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I made a calculator to check if the horse betting is in your favour to improve your chance of winning!

I made a calculator to check if the horse betting is in your favour to improve your chance of winning! submitted by wully616 to gtaonline [link] [comments]

With all of TI4 betting going on I wrote this little python script to calculate your winnings.

I was annoyed calculating my winnings data so I wrote this short script, you can find it at github:
instructions: 1. download python 3.4 at: be sure to check add to path when installing on windows. cmd/terminal and type: "pip install beautifulsoup4" Note: replace pip with pip3 for mac operating systems. go to github page and download the "" 4.launch the program and copy the source code of the 'My bets' page (right click on page -> view page source -> copy everything) 5.paste everything to the program( alt + space, e , p) for windows 6.Click ctrl+d or ctrl+z for results! (and enter for windows)
It's possible to make it more automated but that would require more inputs and more dependencies to manage the account log in in the dota2lounge system.
Any feedback or suggestions are appreciated.
Good luck and happy bidding!
EDIT: Implemented some fixes for Windows systems, should work now.
submitted by Farkeman to DotA2 [link] [comments]

READ THIS if you expected a huge gamma squeeze today after close above $320

OG poster u/PlayFree_Bird

Alright, I hate to say it, but there is some less-than-ideal information circulating out there, particularly about the famed "gamma squeeze" we hear so much about these days. I'll get to that. Let's go through the questions you simpletons want to know, as explained by a mouth-breathing fool who has managed to convince you he knows what he's talking about:

Did we win today? Is it endgame?

Kind of. Be patient.

In what ways did we win?

First, there was the obvious victory of bouncing back 65% today after the worst market manipulation I've ever witnessed. We kept the upward momentum going.
Secondly, every day you finish higher is another day the shorts are underwater. If you are perpetually going up, the walls are closing in on them.
Finally, a lot of put options expired worthless today while a number of call options expired in-the-money. It's always good to make put holders lose money because you drain the bank accounts of people betting against you.

Yes! Call options! We finished above $320 and get a gamma squeeze to infinity now, right?

No. That's not how this works. Too many people don't quite understand what a gamma squeeze is.
A gamma squeeze happens when call option sellers (or "writers") have to hedge their naked calls by buying stocks. They do this because the risk of selling naked calls is theoretically infinite if they don't. It's called delta hedging. You don't need to know all the fancy math ("delta" and "gamma" are those greek symbols for nerds), just understand this: as it becomes more probable that the call option you sold will cost you money, you hedge more.
This is a continuous PROCESS, not a discreet moment in time. The market makers and hedge funds and institutions selling you calls don't wake up on Friday morning and think, "Shit! I think I'm going to lose everything if these stocks keep going up! I have to BUY NOW!!!" That would be stupid. They are hedging all the way up. I guarantee you that most of the calls that were exercised at $320 today were already covered. They already went out and bought those shares and most of the upwards pressure that places on the market is priced in already.

So, no gamma squeeze?

Probably not significantly. They're not going to be madly rushing out on Monday to buy shit they already own for the most part.

Why are people talking about a gamma squeeze at $320, then?

We did have a gamma squeeze at $320. On Wednesday, two days ago. The price exceeded $320 (then the highest strike price on the books) and promptly surged to $371 before coming back down to around $320. That's what a gamma squeeze is: a frenzied rush by call sellers to cover calls.
It typically happens BEFORE expiration, not after. It's rare for market makers to get so caught with their pants down that they have to get squeezed for the previous week's calls on a Monday. I don't know where this idea of a gamma squeeze now at $320 is coming from.

This hurts my feelings. So, what's so great about the $320 threshold, anyway? Did it matter at all?

It's still a good thing. There may have been a few lingering naked calls to cover. And, like I said, it's always good to make put-holders lose money because stick it to the 🌈🐻, that's why.
$320 was a significant level because there were quite a few open call options at that strike. You can see the entire option chain here:
Go through and count up all the January 29th options that were in-the-money at today's close. I think maybe 90,000 or something? Screw it, I didn't count. Somebody who can figure out how to use a calculator can add those up. Multiply that number by 100 (because option contracts are sold in groups of 100) and that's how many shares need to change hands thanks to contracts expiring ITM.
It may be that with so many shares needing to change hands and so little liquidity in this market, some weird things could happen.

What weird things?

Well, if nothing else, a lot of shares will need to be tied up as the process of settling calls plays out.
You have to remember that when somebody says they own shares, they don't necessarily own own the shares right at that moment.
When you press "buy" on your phone and it says your order was filled, that doesn't mean that the process happens instantaneously. For all intents and purposes as far as you are concerned, sure, the process looks instant. However, there's a lot of messy stuff that happens on the back-end of the system between the brokers and the clearing houses. The clearing houses are where the daily tab gets settled: who owes whom and what they owe and at what price, etc.
Monday could be interesting as this tab for millions of stocks (in a market with only 50-something million shares actively circulating) gets settled. It might not be crazy, but it could. We'll see.
Michael Burry (Christian Bale, for all you noobs) seems to think that all the naked short-selling above the float will result in a shit-storm when people actually go to get their shares back:
Liquidity crunch + lots of shares being moved around + nobody knows where they all are currently = potential nightmare for Wall Street.

I just want my infinite short squeeze and my tendies, so how do we get the MOASS?

Something needs to be the catalyst. Something needs to get the short sellers really underwater, so much so that they are drowning. That's why there's been so much hype about gamma squeezes; the gamma and short squeezes are two separate things, but the gamma squeezing has been really good to us lately. It has triggered some crazy upwards price movements. I still think one was about to happen yesterday morning that would have triggered the squeeze-pocalypse, the Mother of All Short Squeezes. The bastards at the brokerages (acting with and for the clearing houses), took your tendies. It's criminal what played out.
I actually think a gamma squeeze was possible today, as well, as the price shot up to $378 around noon. If it had gotten to $400, it stood a very good chance of running up to $500, which would have caused a run up to $650 and beyond. Then Robinhood said, "Oh, actually, you plebs cannot buy 5 shares anymore, only 2 now." The price came back down again.
Oddly enough, the S&P500 sold off over a full percentage point (that's a lot of money) right after GME hit that $378 peak. Do you think this doesn't freak the finance world out? They know a gamma squeeze is like the fuse on a firework. It consumes itself until it ignites the rocket.

How will Wall Street defend themselves?

They will try to keep snipping the fuse. That's what all these restrictions on brokerages are about. They are trying to defuse the situation slowly because having it all get sorted out quickly and frantically is no good for them.
We need enough upwards price momentum that those option chains keep going up and up and feeding on themselves. They need to become a self-sustaining chain reaction, fed by hedging pressure. And you need to put pressure on your elected representatives to tell them that Wall Street cannot be allowed to just shut down the game when they are losing. I hate to tell you this, but the squeeze has so far been stopped purely by the losers declaring that it will not happen at any cost. It's bullshit. Eat the rich. But there it is.

Do you feel you've used the word "squeeze" too much by now?

Yes. I've been writing and looking at the word "squeeze" so much that it is starting to lose its meaning. Squeeze. Squeeze. Squeeeeeeze.

TL;DR Shares most likely already bought so no gamma squeeze, doesn't matter anyway 🙌💎🚀 🙌💎🚀 🙌💎🚀
STOP THANKING ME FOR THIS POST, RETARDS! Literally the first sentence is me giving credit to the original poster, THANK HIM.
submitted by BlueEstee to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Stuff for new traders (No GME Discussion)

