren’t there. Your work, your life, your involvement with that pretty, young girl... What was her name? How did she taste Amelia?”
I swallowed a lump in my throat. The sickening voice spoke with such knowing of my intimate personal tragedies.
He knew way too much. And we’d found him far too easily.
“Who are you working with? How do you have these details?”
*”I bet you’d love to know the answer to that. You still didn’t answer my question though. What do you think you taste like?”
I snarled. I wasn’t going to get anything from him and I knew it. Distressed, it took me a few moments to notice the creature extending a long, branch-like arm towards my new assistant.
“Daniel move!” I screamed, watching in horror as he leapt backwards, stumbling in his muddied shoes and tripping to the ground.
I ran towards the monster, fumbling in my pocket for the knife I’d used to sever my connection with the sirens. One that had got me out of many scrapes. The creature noticed the small blade in my hand and it’s smile extended, past the perimeter of its face.
”They said you had weapons... Your weapons won’t be effective against them. You have no idea what’s coming.”
I plunged the knife, deep into the shadowed mass as it stood and waited, laughing, accepting its fate. It was apparent the entity was nothing more than another message, a living warning on a suicide mission.
That terrified me even more.
As the knife made contact the creature started to disappear, fading into blackened particles. I didn’t like to kill anything, that was never my aim, but no one deserved to die like Liam did either.
One by one the particles faded into nothingness, leaving behind a lighter atmosphere. As the last of the creature was obliterated the colours in the forest grew brighter and the sharp tweet of a bird broke the silence.
“What the fuck was that!” Daniel’s voice bought clarity to the area as he hoisted himself up from the floor. The creature was gone. I clung hard to my blade.
Clarence, a good contact working closely with monsters, hadn’t explained to me how it worked or what it was made of when he’d given it to me. He said it was a secret of the organisation he worked for and if they found out I had one he’d lose his job.
I’d tried to turn him down at first, insisting I’d rather die than kill, but I’ll be damned if it hadn’t come in good use more than a few times.
“I meant...” Daniel continued, breaking my stream of thought.
“I know what you meant and I told you when I hired you, open mind. You need to adjust to the things you’re going to see. Now get us back to the car, please.”
We stumbled through the trees and out of the woods. Daniel was embarrassed, he tried to hide the wet patch in his trousers but he knew I’d seen.
“It’s ok to be scared you know.”
“You weren’t. I don’t want to be scared anymore Amelia, this was awful... and the most exciting thing I’ve ever done. I’m ready for our next target.”
“Me too... But first we have to inform Brenda that her son won’t be coming home and that her granddaughter no longer has a daddy.”
I shed a tear for Liam as we loaded the car and got back on the road. I had nothing to give his mother, no evidence of life or death and not a single real answer.
Daniel was wrong too. I was scared.
Monsters and the people that work with them are responsible for so much damage. And I know all about it. There was a chance that these warnings lead to Valerie, and an even bigger chance that I was being trapped.
Whoever was after me already knew the answers to my cases and they’d reached the monster first. They were able to make such a terrifying creature willing to die for their cause.
This wasn’t just about stopping me finding Valerie. Someone wanted me dead.
case 3
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what happens when you give an anonymous tip video

What Happens If You Tip The Bathroom Attendant Exactly ... Rub Your Index Finger for 60 Seconds, See What Happens to You Borderlands 3  What Happens if You Tip $1,000,000 to ... Give Her Good Dick And Watch What Happens - YouTube If You Dont Tip Your Delivery Driver... This Is What Happens! Why Do I Have To Tip? What Happens If You Tip Moxxi $200,000 in Borderlands 3 ... What happens if you pay a scammer? - YouTube Installing an exhaust tip + SOUND TEST - YouTube What Happens When You Report Someone On ROBLOX? - YouTube