I gotta say, I see some good shit out there. I see new members trying to diversify their positions and learn about other stocks and other ways to make money. This is the path my fellow retards. I'm a nobody here, but I have good returns and some good insight. When I came to WSB, multiple people helped me figure out what the fuck I was doing, because I knew jack shit. I care more about my money than yours, but no retard should be left in the dark alone. So let me pass on a couple things. I can't prove shit to you, so read this or don't.
I mainly trade options (Calls and Puts), so that is what I will discuss
Generally the most insane gains will come from being in a specific stock and not an ETF or Index. While riskier, this is where you can hit the homeruns. So decide if you want to go for conservative gains or if you want those huge swings. While what I said is true, I am usually against putting everything into a single bet. Anything can go wrong at any time and no play is 100% guaranteed. The goal of this game is to stay alive. You will lose money on a play at some point, because it is inevitable. So never let yourself get wiped out, because you can always build yourself back up. This goes along with one of my other recommendations: always have SOME cash ready to go. You never know when there might be an incredible opportunity and you do not want to get caught with your ass hanging out.
Paper hands and diamond hands are just words. You ultimately decide when you want to sell or hold and how much profit you want to take. One of my favorite strategies is to say, buy an even number of options on a play, sell half at a modest level of gains (like enough to break even or gain a little bit) and then let the rest ride longer. Look guys, on many plays, you either paper hands at some point or diamond hands long enough to see your positions go red. Some people will bail at 40% gains and others might not take anything less than 500%. Just know that chasing endless profits ups the risk factor, so YOU decide when it's time. Having a target share price for the stock is also a good strategy.
Here's a couple psychological principles in investing. Studies have found that people tend to hold onto losing positions too long and sell winning positions too early. They let their losers lose and cut off their winners short. Apparently most people hate losing more than they like winning. Think about this before you sell. Stocks can often get hot and run multiple days in a row. Sometimes a stock will have one red day and then keep up going. This is why it's important to know WHY you got into a position. Trust your DD and stick to the plan. I had ideas for plays where they went red right away and I bailed... only to see them moon. "Diamond Hands" means that you don't dump your position instantly if it goes down. The hardest thing is knowing if you should cut losses or diamond hands. I'm a retard and we're in a bull market.. so often times the stock will eventually go up. Your call though.
The market makers and big boys want you to lose. They want your money. I'm not going to dive into the realm of possible illegal activities that they may use, but just point out some simpler tactics they will use. Big money often sees retail as "weak hands" aka Buy High and Sell Low. They know FOMO is strong when a stock is going up big and that fear takes over when a stock divebombs. We're in a bull market, which means stonks only go up. However, we still have negative days. Stocks sell off sometimes and things can look bad. Generally, the dip is not time to sell, but instead, time to buy. Case and point, we had a pretty big drilling 2 weeks ago. Do you know what the big money did? They bought the fuckin dip and snatched up everything for cheap. We've been mooning ever since.
Sometimes shit makes no sense. A company can have blowout earnings, exceed expectations, and the stock will tank. I was holding one stock a little while ago that reported a fantastic earnings and proceeded to drill to the core of the Earth that day. It was total bullshit and I knew it, I trusted my DD. So instead of panic selling, I added to my position. Sure enough, the stock began swinging upwards and hit an all-time high just 2 weeks later. This is why simply gambling can bite you in the ass. It's easy to get scared and sell when you doubt yourself because you picked a random thing to buy.
Option Expiration Dates matter. Buying a 1 week option is the cheapest and gives the biggest percentage of profits if it goes your way. However, it can often be a noob trap. One bad day or one piece of bad news can kill your entire position. Stocks trade sideways sometimes. Sometimes they don't do what you think they should do. And sometimes the whole fucking market shits itself for seemingly no reason. So give yourself TIME to work with. Time costs money and hurts profit margins. But it is better to consistently make 50% profit than to hit one play for 300% followed by 10 losers. Look, playing weekly stupidly OTM calls is fun as hell and is a huge rush when it hits. I do at least one or more every week. The key is not loading your entire portfolio into this shit. Remember, no tendies = no more fun.
Along the same lines, Strike Price matters. An OTM (Out of the Money) option means that the Strike Price is a bit of a ways from where the stock's price currently is. OTM options give huge profit margins the further you go out. I personally enjoy using them.. some people don't. But my advice is to balance risk with profit potential. If your call relies on a stock gaining 50% in 2 weeks.. then well, it's probably not gonna happen. ITM (In The Money) options means that your stock is already within the strike price. ITM is a more conservative play and sacrifices massive gains for lower risk. - Use this to get an estimate of potential profits and how much of a move you need
Leaps are fuckin dope. A Leap is a call, but for a much longer period of time. I'm using the term loosely because we're degenerates and some people might consider anything more than 1 month a leap. Given that the market trends up over time, you might even make some money on a mediocre stock this way. A lot of people buy ITM leaps, but again, I'm a degenerate and go OTM a lot.
Implied Volatility (IV) - Extremely fucking important. IV is basically an estimation of how much a stock is predicted to move in either direction. High IV = Expensive Options. It's fucking weird to think, but you can make similar profits from a 2% move on a low IV stock as you can from a 5% move on a more volatile stock. Low IV is fantastic when buying an option on a stock that you think is about to moon. High IV is riskier, so you damn well better think the stock can make some big moves. Buying an option on a stock right before Earnings Report (ER) will be more expensive due to IV. Trying to play ER is usually for suckers, unless you have some really good DD about why a company might deliver a huge surprise. One of the textbook big boy moves is to pump a stock going into ER. The company will deliver great news and then dump hard. You may see people bitching about this very soon. Basically, big money knew ahead of time it would be good, so the stock got pumped and then they took profits.
Buy the rumor and sell the news. Events, press releases, and important dates that everyone knows about are another trap. You will get shit on. Ask someone about TESLA Battery Day. Positive rumors will send a stock soaring though.
Finally, get busy learning. Read about Options on Investopedia and any other things you do not understand. The big boys rely on us to not know what the fuck we're doing to take our money. Learn about the general market. Stocks are grouped into "Sectors" or categories. Start figuring out what they are and pay attention to where the money is going. I didn't even mention half of the shit that goes on in options, so that's on you. The first thing you need to do is to learn what the "Greeks" are. That will teach you how options function.
If anyone wants to talk or discuss, send me a message. I'm a degenerate with no life.
Oh and, if you follow someone's DD and lose money that's on you. I've come up with some genius shit, but I've also lost on some retarded calls. Nobody can pick you a guaranteed winner and hindsight is 20/20.
May the gains be with you
submitted by DarkStar668 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

The Anatomy of a Coming Disaster.

Some of you know me, some of you don't. If you DO, I ask that you not shill for me in the comments below, so we can stay within the rules of this sub.
This post is for the newbies, it is written as such, if you already know what delta hedging is, this post isn't for you. If you don't, well, lads and lasses, this is for you.
We need to understand a few basic things here, and in keeping with the spirit of this post, we're going to keep it dead simple.
Market Makers (the big dogs behind the scenes, facilitating your yolos) DO NOT CARE if your options plays pay out for you. They would be crazy to take on the level of risk that selling you an unhedged call or put would represent. These guys make money in other ways. So how can they not care? Simple, they hedge. Generally speaking, they buy enough shares when you buy a call so that even if you win hugely, they simply sell the shares they bought when you bought the call, and remain risk neutral. (Edit, I've been asked to explain that market makers make money by recouping the difference between the bid/ask spread. While this seems small, they do a LOT of it.)
Why does this matter?
Well, it matters because it introduces leverage. Which simply means it amplifies the effect your money has on the stock market.
As an example of how this works lets makes up a company. We'll call the ticker ABC. And we'll say the share price is 10 bucks. You, as a degenerate yolo artiste, only have 100 bucks to play with, and you think ABC is going to the mewn.
Now, you could do the boomer thing and just buy 10 shares of ABC (we'll call this scenario A), but a lifetime of minimum wage and renting a closet for 5k a month has done strange things to your risk management, so you decide to buy calls instead. You go to whatever broker isn't fucking robinhood and take a look at your options - and there you see it. For that SAME 100 bucks you can buy ten calls and leverage a hell of a lot more shares. (We'll call this scenario B) So you do it, you buy the calls.
How does your choice effect the underlying stock?
In scenario A, you bought ten shares, you increased demand for the stock by 10 shares, and this does almost but not exactly nothing to the price.
In scenario B, you bought 10 calls, you made Mr. MM buy a lot of shares to hedge your bet, and you increased the demand for the stock by a much larger number of shares. (This is an over simplification, but that's what we do here) Which does something to the share price. Even if it's pretty small. (Edit, as I said, this was an over simplification but I've been asked to address it. Market makers use a number of metrics to determine how many shares they need to hedge your bet. It is a lot, but it is almost never 100 times your call options)
Now, if you're part of the "We like ABC stock" gang, and 20 thousand of you buy 10 calls... Well, I forgot my calculator, but suffice to say you've just invited market makers to buy a FUCK TON of shares. Just this, without any actual change in earnings, outlook, of fundamentals on ABC, puts tremendous bullish pressure on the stock for the term of the option
And THAT my friends, is the market we find ourselves in. Talking heads on the news continue to talk about how "CraZy thE p/E raTiOs haVe bEcomE!!!" Without mentioning what is actually driving this phenomenon.
Its options. Specifically since March.
So with that I'll tell you something pretty goddamn spectacular. The stock market has become a derivative of the options market. Earnings don't matter, fundamentals don't matter, past performance doesn't matter. The OPTIONS matter.
This has happened before, in a very different way. You know how there was a lot of noise in 08 about all the housing derivatives? We're there again, except for instead of CDOs it's happening with with the shares of the biggest companies in the world.
Want proof? Go look at 10 day spy chart, right now. Then go look at a GME chart. Look what happens to spy, tick for tick, as GME rises and falls. When the entire options meme market is focused on one ticker.
So what do we do about it? Nobody knows. I do know this, GME was only the beginning. Retail knows it has the bull by the tail now. What happens when the stock market becomes a lagging indicator of the sentiment of retail bull chads?
I don't know, but it's going to be spectacular.
Edit, much of the thinking around this post comes from months of conversation with a friend of mine. She's pointed out since I posted this that she has written this up in a way 10 of us will understand in her latest blog post - which can be found here:
submitted by _finalOctober_ to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

A Comprehensive Compilation of All Due Diligence

First edit:
Fuck this thing blew up. in all my years of redditing I have never been overwhelmed with wholesomeness like today. Thank you moderators for pinning this post - I will keep updating this on the regular! Before I go, if anyone wants further information going back before 25th January, here's a chronology of events from pre-squeeze till 4th February written by yours truly.
Valentines Day 14/02 edit:
Thank you all for your positive feedback and for literally all the awards. In all my life I never got platinum, let alone Argentium, and then Ternion!!!
I had a few celebratory drinks last night and I woke up totally shitfaced. It's valentine's day and I will be spending the day with the gf (who as some of you noticed from my page-article, we are expecting by the end of the month and she is right about to pop so she needs extra care and attention). I will be reading all the comments during the day, every time the gf turns her head a bit from me. I'm saving the comments with links to DDs so that I can add them later on.
I urge each and every one of you to read the new section 'HOW CAN YOU HELP ME WITH THIS THREAD'
Again thank you for everything and stay positive! Make sure to let the ones who care about you know that you care about them too today! Happy Valentines Day!
It took me a very long time to collect and create abstracts, but I finally finished. I'm totally exhausted but quite proud of myself for bringing you everything you need to know so far in one thread.
I would love for this thread to be stickied, and if it does I plan to continue to update the same thread every day. If it does not I will continue posting updated versions every day. I also have my own website where I will keep updating this list.

Please help spread this around - knowledge is power. If you have a link to more DD leave a comment!

Please note that all Dates and Times posted are Central European Times (CET)
Obligatory: This is not financial advice. I am a smooth-brained holder of GME 🚀💎🤲 We like the stock!

Doing your part

The Congress hearing will be streamed online on the 18th of February. Please email your representatives before this day.
What else can I do?
Make sure that you are not allowing shorts to borrow your shares to short-sell them!

How Can You Help Me and This Thread

First of all, THANK YOU. If you really want to help me and our brothers, here's what you can do:
  1. Read and provide criticism, help me make better summaries and one-liners for the links to make it as readable as possible (think: ELI5)
  2. Share this post to everyone you know - link this thread in WSB threads as comments so that we can educate the ignorant. We can link it in a way such as this: " Here’s a link to the motherload of DD for our favorite stonk " Empower others with knowledge
  3. Look for any DD I have missed, old and new, especially in OG WSB from before the coup - send them to me as links in comments AND AS CHAT MESSAGES. I am going through all messages and I will update later today
  4. We need to find a way to archive all the DD links from WSB so that if the mods of WSB catch on, we can have a backup of the threads before they delete them!
  5. Collect more information on the coup, such as the info that was present from wallstreetbetstest and u/zjz posts. The retaliation messages, proof of removals of threads, bans for no reason ...etc.
  6. Collect fake media articles that we can disprove so that I can compile a full list of bullshit media providers and articles
  7. Let me know how I can better organize this thread.
  8. and finally, don't forget to REPORT SHILLS. I would love to become a moderator and be able to investigate and ban shills myself. I applied but I don't think it will happen for now.
Backdated posts added later in edits:

The List of DD Begins Here:

13-02 18:10 Shills on reddit being paid up to $650/week.
13-02 17:45 Level 2 data shows that at certain moments during trading days we may be just a few thousand shares away from hitting the high asks.
13-02 15:51 Citadel may have a long position in TSLA and will probably have to sell if it comes to liquidity when having to cover shorts (or bail out HFs again).
13-02 15:50 Intensive thesis on the Congress hearing this Thursday 18th Feb, investigating DTCC and Brokers for their complicity in enabling naked shorting, and likely collusion to shut down trading on the 28th Jan. You can help out by contacting representatives with the points mentioned in the thread.
13-02 07:50 IV changes in options indicate that a $50 support level is established with a possible $50-72 channel. Analysing option prices shows that another run-up is coming.
13-02 06:30 At this point, if manipulators pushed the price down too hard it would have taken more shares off the market through puts, reducing the liquidity further, making it harder for the HFs.
13-02 05:15 We are currently in a liquidity crisis and shorts cannot cover in such an environment. Manipulators fought hard to keep it below $55, which was the strike price that would have hurt them the most.
13-02 04:50 Prediction that during the Congress hearing this Thursday 18th Feb, GME trading may get halted until the hearing is over. DFV will hopefully explain all the fuckery that has happened so far, and the web of lies will begin to unravel. This would bring back retail investor interest and push the price back up.
13-02 04:00 A ranting reminder that any time someone is being an aggressive bully, they are operating from a place of vulnerability. Once you know this it’s easy to spot the chink in their armour that they’re trying to compensate for. We have the power.
13-02 03:00 GME is only where it is now because of manipulation. More importantly, if you think that HFs and the manipulators are planning to give up and ‘settle’ to cover at $50 you are wrong. They’re continually doubling down and won’t rest until they bring GME down to $0.

12-02 22:50 WSB Warzone - Since the most discussed ticker was GME, the post was deleted.
12-02 17:10 Compilation of Due Diligence
12-02 08:20 Shorting halted by most Brokers
12-02 07:00 FTDs: HFs naked short positions opened after 1st Feb (after the FINRA report data) and not before so that they do not get accounted for in the latest FINRA report. These new positions will have to be covered by 24th Feb if they do not want them to be shown in the next report.
12-02 02:00 Data assimilation (extractions from FINRA and Yahoo Finance) showing December 2020’s short positions that are in the red, and probably are not covered by now at significant losses (the real bagholders).

11-02 16:40 GameStop Executives held the line and did not sell any shares at peak, even though they had the option to.
11-02 16:00 Why we don’t need a squeeze to win, Ryan Cohen’s changes to the company operation will blow up the company’s value.
11-02 15:00 Implied Volatility surges, particularly for $800 Calls expiring Feb 26th, indicating higher volatility in the days to come.
11-02 14:45 Calculations showing that:
11-02 12:30 ETFs went on a buying spree, reducing float, and diamond handing.
11-02 05:10 A list of potential upcoming changes to company operations that will make the stock much more interesting for retail investors.
11-03 03:50 A reminder from an older investor to always stick to your original plan and not get distracted by some shiny object. If you find something and ten people tell you that it’s worthless, then it isn’t.
11-02 03:00 The state of WSB since the moderator coup
11-02 01:35 Shorts could have covered on the upswing on the 10th Feb, then released fake news on Fidelity selling their shares then started short-selling and short-laddering to drop the price again.
11-02 01:10 A comparison of Short Interest data from providers.

10-02 08:30 Shorts have most probably been buying $800 Calls to make it seem like they ‘cancel out’ their short positions.
10-02 08:20 Figures, calculations and logic showing that the Short Interest is higher than anything reported.
10-02 07:50 An overview of what happened so far, with psychology and reasoning of HFs along the way.
10-02 06:15 DD on possibilities of covering and outlook of potential outcomes.
10-02 06:10 Crunching Finra’s SI report shows that SI is over 117%, and that there were 112% more shares shorted than were actually available to purchase on 27th January. It’s possible that between 1/13-17 about 7M shorts were covered, but they had to have continued to short like crazy since then to push the price down.
10-02 05:20 Naked shorting was probably aided by DTCC who probably shut down buying to stop the squeeze to avoid a scandal. Shorts likely hid their open positions via a loophole which generated synthetic longs. If this is correct there is a large amount of counterfeit shares floating in the market.
10-02 04:22 Finra reports 78% SI, while institutions own 206% (144M shares) of all outstanding shares. This could mean that actual SI is around 150%.
10-02 03:00 Finra releases SI data: 78.5%

09-02 20:00 A compilation of manipulative tactics and logical fallacies to help you identify when they are being attempted against you.
09-02 12:45 Biden administration cannot allow itself to lose trust at the beginning at the term, and HFs Brokers WS and the media may be in a worse position than we thought.
09-02 08:45 Cramer exposed - video from 2006 shows how himself (when he managed an HF) and other HFs manipulate markets.
09-02 08:20 Shares being bought around $270 after hours.
09-02 02:00 Proof that FINTEL are altering short data, with replies from CEO.

08-02 17:00 Shorts may provide fake data to FINRA for a relatively small fine which could help save them millions-billions.
08-02 14:15 Compilation of DD showing that nothing has changed no matter what the media is saying.
08-02 09:50 They are losing $2B ever 2.5 days
08-02 01:45 Why to buy GME regardless of a squeeze. The future of GameStop is bright.

07-02 16:45 Hypothesis that Melvin is just a tool for larger hedge fund to take over Citadel and take trillions from them.
07-02 16:40 Evidence shows the HFs likely use a loophole trick to appear as if they covered their shorts using synthetic longs generated from options.
07-02 13:30 A very useful spreadsheet to track and analyse stocks
07-02 03:45 There is no mathematical way shorts covered for Jan 13, 22, or 25 as is being reported by SI data providers - they are lying.

06-02 22:00 The interstellar yo-yo theory: every 13 days (settlement days) stock price increases and pushes back by selling more synthetic long positions (fake shares into the market), FTDs increase
06-02 18:20 Institutions hold 177% of float, proving the existence of a huge amount of synthetic longs.

05-02 23:40 HFs want you to think that they repositioned and covered their shorts, but calculations show that this was impossible and the conditions were not ideal to do this without incurring massive losses.
05-02 19:30 GME and AMC graph comparison, showing the exact same movement.

02-02 23:30 Analysis of 265,000 rows of SEC data shows massive amount of FTDs compared to the rest of the market - likely that it is a result of massive illegal share counterfeiting by shorts.
02-02 05:30 The market may collapse due to the creation of a massive number of preexisting synthetic longs that were bought and held. To fix it, market makers decided to make more, but their cure is also a poison they can't stop taking.
02-02 04:00 Melvin claims to have closed out their positions, but used an illegal loophole to make it seem like they have.

01-02 23:20 Short Interest appears to have fallen but in truth is being shoved under the rug of option traders.
01-02 20:45 A list of misinformation articles inducing FUD
01-02 20:30 Following the crumbs: How GME is exposing illegal activity
01-02 17:15 Psychological warfare - FUD and manipulated dips along with further short-selling to make you believe that you’ve missed the peak.
01-02 10:20 Evidence of massive naked short selling fraud.
01-02 02:30 Public data suggest massive securities fraud creating more shares than exist, and that retail investors may hold more than 100% of all outstanding shares.

31-01 09:10 Wall Street is freaking out because they are about to get caught doing extremely illegal shit that may implode the whole system - fake shares in the float.
25-01 23:30 Today’s co-ordinated attack: let the price run up only to jack up margin requirements, then dumped.
22-01 13:55 Make sure that you are not helping shorts borrow your shares and short sell by opting out with your broker! Some brokers settings are by default, so you have to change it yourself.

A chronology of events pre-squeeze till 4th February written by yours truly.
submitted by thr0wthis4ccount4way to GME [link] [comments]

A Comprehensive Compilation of All Due Diligence on $GME

First edit:
Fuck this thing blew up. in all my years of redditing I have never been overwhelmed with wholesomeness like today. Thank you moderators for pinning this post - I will keep updating this on the regular! Before I go, if anyone wants further information going back before 25th January, here's a chronology of events from pre-squeeze till 4th February written by yours truly.
Valentines Day 14/02 edit:
Thank you all for your positive feedback and for literally all the awards. In all my life I never got platinum, let alone Argentium, and then Ternion!!!
I had a few celebratory drinks last night and I woke up totally shitfaced. It's valentine's day and I will be spending the day with the gf (who as some of you noticed from my page-article, we are expecting by the end of the month and she is right about to pop so she needs extra care and attention). I will be reading all the comments during the day, every time the gf turns her head a bit from me. I'm saving the comments with links to DDs so that I can add them later on.
I urge each and every one of you to read the new section 'HOW CAN YOU HELP ME WITH THIS THREAD'
Again thank you for everything and stay positive! Make sure to let the ones who care about you know that you care about them too today! Happy Valentines Day!
It took me a very long time to collect and create abstracts, but I finally finished. I'm totally exhausted but quite proud of myself for bringing you everything you need to know so far in one thread.
I would love for this thread to be stickied, and if it does I plan to continue to update the same thread every day. If it does not I will continue posting updated versions every day. I also have my own website where I will keep updating this list.

Please help spread this around - knowledge is power. If you have a link to more DD leave a comment!

Please note that all Dates and Times posted are Central European Times (CET)
Obligatory: This is not financial advice. I am a smooth-brained holder of GME 🚀💎🤲 We like the stock!

Doing your part

The Congress hearing will be streamed online on the 18th of February. Please email your representatives before this day.
What else can I do?
Make sure that you are not allowing shorts to borrow your shares to short-sell them!