Here's what happens with the information you give. What happens after I give information? After receiving your call or a completed anonymous online form, we create a report that brings together all the information you gave us, making sure it doesn't contain any information that could identify you. Where inaccurate information is passed with malicious intent, we will work with law enforcement ... A national tip line is available 24/7, and the program also operates out of local offices. Witnesses to drug crimes can make an anonymous phone call or fill out an online form. What’s more, you can rest easy knowing that all Crime Stoppers workers are trained to protect the caller’s identity and, instead of caller ID, all incoming phone calls are assigned a numerical code. You can have money ready to be picked up or sent to their address, too, but this might tip the person off if you are close. 3. Have a third party deliver cash. Obviously, this needs to be someone who is trusted, but you can simply ask someone you trust to give someone money on your behalf. This is hard to do without being “found out,” but if you choose someone the other person or company ... If its through a TIP line a call taker will give you a number to identify you. They will take your information and forward it to a supervisor. The Supervisor will route it to the section or department where it is assigned to an officer of investig... If you give an anonymous tip that leads to your boyfriend's drug source leaving the scene, your boyfriend will find another source. If you're against the selling of pot, and your boyfriend is investing heavily in it, I don't understand why you are with this guy. Second, yes, you can give an anonymous tip to the police. There are multiple ways to do this. If you see a police officer, ask him ... The tip given by an anonymous caller should contain factual information for a consideration of following the driver for a possible arrest for DUI violations. This is put against what a reasonable person would know and act on the road. The matter may not have legal implications unless the officers determine that the call is both factual and helpful in stopping a drunk driver. If the call is ... Local school administrative units – a specific exception: A statute that applies only to local school administrative units, G.S. 115C-105.51, authorizes the establishment of “an anonymous tip line, in coordination with local law enforcement and social services agencies, to receive anonymous information on internal or external risks to school buildings and school-related activities.” Report an Anonymous Tip to Police. WeTip provides intelligence and information to local, state, federal and international law enforcement agencies relating to criminal activity obtained from an online and telephone crime reporting hotline. 1-800-78-CRIME. How WeTip Anonymous Crime Reporting Works. Call WeTip Hotline: 1-800-78-CRIME. The informant calls the WeTip Hotline. All calls are ... I suggest you provide all the info you have. You may be the one to provide the last piece in the puzzle. The process may seem slow but every bit of information helps. Tell what you know. Cops need the community to be their eyes and ears since they can't see everything or be everywhere. Submit the info and ONLY if you can safely do so, get some video or cell phone photos (be careful!) Anonymous. Anonymous asked in Science & Mathematics Other - Science · 1 decade ago. what would happen if you swallowed tipex? i would like to know what happen if i ate tippex?. Answer Save. 7 Answers. Relevance. Anonymous. 1 decade ago. Favourite answer. It would erase your utterances. Please. 0 1. Anonymous. 7 years ago. Hello, I am Ella and I'm 11 today when I went to school I was doing a ...

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What Happens If You Tip The Bathroom Attendant Exactly ...

Tip 20% or more if you enjoyed your time with your server. Was this informative enough? did you learn anything? Did I forget something? Do you have any stories from being a server, or have a story ... What Happens If You Tip The Bathroom Attendant Exactly $577 Dollars At Your Nightclub In GTA Online? Cheap GTA 5 Shark Cards & More Games: This video will show you an accurate representation of what happens when you report someone on ROBLOX.This is a family friendly video. Unusually, these pop-up scammers allowed me to pay by cheque (check in US). Big mistake! When they made their 'fixation' on my PC, they not only made the sec... Moxxi has some secrets in Borderlands 3 if you tip enough money overtime! My Instagram - My Twitch - https://www.twi... Do you know what reflexology is? It's a technique that’s based on applying pressure to your feet, ears, and hands. There are a lot of areas on these body par... What does Mad Moxxi give you when you tip her $200,000 in Borderlands 3? Shift Codes to get 5 Golden Keys: ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H HXKBT-XJ6FR-WBRKJ-J3... This video is about what happens when you dont tip your delivery driver! Like Comment and Subscribe! Instagram & Snapchat: jayjaythe96 A different type of video to what I usually upload. Let me know what I should do next! RC Car review, Cheap Car Mods, Tech tutorial etc.Thanks for watching g... Give Her Good Dick And Watch What Happens - A lot of guys believe they don’t have to really lay the pipe down right on their woman to really make her orgasm ...

what happens when you give an anonymous tip

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