How Can You Help Me and This Thread

First of all, THANK YOU. If you really want to help me and our brothers, here's what you can do:
  1. Read and provide criticism, help me make better summaries and one-liners for the links to make it as readable as possible (think: ELI5)
  2. Share this post to everyone you know - link this thread in WSB threads as comments so that we can educate the ignorant. We can link it in a way such as this: " Here’s a link to the motherload of DD for our favorite stonk " Empower others with knowledge
  3. Look for any DD I have missed, old and new, especially in OG WSB from before the coup - send them to me as links in comments AND AS CHAT MESSAGES. I am going through all messages and I will update later today
  4. We need to find a way to archive all the DD links from WSB so that if the mods of WSB catch on, we can have a backup of the threads before they delete them!
  5. Collect more information on the coup, such as the info that was present from wallstreetbetstest and u/zjz posts. The retaliation messages, proof of removals of threads, bans for no reason ...etc.
  6. Collect fake media articles that we can disprove so that I can compile a full list of bullshit media providers and articles
  7. Let me know how I can better organize this thread.
  8. and finally, don't forget to REPORT SHILLS. I would love to become a moderator and be able to investigate and ban shills myself. I applied but I don't think it will happen for now.
Backdated posts added later in edits:

The List of DD Begins Here:

13-02 18:10 Shills on reddit being paid up to $650/week.
13-02 17:45 Level 2 data shows that at certain moments during trading days we may be just a few thousand shares away from hitting the high asks.
13-02 15:51 Citadel may have a long position in TSLA and will probably have to sell if it comes to liquidity when having to cover shorts (or bail out HFs again).
13-02 15:50 Intensive thesis on the Congress hearing this Thursday 18th Feb, investigating DTCC and Brokers for their complicity in enabling naked shorting, and likely collusion to shut down trading on the 28th Jan. You can help out by contacting representatives with the points mentioned in the thread.
13-02 07:50 IV changes in options indicate that a $50 support level is established with a possible $50-72 channel. Analysing option prices shows that another run-up is coming.
13-02 06:30 At this point, if manipulators pushed the price down too hard it would have taken more shares off the market through puts, reducing the liquidity further, making it harder for the HFs.
13-02 05:15 We are currently in a liquidity crisis and shorts cannot cover in such an environment. Manipulators fought hard to keep it below $55, which was the strike price that would have hurt them the most.
13-02 04:50 Prediction that during the Congress hearing this Thursday 18th Feb, GME trading may get halted until the hearing is over. DFV will hopefully explain all the fuckery that has happened so far, and the web of lies will begin to unravel. This would bring back retail investor interest and push the price back up.
13-02 04:00 A ranting reminder that any time someone is being an aggressive bully, they are operating from a place of vulnerability. Once you know this it’s easy to spot the chink in their armour that they’re trying to compensate for. We have the power.
13-02 03:00 GME is only where it is now because of manipulation. More importantly, if you think that HFs and the manipulators are planning to give up and ‘settle’ to cover at $50 you are wrong. They’re continually doubling down and won’t rest until they bring GME down to $0.

12-02 22:50 WSB Warzone - Since the most discussed ticker was GME, the post was deleted.
12-02 17:10 Compilation of Due Diligence
12-02 08:20 Shorting halted by most Brokers
12-02 07:00 FTDs: HFs naked short positions opened after 1st Feb (after the FINRA report data) and not before so that they do not get accounted for in the latest FINRA report. These new positions will have to be covered by 24th Feb if they do not want them to be shown in the next report.
12-02 02:00 Data assimilation (extractions from FINRA and Yahoo Finance) showing December 2020’s short positions that are in the red, and probably are not covered by now at significant losses (the real bagholders).

11-02 16:40 GameStop Executives held the line and did not sell any shares at peak, even though they had the option to.
11-02 16:00 Why we don’t need a squeeze to win, Ryan Cohen’s changes to the company operation will blow up the company’s value.
11-02 15:00 Implied Volatility surges, particularly for $800 Calls expiring Feb 26th, indicating higher volatility in the days to come.
11-02 14:45 Calculations showing that:
11-02 12:30 ETFs went on a buying spree, reducing float, and diamond handing.
11-02 05:10 A list of potential upcoming changes to company operations that will make the stock much more interesting for retail investors.
11-03 03:50 A reminder from an older investor to always stick to your original plan and not get distracted by some shiny object. If you find something and ten people tell you that it’s worthless, then it isn’t.
11-02 03:00 The state of WSB since the moderator coup
11-02 01:35 Shorts could have covered on the upswing on the 10th Feb, then released fake news on Fidelity selling their shares then started short-selling and short-laddering to drop the price again.
11-02 01:10 A comparison of Short Interest data from providers.

10-02 08:30 Shorts have most probably been buying $800 Calls to make it seem like they ‘cancel out’ their short positions.
10-02 08:20 Figures, calculations and logic showing that the Short Interest is higher than anything reported.
10-02 07:50 An overview of what happened so far, with psychology and reasoning of HFs along the way.
10-02 06:15 DD on possibilities of covering and outlook of potential outcomes.
10-02 06:10 Crunching Finra’s SI report shows that SI is over 117%, and that there were 112% more shares shorted than were actually available to purchase on 27th January. It’s possible that between 1/13-17 about 7M shorts were covered, but they had to have continued to short like crazy since then to push the price down.
10-02 05:20 Naked shorting was probably aided by DTCC who probably shut down buying to stop the squeeze to avoid a scandal. Shorts likely hid their open positions via a loophole which generated synthetic longs. If this is correct there is a large amount of counterfeit shares floating in the market.
10-02 04:22 Finra reports 78% SI, while institutions own 206% (144M shares) of all outstanding shares. This could mean that actual SI is around 150%.
10-02 03:00 Finra releases SI data: 78.5%

09-02 20:00 A compilation of manipulative tactics and logical fallacies to help you identify when they are being attempted against you.
09-02 12:45 Biden administration cannot allow itself to lose trust at the beginning at the term, and HFs Brokers WS and the media may be in a worse position than we thought.
09-02 08:45 Cramer exposed - video from 2006 shows how himself (when he managed an HF) and other HFs manipulate markets.
09-02 08:20 Shares being bought around $270 after hours.
09-02 02:00 Proof that FINTEL are altering short data, with replies from CEO.

08-02 17:00 Shorts may provide fake data to FINRA for a relatively small fine which could help save them millions-billions.
08-02 14:15 Compilation of DD showing that nothing has changed no matter what the media is saying.
08-02 09:50 They are losing $2B ever 2.5 days
08-02 01:45 Why to buy GME regardless of a squeeze. The future of GameStop is bright.

07-02 16:45 Hypothesis that Melvin is just a tool for larger hedge fund to take over Citadel and take trillions from them.
07-02 16:40 Evidence shows the HFs likely use a loophole trick to appear as if they covered their shorts using synthetic longs generated from options.
07-02 13:30 A very useful spreadsheet to track and analyse stocks
07-02 03:45 There is no mathematical way shorts covered for Jan 13, 22, or 25 as is being reported by SI data providers - they are lying.

06-02 22:00 The interstellar yo-yo theory: every 13 days (settlement days) stock price increases and pushes back by selling more synthetic long positions (fake shares into the market), FTDs increase
06-02 18:20 Institutions hold 177% of float, proving the existence of a huge amount of synthetic longs.

05-02 23:40 HFs want you to think that they repositioned and covered their shorts, but calculations show that this was impossible and the conditions were not ideal to do this without incurring massive losses.
05-02 19:30 GME and AMC graph comparison, showing the exact same movement.

02-02 23:30 Analysis of 265,000 rows of SEC data shows massive amount of FTDs compared to the rest of the market - likely that it is a result of massive illegal share counterfeiting by shorts.
02-02 05:30 The market may collapse due to the creation of a massive number of preexisting synthetic longs that were bought and held. To fix it, market makers decided to make more, but their cure is also a poison they can't stop taking.
02-02 04:00 Melvin claims to have closed out their positions, but used an illegal loophole to make it seem like they have.

01-02 23:20 Short Interest appears to have fallen but in truth is being shoved under the rug of option traders.
01-02 20:45 A list of misinformation articles inducing FUD
01-02 20:30 Following the crumbs: How GME is exposing illegal activity
01-02 17:15 Psychological warfare - FUD and manipulated dips along with further short-selling to make you believe that you’ve missed the peak.
01-02 10:20 Evidence of massive naked short selling fraud.
01-02 02:30 Public data suggest massive securities fraud creating more shares than exist, and that retail investors may hold more than 100% of all outstanding shares.

31-01 09:10 Wall Street is freaking out because they are about to get caught doing extremely illegal shit that may implode the whole system - fake shares in the float.
25-01 23:30 Today’s co-ordinated attack: let the price run up only to jack up margin requirements, then dumped.
22-01 13:55 Make sure that you are not helping shorts borrow your shares and short sell by opting out with your broker! Some brokers settings are by default, so you have to change it yourself.

A chronology of events pre-squeeze till 4th February written by yours truly.
submitted by thr0wthis4ccount4way to Wallstreetbetsnew [link] [comments]

Extensive list of "improvement notes" I used to climb from Silver to Plat with Yuumi

I recently climbed to Plat for the first time playing nothing but Yuumi, and wanted to share some notes I compiled along the way. Ever since high Silver, after each game, I would try to think hard about mistakes I made, going back to watch the replay if necessary. If anything stuck out, I would make an "improvement note" in a text file. These really added up after a while, and I have pasted the entire list below. Those closer to the top are more recent. There may be a few typos here and there -- feel free to ask if you don't understand something.

Hope at least some of these are useful to fellow Yuumi fans!
submitted by Runic_Bistro to yuumimains [link] [comments]

r/hockey NHL Power Rankings Week 1: First Protocol Edition

/Hockey NHL Power Rankings Week Jan 18, 2021 - Jan 24, 2021

Thank You

Thank you to all of the volunteers doing the power rankings. Each ranker has their own system and have their own reasonings and analyis. It truly is a lot of work.


deportalextrebek driftshade1 robtangle acescope sandman730 maxpowr9 goldwhale jchurch8073 tacotruckz eqoisbae suqqa_madiq nodessb silkeystev offraindrop13 rasera hrint philbob99 steckums thoseprose blueferret98 hockeycross admiralfartmore


lang14 keepitsteadyidiots


The visualization contains historical data, so you can see how your team has done over time. Hopefully, we can run this for many years in hopes that we can see the rise and fall of teams by /hockey opinion.
It automatically updates so feel free to bookmark. You can find it here


How does this work? Throughout the course of the week rankers are able to access an app that will allow them to rank teams. At the end of the period we calculate the average ranking for every team and collate all of the analysis provided by rankers.
The app then generates a post that is first proofread and then posted to /hockey!


Ranking (avg) Team Delta Overall Record Comments
1 (1.74) Vegas Golden Knights - 5-1-0 4-0 is an impressive start for the NHL's newest franchise. They excel in every area of the game, and to no one's surprise they are coming out as one of the best teams this season. They have proven to be good at getting close to cups, maybe a good start and a shortened season will be what it takes.
2 (3.26) Tampa Bay Lightning - 3-1-0 Still too early to really comment on anything, especially having only faced 2 other teams. Still have a few question marks in Schenn, Joseph, Volkov, and Stephens. But the rest of the team looks the same.
3 (3.48) Montreal Canadiens - 4-0-2 Montreal is atop the north division and that should come as no surprise to their fans. They have scoring, defense, and of course Price between the bars. The Canadian division winner will surely gloat for a while after this season, and Montreal is aiming for those bragging rights.
4 (5.17) Toronto Maple Leafs - 5-2-0 The Leafs have had a pretty solid start to their season. After two sloppy games against the Habs and Senators, they have buckled up defensively and have let up only 10 goals in their past 5 games. That being said, they've scored 14 in that time, with the majority being PP goals. So... the leafs need... 5v5 offense?? Not something we've heard in Toronto for a while. This is part of the reason that the Leafs are reportedly shopping for a forward, combined with long term injuries to rookie Nick Roberston and not-a-rookie Joe Thornton, it actually seems like a depth forward is a need.
5 (7.61) Winnipeg Jets - 4-2-0 Everybody who is worried or tooting their own horns, say it with me: "Sample size". A fantastic start to the season for the Jets that is ripe with deceiving takes. Ottawa's relative strength being a big question mark makes the 3 game win streak a big question mark. The two games prior were rust-filled .500 hockey spread over 6 days. Excluding the Connors, every player has looked shaky at times, and killer at others. Each game with a 20 minute effort, maybe 40 minutes tops. And of course, the Laine trade. But for all the downs, the ups are looking good thus far. The fan-dubbed 22 year old AHL lifer in Logan Stanley has made impressive strides in the summer, and has exceeded expectations thus far (of which there were none). Heinola looks fantastic, for all the 12 minutes we got to see. Forbort has been a steady rental, and the bottom 6 forwards (all 12 of them) seem like they all have something to prove. I'm sad about the Laine trade and I'm curious about Dubois. Good start Jets, keep going.
6 (8.09) Colorado Avalanche - 3-3-0 Welcome to the Covid Season! Avs have been off to a mixed start, lack of practice doesn't seem like a fair critique since every team was in the same situation, but Avs look rusty. Power Play is clicking, but hard to know if bad Pking is bumping it (Blues PK is barely over 50%). We have the youngest D in the league and none of the really young guys seem out of place. Girard-Toews have insane chemistry. We really need EJ to get up to speed so we stop playing Pateryn. Top Line is Fire and killing it. Middle 6 needs to wake up and start the season. Don't look now but Rantanen is tied for the league lead in goals, Big Moose is rumbling.
7 (8.22) Minnesota Wild - 4-2-0 Minnesota's not playing as well as their record would indicate, but clutch goals and solid defense goes far in this league. Kirill Kaprizov is better than advertised, which is hard to believe since fans have waited years for him to arrive. The blue line is one of the best in the league with the addition of Ian Cole, and the duo of Cam Talbot and Kaapo Kahkonen have been a much steadier presence in net than the Dubnyk/Stalock pairing of old. Talbot went down with an injury Friday night so this could be a very valuable insight into whether or not Big Kahk is the goalie of the future. There is still a glaring lack of skill up the middle - Victor Rask should not be a first-line center in this league - and the power play is abysmal, but in this shortened season it's all about maximizing your points in the standings.
8 (8.74) Washington Capitals - 3-0-3 It's been a great start overall for the Caps. They've picked up points in each of their first five games, and have been getting goals throughout their lineup. Their goaltending is weak to start, but I assume that they will find their rhythm as the season goes on.
9 (9.26) Boston Bruins - 3-1-1 WIth no preseason games, I am not surprised with the roster turnover that the Bruins would have a slow start. This is going to be a "prove it" year for a lot of the youth if they are an NHL-level player. Scoring in general was a major problem and it took 3 games to score a 5-on-5 goal, not to mention hardly any depth scoring. The second Philly game calmed my fears as the team is starting to click on all levels and hope it continues. I am also happy Nick Ritchie hasn't done anything stupid...yet.
10 (10.43) New York Islanders - 3-2-0 The isles are ready to make a statement. They had their chance at the cup last year cut off short by the champions, but they clearly still want to compete. Defensively, no team quite compares. They are definitely a team to watch in the East.
11 (10.83) St. Louis Blues - 3-2-1 Stick taps for Ville Husso. Dude's gotten no help in his first two appearances. Our Special Teams suck, and new arrivals Krug and Hoffman are taking a little time to get adjusted. That said, we're still 3-3 with Thomas, Faulk, and Kyrou all taking HUGE steps from last year, while Binnington has regained his form somewhat from the bubble last year. When the rest of the team gets rolling like we know they can, the Blues are a shoe-in playoff team for their 5v5 play alone. This team has earned some patience but let's hope they figure it out sooner rather than later, and stop taking so many damn penalties.
12 (12.48) Calgary Flames - 2-1-1 Calgary got better this offseason, and with another great start so far, they may be the team that climbs this ranking. They've outscore their opponents well this season and I wouldn't be surprised if this continued and lead to some real success for the Flames.
13 (13) Dallas Stars - 2-0-0 Potentially higher but only 2 games so far.
14 (13.04) Carolina Hurricanes - 2-1-0 Off to a solid start the Hurricanes exploded off the bat with a 3-0 shutout of the wings, seeing Teravainen, Hamilton, Aho, and Svechnikov show off how talented they were. Although they faltered, losing to the Wings in the second game, they came back strong against Nashville with their lines and defense again clicking. The team definitely has all the talent they need to compete this year - goaltending has looked good, offense has been excellent, and defense has continued to be one of the league's best. Going forward, the most impactful factor is going to be consistency across the neutral and defensive zone. While the offense looks solid, there are questions on bad giveaways, and poor possession down low - as this team continues to play, they should click and look up from here. They're off to a promising start, but the loss against Detroit sets them back in this week's rankings.
15 (13.17) Philadelphia Flyers - 3-2-1 Let me tell you the Flyers have the potential to be one of the biggest disappointments in the league this year, even the games we won we looked awful. I am convinced that the whole team is taking shots before each game because half of em look like they cannot skate straight. Thank god for Carter Hart and Moose.
16 (13.52) Pittsburgh Penguins - 4-2-0 Doesn't seem like this team has put together a full 60 minutes yet. I enjoy sneaking by with two points after OT, but we're going to need to start winning in regulation. Going to be an absolute battle to get into the playoffs.
17 (15.65) Florida Panthers - 2-0-0 Only this high because they haven't lost yet. I can't believe they will contend in this division but they've had a great start, even though it was a late one due to the great Texas Covid outbreak. Panthers are over preforming, and if they keep it up they may be able to become the 3rd or 4th team in this division.
18 (16.78) New Jersey Devils - 3-1-1 Hockey is back, 10 full months without Devils hockey, but we are finally back. After last year, you would probably be hard pressed to find a fan that came into the season with any sort of lofty aspirations for the team as a whole but 5 games into the season things look positive. Starting off with a SO loss to Boston followed by an OT win. A bit of a messy win against the Rangers. A 4-1 loss against the Isles wasnt great but it was Wedgewood's first game in net this season after Blackwood hit COVID protocol. At the very least it seems like the games will be entertaining to watch this year. Did I mention all of this happened with Nico still on IR? On an individual scale, the youth has shined. Ty Smith already has 6 points through 5 games this year and Hughes has hit 7, a third of his 2019-20 total. Yegor Sharangovich has seemed to be acclimating to NA ice fairly well too. For a team expected to be sitting at the bottom of the East most of the year, well at least we arent there right now.
19 (19.52) Columbus Blue Jackets - 2-2-2 Excited for the future after the Laine trade, but the first six games of the season looked alright. Power play is the usual garbage we're all used to by now. The Jackets have the worst PP in the whole NHL since 2017-2018. Our PK and defense are looking solid as usual. Saturday's game vs TBL just looked rough to play. The Bolts couldn't get anything done in the neutral zone for a majority of the game. The new blood has looked fantastic. Texier saw that Dubois didn't want the #1C and decided to elevate his game. Del Zotto is putting in work. Domi has been as good as advertised. Both goalies have been solid. There is still a lot of work to do and if the Laine trade didn't happen I'd mention the lack of major offense and anemic PP as huge problems we need to solve ASAP, but maybe I can finally stop writing about how terrible our PP is?
20 (21.17) Nashville Predators - 2-3-0 Nashville didn't get to play all their games this week due to Carolina's COVID outbreak, but all in all the Preds are starting off strong. Inconsistent Goalie play with Saros starting to get some time could cost them a few games. Inconsistent scoring could hurt too, but so far they've shown great things.
21 (21.43) Arizona Coyotes - 2-3-1 Arizona just can't get better. Their limbo of mediocrity may lose them their franchise and frankly they need a lot of help if they want to compete in their tough division. I don't see it happening though.
22 (23.04) Edmonton Oilers - 3-4-0 Turns out last year's MVP and McDavid isn't enough to carry a team through a whole season. The lack of depth and NHL caliber goalies has proven to be a detriment to this team, but the raw talent and excellence of it's stars is enough to win a few games, including one over the leafs this week.
23 (23.83) San Jose Sharks - 3-3-0 So far, the Sharks are looking much better than they did last season. They're playing ok, but if they continue their upward trend they'll be a wild card contender for sure. Our top forward lines have been solid to start the season, but we'll need to see more contribution from the bottom 6 to if we're gonna be in the playoff race. D has been pretty weak. Simek and Ferraro have been good, but Karlsson has still looked lethargic at times, and Vlasic doesn't seem to be bouncing back from last year as much as I'd hoped. Martin Jones is looking like a real goalie again! It's early, but he's looked more confident, and the high scoring games have been more of a defence issue. Hopefully a little time will help the Sharks shift into next gear, as it'll give the new guys time to get used to Boughner's system and the old guys a warm up after not playing games since March.
24 (23.87) Buffalo Sabres - 2-3-1 This year is going to be incredibly tough to get a read on how well teams are actually doing since there will only be in-division games. For the purposes of this ranking, I'll be using data from to rank teams based on league averages in Corsi, goal scoring, and standings points. The first few weeks will be skewed and might look weird ffrom small sample size, so don't hate me. Anyway, Buffalo thus far has played six games, four against Washington and two against Philly, who I had thought were some of the best teams in the league last year. We were swept in the season series last year against Philly and split the series against the Caps, so the results so far roughly reflect recent history. Thanks to the shortened season, if we go on our yearly ten game tear, there won't be enough season left to throw it all away.
25 (25.13) Los Angeles Kings - 2-2-2 The Kings have played well, they have not been able to string a full 60 minutes together yet, their goalies have been keeping them from getting blown out, they need to be able to enter zones better and quicker, they have faced the hardest teams in their divisions and been able to stay in the game. The injury to Frk has held their Power Plays back, and the person in Frks place is a terrible replacement, they need to be able to revamp both of their powerplay's and score on them to win some games. Their 2 major off season additions have both played, very well AA has been perfect with Carter and carter has been fast and strong he is looking like his pre-2017 form. Andersson is playing great with Vilardi they are a great duo with some speed and good shots. Kale Clague and Mikey Anderson are very good with their d partners and excellent on the PK (Anderson) and has excellent PP skills when set up.
26 (25.52) New York Rangers - 1-3-1 The Rangers have had a...frustrating start to say the least. Game 1 against the Islanders was a sloppy opening display resulting in a 4-0 shutout by the Isles, but luckily the group only used it as fuel and came back next game to one up them 5-0. The following game against the Devils was an impressive showing by Blackwood to edge us out 4-3. The most recent game against the Pens was a definitely a learning experience for our young guys. We went up 3-1 only to blow the lead and go into OT 3-3. We eventually lost 4-3, and hopefully our boys will come out swinging next game. Pleasant surprises this season so far have definitely been our third line of PDG-Chytil-Kakko, Panarin heating up again, and Adam Fox's emergence as our possible #1 for hopefully the next decade. Some disappointments are definitely Jack Johnson, Ryan Strome, and David Quinn's decisions. Hopefully it starts to get solved now that we've gotten a few games under our belt. LGR.
27 (26.7) Anaheim Ducks - 2-2-2 The Anaheim Gibsons will live and die with the play of John Gibson, our lord and savior. This team will finish between 4-7th in the west depending on the goaltending tandem. Lead by top scoring wingers Nic Deslauriers and Max Comtois, this team has a very low expected goal total. If I were a betting man, I would bet the under in every game. The Ducks were in until the end on Pierre-Luc Dubios. The rumored package from the Ducks included Rakell and Steel. Personally, I am glad the Ducks did not pull the trigger on the trade or increase their offer to get Dubois. Not saying that he is not worth it, but for a rebuilding team like the Ducks, it would drag the team into a bubble playoff spot but they wouldn't have enough depth to really make noise in the playoffs. It would've prevented a rebuild from taking place and most likely wasted the prime of Gibson.
28 (27.26) Vancouver Canucks - 2-5-0 It has been an excellent start to the season for Canucks players who are no longer Canucks players. Indeed, things appear dismal out the gate for a club that had plenty of jump in the playoffs. It's still early in the season, but as they say, the early bird gets the worm, and the late whale gets the... opposite of the worm. Luckily, even with a sour start, Canucks fans get to enjoy proof that Hoglander's talent can translate to the NHL alongside proof that Juolevi does really exist. Otherwise, Bo Horvat is good and John Garrett is white.
29 (27.3) Chicago Blackhawks - 2-3-1 The Hawks are 8-for-19 on the PP with goals in all 6 games. Roster turnover has been intense with 4 players making their NHL debuts, and another 4 making their Blackhawks debuts. Pius Suter (3G, 1A - including a hat trick), Philipp Kurashev (2G), and Kevin Lankinen (2-0-1, .909 SV%) appear to be early wins for the European scouts. Connor Murphy leads the team in ATOI (22:27), has 2G, 3A and a 4-game point streak, and earned his 100th career point. The Hawks are currently in a playoff spot (but that may be a function of cancelled games in the Central).
30 (27.7) Detroit Red Wings - 2-4-0 The Red Wings this year came out with some decent performances to start the season. You could tell that the journeyman veterans that were brought in(Merrill, Staal, Stretcher,etc...)seem to fill enough of that gap so we could see three periods of competitive hockey during a red wings match. There are low expectations for this season however that shouldn't stop us from being able to stomach watching our team…Right??? In comes covid protocol wiping out six starters. We are back watching the, Wings with the depth of a kiddie pool flounder against teams not name Montreal, from last year. Bobby Ryan has been a fanatic story, Bertuzzi continues to dazzle with his tenacity, both Griess and Bernier are playing well enough, and Mantha is giving me Abdelkader flashbacks now that he has a nice big contract
31 (28.26) Ottawa Senators - 1-3-1 It's been a pretty interesting week and a half for the Senators. They won their first game by capitalizing on an (unsurprising) Toronto mental collapse, then lost their next game against Toronto but got the Jimmy Stü hype train off the tracks while playing them pretty closely. They then lost a game to Winnipeg that they should have won due to coaching decisions by DJ Smith that blew up in his face, before they just got outplayed in their second game against Winnipeg. The interesting thing (for me at least) is that winning the first game against Toronto and then keeping the second and third games pretty close (especially with Jimmy's amazing goal and the Chuk Norris line holding their own pretty well against competition), as well as the cool new jerseys being finally seen in action, seems to have raised expectations already for a lot of fans who were expecting another lottery pick going in. Playing against Vancouver next week should help fans figure out what this team is going to be this year.
submitted by HockeyPowerRanker to hockey [link] [comments]

Hunter or Huntress Chapter 87: Knight In Shining Armor

So then 87 coming out on schedule. I know I'm spoiling you today ;) Time to crank up the wholesomeness possibly beat the shit out of some random guy in the street and generally figuring out what the fuck to do next.
As per usual UnwaveringGrey and TwoFlower68 have done their level best to sanitize the chapter. If I managed to slip one past them do please report it to your nearest execution squad so it may be dealt with properly.
In other news, proper art is officially commissioned and likely due sometime later this month. I'm so excited! But without further ado let's get on with the story.
ko-fi For having a pretty picture commissioned.
Wiki Discord
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Chapter 87: Knight In Shining Armor
“Wait, she is your only healer?” Tom questioned.
“Yes, they are a rare breed, young man,” The lady replied very apologetically, almost bowing before him.
“No, don't do that,” Tom protested. “You people both suffered and survived, not to mention your son technically saved me and Jackalope. Hopefully, Unkai can lend a hand when he gets here then, ‘cause she is spent,” Tom glanced at the healer who was still sleeping up against the wall where she had been when he woke up.
The Lady looked like she was going to protest until he reached the last sentence. “You brought a healer with you? Out here?” The lady questioned, clearly not believing him entirely.
“We did, yes, in case we found wounded. And that we certainly did. I was just hoping we could have Jacky’s ears looked at, but I guess that will have to wait.”
“I’m sorry, but we don’t have anything else that can help I’m afraid.”
“I hate not knowing what’s going on,” Jackalope exclaimed, crossing her arms looking at the two of them with a distinctly unimpressed expression.
“I guess I’ll be miming to you for a bit longer. Actually no, I brought the note block. I will be just a second,” Tom replied walking jogging over to his backpack, the confused Jackalope following along.
“You got something that can fix ears in there?” she questioned hopefully. She was getting a bit better at keeping the volume down, though she was still rather loud. Then again, that was pretty standard all things considered.
Tom got out the block to begin noting things down for her. ‘We can't fix your ears, not yet at least. Other people need to be looked at first. Maybe when we get home.’
She did seem a little annoyed after reading that, sighing a bit and looking back up at him.
“So what now, we help clean this place up? Take up watch? Or just sit back and relax?”
“You two sit back for now. I won’t have you risking your lives for our skins and then cleaning up the mess as well,” the old granny replied, trying to speak up enough to be heard across the room. Tom certainly didn’t have a problem with that. He did not really feel like hard work right now.
Jacky was clearly sore and her breathing still wasn’t quite right, so he guessed she could use the rest as well. “Do you have a place we can stay, or… ?”
“Infirmary is full I’m afraid. We do have some rooms,” the old lady replied.
“Actually I think we have a big friend in need of a bit of company when he wakes up,” Tom replied, looking towards Jarix. “We will keep our stuff with us if shit hits the fan.”
“If it does what?”
“Right, uhm… goes south. If bad things start happening,” the lady looked at him more than a little confused, but she relented eventually.
“Yes, we don’t have many people left who could fight. I will bring you something to eat, for the blood loss. I don’t know if it will help for your kind but it couldn’t hurt.”
They made their way to Jarix, who was sleeping like a rock. Tom began taking off the very uncomfortable holsters and belts. He looked like a fucking joke right now. Goddamn Florida Man running around with guns and ammo in his damn underpants. He put down the equipment in nice little piles, rechecking that everything was loaded if he needed it.
He could hear Jackalope getting out of her armor behind him. That stuff wasn't the most comfortable to sleep in after all.
“You okay?” Jacky asked in a rather worried tone after a bit. “After yesterday you’re… you’re not quite the same.” Tom turned around to look at her. She was looking at him with an expression of genuine worry.
‘That obvious, huh?’ Tom thought to himself, shoulders sagging even more. He couldn’t even blame her for catching it. His head just wasn’t in it right now, whether that was because of the fighting, the screaming, the blood loss, bodies flying everywhere last night, the fact they weren’t quite out of the woods yet, or that the ones back home would soon be getting worried. They were supposed to be back tonight after all. He didn't even know what time it was apart from rather early. He was also still tired as fuck despite just getting up. There was just too much to worry about right now.
“Look at me, would you?” Jackalope demanded, a hint of hurt in her voice. Tom snapped up to look her in the eyes, feeling more than a little ashamed of that. “Just like Sapphire said, you worry about everything. You can’t not worry… Well right now, just try not to, okay? It’s gonna be fine.”
Tom did crack a little smile before looking back down at the floor. That was very far from guaranteed, there were still many things which could go wrong. What if this wasn’t the only raiding party? What if Bizmati Keep was a ruin? What if something had found the kids in the forest? What if Jackalope's ears couldn't be fixed? what if…
Jackalope grabbed him by the shoulder, turning him around to face away from her. Then she folded her arms and wings around him, lifted him off his feet, and backed up against Jarix's side. She sat down in the nook of the dragon’s armpit and snuggled up against the dragon while clutching Tom tightly.
“I’m never gonna have a cold night again,” she let out, sounding very content. “And you are in the safest place in the world. Here you're not allowed to worry about everything. You are in a locked-down keep, sleeping with a dragon and if that doesn't do it, Then I will, so relax… please dude.”
“That might be the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me,” Tom replied, not that she could hear it of course. “Well, except for saving my life a few times… you people do that a lot don’t you?.. What did I do to deserve you?” He tried to snuggle up a bit closer to her, even if that was hard to achieve in her current grip. Jarix’s slow steady breathing almost rocking them to sleep.
“Now I just want to ask you some questions, nothing more, so don’t panic,” Maiko went as they turned the guy around. The guy looked scared shitless to Sapphire. He was a rather short spindly fellow as well, so looked really unintimidating right about now.
“And just in case you think running is smart. I’m possibly the fastest flyer you have met and I won’t be gentle with my prey,” Sapphire added, trying to look menacing and baring her teeth, while Maiko was clearly going for the more friendly approach. The guy just swallowed once, looking at the two of them.
“I was just told to find out what you’re doing, I swear nothing more.”
“So what did you learn?” Maiko asked, still sounding very friendly.
“You go to the inventor's place regularly, you are making something weird, you have been to the Hashaw’s place, and you are staying at the Sweet Dragon.”
“And who are you supposed to give all this lovely information?” Maiko continued.
“I was just paid by some woman, I didn’t know her, I swear. She just asked if I wanted to make a bit of easy money.”
Sapphire opened her mouth a bit, letting out a deep growl. The guy was fidgeting nervously at that as Dakota, Balethon, and Junior trooped up behind him.
“I’m guessing rather fine clothes and perhaps some rather nice jewelry?” Dakota asked, causing the guy to go stiff.
“I mean yeah… she did look rather rich.”
“How were you supposed to let her know?”
“I should meet her at the big plaza in front of the trading guild tomorrow after breakfast.”
“Right, well first off that’s not going to happen,” Dakota went from behind him. “Secondly, if we catch you following us again I’ll let Sapphire here demonstrate why she isn't even allowed to compete in archery competitions. Am I clear?” Her voice was cold and calculating, the guy nodding rapidly. “Out of curiosity, what did she pay you.”
“15 silver.” ‘Well, for tailing someone that was a rather good pay.’ The guy didn't exactly look well off either, so Sapphire could see him taking that offer without a second thought.
“Actually, I think I might have a better idea,” Sapphire Interruptet. “What would we like them to know?” Dakota looked to Sapphire, her face turning into an evil grin.
“What do you say, Maiko?”
“I mean, if this guy doesn’t want to go to jail for disturbing the peace and spying on military matters he might be useful.” Sapphire was pretty sure you could not go to jail for that. Nor was this military matter, in any capacity. “So what do you say, willing to lend the Royal Guard and a few people in high standing with the king a hand, or do I need to get some manacles?” Maiko questioned, looking down at the guy.
“Treworian at your service, sir,” The man responded, eyes wide as the situation he found himself in seemingly hit him like a battering ram.
“Come with us then. We have some things to discuss,” Dakota went, nodding to the others.
They took the guy back to the workshop where Tink was currently busy repairing the damage to the magnet.
“Back so soon?”
“Yeah, we found a nosey little bastard.”
“And you brought him here?” Tink questioned, clearly not happy with that.
“Yes, we did. Now Treworian, may I call you Trewor?” Dakota questioned, turning to the man.
“Yes ma’am, of course,” he responded, eagerly. ‘God damn he’s scared,’ Sapphire mused to herself. They weren’t gonna hurt the dude unless they had to, but it was probably best he didn’t know that.
“As you can see, we are making very dangerous new weapons here, under the authority of the king no less.” Tink looked ready to protest when Junior kicked him in the shin, shutting him up. “Have you heard of the attacks on the outlying keeps?”
Trewor nodded, looking around the room worriedly at all the strange bits and bobs.
“We are looking to put an end to that once and for all. Now the reason I’m showing you all this is because if you tell anyone that is treason, and you know what that means.” ‘Oh you evil genius,’ Sapphire thought to herself, doing a gesture of Trewor falling a very long way down, convincing sounds included. The guy went even paler than before.
“So what I want you to do, is tell the sweet lady who hired you that we are making some kind of invention as a present for the King himself and that it looks very expensive and very complicated. So you can’t possibly figure out what it is. But you did manage to sneak in while we were out and read a very official-looking document, stating who had hired us, and that the present is expected to be done in time for… Anyone know when there is some sort of big event coming up with the royal family?” Dakota questioned looking around.
“One of the princes is graduating from the academy this summer I think,” Maiko responded.
“That will do. A present for the prince in time for his graduation. Can you do that?”
“Sure can, don’t you worry. I ain’t no traitor”
“Very good. Now, remember, if you tell her the truth it’s a long way down okay?”
“A very long way indeed,” Sapphire added, with as much venom in her voice as she could manage. Trewor just nodded furiously.
“Good lad, now run along now, you have work to do,” Dakota continued, letting go of him. Trewor stormed out the door, Junior going over to close it after him.
They all stood there for a second before everyone except Tink broke out laughing.
“You’re all crazy” The inventor finally went in a disapproving tone, Which only caused Sapphire to laugh even harder.
When Tom woke up again, he was greeted by a dragon's head lying on the ground in front of him, staring at him with a sly smile.
“Someone got comfortable?” Jarix questioned, sounding very pleased with himself.
“You're just jealous; no one is big enough to wrap you up like this,” Tom replied from his prison of safety. “What time is it?”
“Hmmph, no clue, it’s getting late though. They brought you something because you decided to spray blood everywhere. Oh and your clothes. The girl tried to apologize for not being able to get them properly clean. That took a bit of explaining.”
Tom chuckled at that. “I’m sure it did... Wait did they use you as a washing line?”
“It looked wet, so why not?” Jarix responded. Tom cracked a proper smile at that.
“The world's most expensive washing assistant.”
“Yeah… Not exactly the world’s best night fighter, that’s for sure,” Jarix let out with a sigh. “I have never had my ass whopped that hard before.”
“Hey! You don’t get to feel sorry about that. You killed all three of those big bastards. And no one seems to know what they were... I never thought I would need to tell you this but be a little proud of that.” Jarix did perk up a bit at that, not much though.
“I only got two, and the last one would have gotten me I think... But I did tell you, you would be great at getting things off my back, hey. Even if that was not quite how I intended it”
“Can’t argue with that. By the way, have your decades of training to become a perfect killing machine told you what they might be?”
“No, I got nothing. Definitely a foul thing. It must have been able to see me approach to land that hit.”
“Yeah, if it sees like a bat then that thing sees using sound.”
“Wait, what?” Jarix questioned. “Can't they just see well in the dark?”
“Nope, they use their ears. That was no ordinary bat though, that is for damn sure.”
“No it was not… I’ve been thinking. My father said the darklings had a ride they kept falling back to when they attacked him… Do you think we just found what it was?”
Tom had to think about that for a bit. “Fuck, it might be… Is that bad?”
“Yes. Very! That means they have a new way of traveling long distances. That’s never good.” Tom felt Jackalope begin to stir as Jarix talking jostled the two of them around a bit.
“No Tom, you’re not leaving yet, this is nice,” she let out still half asleep, squeezing Tom tighter.
“I think for the Time being we need not worry, we just killed three of them there can’t be more around or they would be everywhere”
Jarix looked rather curiously at their arrangement. “Shouldn’t we worry? This could be very bad, we can't just sit here”
“Not much to do except let the people who can do something about it know. We were supposed to scout not fight. So let’s just worry about that and the kids for now. Besides, you aren't going anywhere in a hurry, right?” Jarix looked rather ashamed as he craned his head to look at this own back, expression turning pained.
“No, I am not.”
“Well then, neither am I and neither is Jacky. Unkai is needed here. And we aren’t sending Zarko alone. Even if Jacky or Unkai could find their way back to the keep… Actually, Jacky is deaf so that would be kinda hard… And Unkai might not even know… Well, that settles it then, we aren’t going anywhere 'till you can fly again.”
“Maybe we could get some of these nice people to fly the message. We were sent by the king remember”
“I mean maybe… perhaps at some point. Are my clothes dry yet?”
“They don’t feel cold anymore, so I guess so.”
Tom squirmed a bit to try and get free but Jackalope simply squeezed tighter. Jarix suppressed a snicker. “Uhh, I guess that’s nice to know. Jacky, I know you’re awake… goddammit.” Tom tried, Jarix starting to giggle properly.
“She’s got you now.”
“Well if you didn't want me to leave I don’t think I could either,” Tom retorted looking up at the dragon. “All joking aside, you did fucking amazing out there. I’m just sorry I couldn’t nail that bastard on your back sooner.”
“That hurt like hell. Also, don’t tell her, but I think Jackalope shot me.”
“Jarix, how bad is lead for a dragon?” Tom questioned.
“Don’t tell me they need to dig it out?”
“I mean they don't need to, but it’s in there now. And it’s made from copper and lead.”
Jarix looked over all the wounds strewn over him. The dragonettes had done a good job of patching most of them up, though several of the bandages were leaking fresh blood.
“I think it’ll stay in. Their healer would be done for 10 times over, trying to fix that mess I guess. So much for looking like a million gold.” Jarix seemed genuinely distraught at that.
“Hey think of it this way. You’re the first dragon ever to be shot with a gun. Have you ever heard the expression ‘Knight in shining armor’ by the way?”
“Yeah, like some young prince who everyone wants.”
“Well, would you look at that, a metaphor that transcends worlds? It actually means a man who has yet to be tested. That is why his armor is shiny. He hasn’t seen battle yet.”
“Couldn’t he just get it fixed and polished?”
“Maybe, but his armor would still carry scars of battle and most will leave them undisturbed as marks of experience. Just like you will now. Congratulations. You’ve been tested and you sure as fuck weren’t found wanting, you magnificent bastard.”
“Does that mean I passed a lesson?” Jarix questioned, seemingly very excited all of a sudden.
“With flying colors. Pun intended, not that I doubted you could fight” Tom joked cracking a smile “There are more to go through. And remember chicks dig scars.”
“Why do I want to impress a young chicken?”
“I guess that one doesn’t translate. Girls, Jarix. Girls love scars… Well some of them at least.”
“Ahhh that makes more sense, my back is gonna look wicked in that case… eventually.”
“Just think of Baron. He looked badass, didn’t he?”
“Sure, but most of those are from epic battles in the history books. He’s so freaking cool. I was told stories about him and the other veterans growing up.”
“You don’t think this one is going in there?”
“It’s just some battle for a keep. That happens all the time.”
‘Well, that is a rather depressing thought…' Tom hadn’t gotten that impression from the others though. “I don’t think you’re right, didn’t you say you had no clue what those bat things were? The first one is always remembered. You might be the first to ever kill one and the first to win a battle against them. First are always remembered.”
Jarix seemed to ponder that for a second before he lit up. “You mean I’m gonna be going in the history books for this?” he replied with genuine excitement in his voice.
“Well it’s possible, don’t you think? Besides if that doesn’t cut it, being the first dragon to carry a gun should damn well do the trick. You didn't even think of that?”
“I just wanted to win... “
“Bravo. That’s how it’s done,” Tom was actually genuinely surprised by that and really rather happy. It was clear this mattered to Jarix. Tom guessed he had been used to big battles with colorful depictions of heroes and their deeds. “You need to win no matter what, because history is written by the victor. I’m willing to bet that most of those stories you have heard aren’t really true. War is always a shit show, but if you win you can claim it wasn’t.”
“That is rather depressing,” Jarix responded.
“You remember what I said a while ago? Glory is your reward for doing terrible deeds, not to mention going through hell, hopefully for a good cause. We did that yesterday. That was all for a good cause, and that can’t be taken from you. So again, congratulations, big blue hero.”
“Well at what point are the two little ‘heroes’ gonna move? I haven't moved a muscle for an hour fearing I might squash you.”
“You are gonna have to take that one up with Jackalope,” Tom replied. He didn’t really want to get up, he was perfectly comfortable here, even if he was wondering how Jackalope wasn’t uncomfortable he was literally sitting in her lap and had been for hours by now. He should probably eat whatever was in that bowl too. It didn’t look particularly appetizing though.
“Why haven't we heard anything yet?” Balethon questioned, between bites of dinner.
“Don’t know, might have stayed a little at Deriva? I would. It’s not often we get to see them, and the Lady there is very kind,” Sapphire replied in a hopeful tone. She was not sure she believed that though.
“They have Jarix with them. He could outrun almost anything,” Maiko replied. “If it was bad news, we would have heard from them by now. Likely this morning actually.”
“Unless they were dumb enough to try and help,” Dakota added in, sounding worried.
“I mean, Zarko follows orders, Unkai would likely be too scared, they won’t listen to Jacky. So that puts it down to Tom and Jarix,” Sapphire replied, thinking that over for a second. “Would Tom risk it?”
“I have no idea. Nunuk said he sounded troubled at the notion of even leaving the keep. But dammit if he is one to look the other way,” Dakota answered again before looking to Maiko. “What about Jarix?”
“Oh, he would for sure, but isn’t that what Tom had been trying to teach him not to do? Besides, I think he would listen to Zarko on that front. That and he has orders to follow, from the king no less.” Maiko certainly didn’t seem worried.
“Tom won’t give a shit about those orders though,” Sapphire stated plainly, scoring a double take from Maiko. “But he might decide to play hero, and with Jacky along… And Jarix possibly looking for an excuse...” ‘Fuck they might actually do it,’ Sapphire concluded to herself as she looked around at the others. “What would we do if they tried to help?”
“Not much we can do. We’re stuck here for the time being,” Dakota replied, looking like she had already arrived at Sapphire’s conclusion.
“Well if they don’t return… We would be launching an investigative force,” Maiko replied, clearly not pleased with that notion. “If they engaged, though, there is a good chance they are licking their wounds. I wouldn’t be concerned yet. As I said, Jarix is damn near the fastest flyer around these days. If you don’t need to go too far.”
“So they saw a keep in trouble, lent a hand, then ran away to lick their wounds. Or, they went in, won the battle, and are celebrating merrily with the people they saved. Sounds good to me. As long as too many didn't get hurt,” Balethon added, mouth half full of food. “How long until you send someone to mop up what’s left?”
“Oh, I don’t know. A few days... Maybe a week,” Maiko replied dismissively.
“I say we worry about it then, hey? Besides, as you said, we can’t do anything about it,” Balethon continued, while still eating. “I think we need to be more concerned with the people who might just be trying to kill us.”
Sapphire didn't really like this. In most of the situations they talked about, people would likely get hurt and it might well be someone she cared about. Tom was a good friend, sure. But she had known Jackalope for many years; she might be her closest friend in fact, despite their rivalry. “They better be fine. I've been doing too much praying as of late, and it doesn't seem to be working. I think it’s about time it does”
“Isn’t that something to do with only praying when you need something?” Balethon questioned.
“Well what should I pray for then? That someone got hurt or worse?” Sapphire replied in a rather annoyed tone.
“I think you need to give thanks for what you got. Not done much praying though,” he responded.
“Okay so. Dear Lotek, thank you for our safe journey here. Would you please ask Ishan not to take my friend from me?”
“Don’t say things like that, Everyone is fine. I’m sure.” Dakota demanded, sounding like she needed to convince herself just as much as the others. “Besides, even if they did decide to help a keep, they have both Tom and a damn dragon of the Royal Guard. What exactly survives that?” She didn’t sound entirely convinced of that statement either though. Even if it was one hell of an argument.
“Sorry. I’m just worried, okay?” Sapphire apologized.
“Let’s just give a prayer for everyone to get home safe tonight, and then worry about the things we can do something about.” Maiko interjected, clearly trying to ease things a bit.
When they had made it to bed, Dakota had a chat with Nunuk about what had happened. Even if there wasn’t much to report beyond Trewor. Crucially though, no news from the keep. Everything was as it should be apart from no Jarix and crew.
“Do you think this Trewor guy gonna stab us in the back?” Sapphire questioned after giving Dakota a second to catch her breath after the experience.
“I think he is too scared to try and double-cross us. He wants to live. That was damn clever of Maiko, I damn near believed it myself.”
“Yeah, the guy has a knack for this kind of thing it seems. I’m starting to see why Hashaw sent him. Besides just not wanting him around. And it was brilliant about the weapons. Even if Trewor does betray us, the bitch is gonna be scared shitless anyway.”
“She sure is,” Dakota replied with an evil grin.
So then. The girls in the big city are hitting back, Jacky is doing her best to help her stressed to shit boyfriend and Jarix might have gotten a childhood wish fulfilled. Did you enjoy the chapter if so do let me know down below. Alternatively, let me know just how badly I fucked up.
Until next time Have an awesome day.
ko-fi For having a pretty picture commissioned.
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Being able to calculate how much a bet returns for any given stake is one of the basics of betting and our Bet Calculator simplifies this process for bettors. A bet can be broken down into two elements; the Stake - how much you risk, and the Payout - your potential return including your Stake. The most common type of bet is a single, but bettors can combine different bets into one and place a ... Calculate your winnings with the bet calculator for Singles, Doubles, Trebles, Accumulators, Lucky 15 / 31 / 63, Trixies, Patents, Round Robins, Goliaths and. Total payout. Profit for hedging X bet. Arbitrage calculator In addition to welcoming arbitrage bettors, Calculator also provides an Arbitrage Calculator to help. How to Use an Odds Calculator. Poker odds calculate the chances of you ... Free Bet Calculator. You can use our main free bet calculator below to work out the winning of any bet: Fill in the ENTER BET DETAILS box. Firstly, select your BET TYPE and choose which type of bet you are wanting to calculate the winnings for. Select if the bet was win or each way. Choose the number of selections in your bet (if an accumulator). Bet Calculators Explained. A bet calculator is another innovation brought on by the modern era of online sports betting. Simply put, it is an app or program which allows punters to quickly calculate the potential winnings before they make a bet.Other calculators also allow you to things like implied chances. These calculations are based on the betting odds the bookie offers, the type of bet ... Before making any bet, it helps to know what you're risking for the expected payout. Enter Your 'Bet Amount' - that's what you're risking, along with the American, fractional or decimal odds. See what your total payout and winnings will be. Bet Calculator. Work out potential winnings for any type of bet or check winning bets have been settled correctly with our bet calculator. Enter your stake, bet type, odds (fractional or decimal), place terms (if applicable) and then hit the calculate button. In order to calculate your potential profit, simply multiply this number by your wager, and then subtract the amount of your wager to get your profit. So, if you bet $100 on this fighter at 1.80, your calculation would look like this: $100 * 1.80 = $180 $180 - $100 = $80 You'd be looking at a profit of $80. If the odds were something like 3.60, it would look like this: $100 * 3.60 = $360 $360 - $100 = $260 Your potential profit in this case would be $260 American Odds Calculate bet returns for Accumulators, Lucky 15's, Doubles, Trebles, Football, Horse Racing and more. The most comprehensive and reliable bet calculator. Multiply this number by your original bet to calculate total winnings. In the example, if you had bet $200, you would receive $1,300. The returns are then combined to calculate your winnings. If you have specified ‘Equally divided’ The returns from each event are split 50/50, half to the win, and half to the each way and then subsequently combined to calculate your winnings. Place odds vary according to the number of ‘runners’ within an event. In horse racing this is defined as:

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F1 ManagerBest Winning Strategies With Hard Tires - YouTube

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calculate your bet winnings

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